Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1086

In the pavilion in the Lin family\'s backyard, Lin Luoshui smiled gently: "Miss Wenjun, you must be here in the middle of the night? This is..." Lin Luoshui saw Ye Yu standing aside at a glance. When he heard Lin Luoshui mention himself, Ye Yu immediately hugged his hands in his chest and shouted loudly: "it\'s raining leaves!" The full manly spirit was beyond Lin Luoshui\'s expectation.

Lin Luoshui was a little surprised at first. Why did a woman act like this, and then smiled: "this girl Ye Yu, you are a member of the army?"

"Exactly, exactly. How could aunt know?"

Lin Luoshui covered his mouth and smiled: "how can a woman salute like this? Only a girl in the army can have your demeanor." Lin Luoshui turned to look at Ouyang Wenjun: "Miss Wenjun, this late night visit is more related to this woman in the army?"

So far, Ye Yu has always lowered his head and dared not look at Lin Luoshui. Ouyang Wenjun smiled and whispered, holding Lin Luoshui\'s hand: "Aunt, Ye Yu is the vice captain next to Li Guo. When I come to Luoyang this time, I\'m going to report you peace for Li Guo. After all, when Luoyang returns, you must know what their brothers did in Lingnan city. Li Guo specially asked Ye Yu to report you peace. Second, she also came by to see you."

Hearing what Ouyang Wenjun said, Lin Luoshui immediately understood something. She smiled and said to Ye Yu, "Miss Ye Yu, you don\'t have to be so formal. You are the vice captain next to Guo\'er. You must have fought side by side with me before? I didn\'t expect that there would be female generals around my son. Please sit down."

Ye Yu sat on the stone bench and rubbed his hands nervously, just like the heroic posture of staying with the members of the army. Ouyang Wenjun coughed and heard Ouyang Wenjun\'s "reminder" , Ye Yu reacts and slowly raises her head after correcting her sitting posture. When she sees Lin Luoshui\'s face, Ye Yu is stunned. Even if a deep scar is left on her face, it is still difficult to cover up her beautiful face. As for the scar, Ye Yu also learned from Li Guo. It is because she knows Lin Luoshui\'s infatuation that Ye Yu doesn\'t bother Li Guo\'s feelings.

"Miss Ye Yu, frightening you?" Lin Luoshui smiled gently. His motherly smile warmed Ye Yu\'s heart. Ye Yu quickly shook his hands: "no, no, I just haven\'t seen such a beautiful beauty. No, no, I don\'t mean that. I mean you\'re too bright."

Looking at Ye Yu who was tongue tied and overwhelmed, Lin Luoshui smiled and said, "Miss Ye Yu, why are you so nervous? Although you and I met for the first time, it doesn\'t need to be so serious."

Ouyang Wenjun whispered, "there are heroes in the army. This hero is naturally her captain."

Lin Luoshui suddenly realized that the smile on his face was more obvious: "I see." she turned to look at the red faced Ye Yu. At this time, she didn\'t hear the dialogue between Ouyang Wenjun and Lin Luoshui just now. She was immersed in the embarrassment of saying something wrong: "Miss Ye Yu, don\'t you know what Guo\'er asked you to bring me?" Lin Luoshui knows that the best way to resolve Ye Yu\'s embarrassment is to make her feel relaxed, and the relaxed topic is naturally inseparable from Li Guo, and Lin Luoshui also wants to know more about Li Guo from Ye Yu\'s mouth. Although Li Luoyang has described it before, Ye Yu is the person around Li Guo after all, and must know more than Li Luoyang.

"Captain Li Guo asked me to tell you that he is very well now. The imperial court did not punish him about Lingnan city. According to the plan of Luoyang, Li Guo has successfully evaded the possible punishment of the imperial court. Now he has returned to the military camp."

"That\'s good, that\'s good. Luoyang will certainly not let Guo\'er have an accident. Luoyang has told me everything that happened in Lingnan city before. Although there is a guarantee from Luoyang, I still don\'t trust it. This may be a mother\'s worry."

Ye Yu nodded and whispered, "aunt, Captain Li Guo also asked me to tell you that general Zhou Xiangong has returned. After Li Luoyang left Lingnan City, Captain Li Guo originally planned to leave, but at the last moment he met two generals Wu Ying and Wu phosphorus. The two generals brought Li Guo to general Zhou Xiangong. They exchanged for a long time. As for the content, Captain Li Guo didn\'t tell him."

Lin Luoshui nodded and said softly, "Zhou Xiangong\'s business has nothing to do with me. Let him deal with it by himself. Remember to tell your son after you go back that you rely on your own ability in the military camp, not on any relationship. My mother doesn\'t want to embarrass Zhou Xiangong, let alone have anything to do with it."

"Yes, yes."

Looking at Ye Yu with a serious face, Lin Luoshui smiled: "Miss Ye Yu, you\'re here again. Why are you still so formal? You should feel free here. Don\'t call Hu Guoer the captain. Just call him Li Guo."


Ouyang Wenjun, who was on the other side, said, "aunt asked you to call it that. Just call it that. I said there are not so many rules here."

"Miss Wenjun still knows me. Although I\'m Lin\'s parent daughter, I don\'t like flowers from childhood. Compared with my girlfriends, I prefer and appreciate girls who practice martial arts. They are often straightforward and jealous of evil. It\'s a pity that I don\'t have talent for martial arts, otherwise I\'m willing to go to the ends of the world with a sword."

Lin Luoshui\'s words made Ye Yu feel a lot more relaxed: "aunt Lin flattered me. I came here not only to see you for Li, but also to find Li Luoyang. Li Guo asked me to tell him some words, and also conveyed some changes after he left Lingnan city. I don\'t know if Li Luoyang had visited aunt before?"

Lin Luoshui didn\'t directly answer Ye Yu, but turned to look at Ouyang Wenjun. Ouyang Wenjun naturally understood Lin Luoshui\'s intention. She smiled and said, "aunt, don\'t worry. Li Guo and Li Luoyang still fully trust ye Yu. You can tell the truth." Ouyang Wenjun knew that Lin Luoshui was keeping vigilant. Now for her, the safety of her two sons is the most important, She doesn\'t want to easily reveal Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts to anyone.

With Ouyang Wenjun\'s words, Lin Luoshui was relieved: "Luoyang did come here yesterday. At that time, he also met Mo Yuntian. Fortunately, he hid in Luoyang."

Ye Yu nodded and continued to ask, "aunt, do you know Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts now?"

Lin Luoshui shook his head and said slowly, "Luoyang only said he would hide in Luoyang City. As for the specific location, he didn\'t tell me. I guess the boy was afraid of me, so he deliberately concealed his plan."

Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "that\'s natural. Luoyang knows better than anyone what to do. Now the situation in Luoyang city is so complicated. He knows that he\'s afraid you\'ll worry about him after you know his plan."

"This silly boy, I\'m actually very good here. They don\'t need to take risks to do something dangerous for me." after Lin Luoshui sighed, he got a cup of wine for Ouyang Wenjun and Ye Yu. He drank it all alone, full of sadness.