Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1085

In the dark, under the leadership of Ouyang Wenjun, Ye Yu came to the door of the Lin family. After some housekeeping, the guard let Ouyang Wenjun enter the Lin family from the side door. The Lin family has been in contact for many times. The Lin family has not interfered with Lin Luoshui\'s meeting with friends. As long as Lin Luoshui doesn\'t leave the Lin family, no one in the Lin family will be deliberately embarrassed. Zhou Xiangong exists, The Lin family really dare not force Lin Luoshui to a dead end.

The Lin family knows and knows that people often visit Lin Luoshui. As long as Lin Luoshui is not involved in leaving, the Lin family also turns a blind eye. There is no need to tear the cheek with Zhou Xiangong. Moreover, the elders of the Lin family also want to use Lin Luoshui. If the daughter of the Lin family can marry the military God, it will be the greatest benefit to the Lin family.

Following Ouyang Wenjun to the Lin\'s backyard, Ye Yu felt a burst of tension. The other party was Li Guo and Li Luoyang\'s mother. Although the relationship between himself and Li Guo was only between his superiors and subordinates, after all, there was still a trace of emotion in Ye Yu\'s heart. It was inevitable that Ye Yu would feel nervous at this time.

Similarly, as a woman, Ouyang Wenjun saw the difference of Ye Yu at a glance. The heroine with extraordinary momentum was like a little woman, with her head down and fingers turned, and a touch of ruddy on her face. Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "Captain Ye Yu, why are you so nervous?"

"No, it\'s okay."

"I wonder if there is another relationship between captain Ye Yu and Li Guo?"

Ye Yu\'s face became more red. She didn\'t answer your question in the face of Ouyang stationery.

The corner of Ouyang Wenjun\'s mouth rose slightly and said slowly, "if you don\'t answer, you will acquiesce? No wonder Li Guo trusts you so much and will tell you their brothers\' plans in the future. It seems that the relationship between you is really not shallow." the reason why Ouyang Wenjun can trust Ye Yu at this time is that Li Guo and Ye Yu know their plans to save his mother in Luoyang, It is impossible for outsiders to know this except those trusted by Li Guo and Li Luoyang. It is precisely because of this understanding that Ouyang Wenjun can fully trust ye Yu, otherwise she will not bring Ye Yu to see Lin Luoshui.

"It\'s not what you think. I, Li and I are just comrades in arms."

Ouyang Wenjun frowned and said slowly, "look at your expression, I understand. Are you secretly in love with Li Guo? But I also heard about Li Guo and Wu Nian, so you didn\'t express your feelings to Li Guo?" Ouyang Wenjun had heard about Li Guo and Wu Nian for a long time, and Ouyang Wenjun thought that Li Guo entered the military camp, In order to fulfill his commitment to the Wu family, Jin Jia was qualified to propose marriage to the Wu family when he was dressed. Later, Ouyang Wenjun learned that Li had entered the military camp, which was arranged by Li Luoyang.

"I don\'t talk about my children\'s private affairs in the military camp. I\'d like to follow captain Li Guo, even against the imperial court."

"I see. You\'re a majestic girl in armor, but you\'re shy when you put on this ordinary dress. I have no right to ask about your relationship with Li, but my sister wants to remind you that this excellent man charms all sentient beings. Li Guo\'s talent can be seen by all. At a young age, she won the position of captain under Zhou Xiangong, and her strength is beyond doubt It\'s rare for a man to be in this troubled world. If you don\'t seize the opportunity, don\'t regret it at that time. "

Ye Yu smiled and looked up at Ouyang Wenjun: "what about Li Luoyang? I know that when Li Luoyang came to Luoyang City, you were the first person to contact. At this time, you are also running Wenjun Yazhu with you. Do you know many things about him better than us? Compared with Li Guo, Li Luoyang is more excellent. For example, as you just reminded, why don\'t you hurry up?"

Ouyang Wenjun shook the Pu fan and said with a smile, "my relationship with Li Luoyang is simpler. He is my brother and I am his sister. That\'s all. How can I be attracted to a little brother when I\'m more than years away from him?"

"Really? Apart from his age and appearance, where does Li Luoyang look like a young boy? He is experienced and decisive, and even many generals in the army may not be as far sighted as him. You have seen all kinds of men who are in charge of elegant buildings as a literary monarch. Have you ever seen a man better than Li Luoyang? I\'m afraid you can find him in Luoyang."

Ouyang Wenjun smiled: "don\'t mention Luoyang City. It\'s hard to find the second Li Luoyang in this troubled world. This boy is really unexpected. The good wine brewed at a young age is shocking. No one can predict his future achievements. He is really excellent. I\'m ashamed of himself."

Looking at a trace of loss on Ouyang Wenjun\'s face, Ye Yu smiled: "I see. You are actually the same as me. Hide your feelings in your heart. Do you think Li Luoyang is too excellent to deserve him? Isn\'t that the same as me and captain Li Guo?"

Ouyang Wenjun laughed and whispered, "I know it\'s impossible for me to be with him, but you\'re different. You get the moon first, and it\'s inevitable that you will have feelings over time. You\'re still young. You have plenty of opportunities. My sister advises you to seize the years and don\'t regret your life when you\'re old."

"I hope you too."

"Each other."

As they talked, they came to the pavilion in the backyard. Lin Luoshui had already fallen asleep. Looking at the wine pots and glasses on the table in the pavilion, Ye Yu whispered, "it\'s too late. Why don\'t we come back tomorrow?" Ye Yu naturally didn\'t want to disturb Lin Luoshui\'s rest. Somehow, Ye Yu also wanted to perform well in front of Lin Luoshui, At least he didn\'t want to leave a bad impression on Lin Luoshui, so he proposed to leave temporarily.

Ouyang Wenjun sat at the stone table, smiled and said slowly, "don\'t worry. Although my aunt doesn\'t know martial arts, her heart is like a mirror. She knows the danger in the Lin family and won\'t put down her guard every day. When we enter the backyard, my aunt must have known."

When ye Yu was about to say something, a slight fire lit up in the wooden house on one side. The people inside had woken up and were changing clothes at this time.

Ye Yu suddenly stood nervously aside. Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "don\'t be so nervous. You just came to protect Li and ask about the whereabouts of Luoyang. Now it\'s like you\'re coming to see your future mother-in-law. Aunt Lin is a very gentle and approachable person and won\'t give you too much pressure. Just don\'t give yourself pressure."

Ye Yu still nodded stiff. Even so, she still felt unprecedented tension. She was not afraid of the battlefield sand, and she was not afraid of being an enemy with the imperial court in the future. At this time, she was like a clever and sensible little girl, which surprised Ouyang Wenjun.

The female general Han Lu is shy, because he wants to see his sweetheart\'s mother at this time. Ouyang Wenjun shakes the Pu fan and keeps staring at Ye Yu with a red face. Ye Yu keeps his head down and hears the sound of the wooden door opening. Ye Yu suddenly becomes more nervous.

Ouyang Wenjun slowly stood up and bowed to Lin Luoshui who came to the pavilion: "aunt Lin, let\'s meet again."