Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1084

After cleaning up the body, aunt Hong looked at Huang Ying with a smile: "Miss, Ge Cheng deserves it. I\'m not killing my colleagues?"

"You don\'t kill Biren, but Biren dies because of you, aunt Hong. Don\'t think I don\'t know your intention. Ouyang Wenjun has no intention to rebuild cooperation with our merchant Federation. The reason why you say this is that the headquarters wants to punish Ge Cheng completely and let him disappear in the world forever." Huang Ying knows aunt Hong and Ouyang Wenjun very well, She knew that Aunt Hong just wanted Ge Cheng\'s life.

Seeing that her mind was exposed, aunt Hong smiled: "Miss, this Luoyang City Merchants\' Federation is Ge Cheng\'s lifelong effort. Will he honestly give it to me? Even if he leaves this position and leaves the merchants\' Federation, he will find a way to calculate me against me. I am a weak woman who has just arrived in Luoyang. She is not familiar with her life. On the one hand, she has to manage the merchants\' Federation, and on the other hand, she is always on guard against Ge Cheng\'s revenge , I have so much energy? But I didn\'t lie. Ge Cheng really asked Ouyang Wenjun for something too much. "

Huang Ying waved her hand and said slowly, "it\'s all right. Anyway, the punishment of Ge Cheng by the headquarters was like this. I fought for the chance to survive for him. I only blame him for his selfishness."

Hearing what Huang Ying said, aunt Hong also turned the matter over: "Miss Huang Ying, have you ever asked whether Li Luoyang has returned after you came back?" Li Luoyang is the most interesting person of aunt Hong, the creator of the gods and the Yao Chi Lu Lu, the inventor of perfume, the young talent of a young grade, and the red aunt also knows that he is the biggest enemy of the Federation of Luoyang merchants. Before talking to Ouyang Wenjun, aunt Hong also found that Yang Wenjun was loyal to Li Luoyang, even if Wen Jun Ya had built such a dangerous edge at this time. Yang Wenjun also had to wait for Li Luoyang\'s return without making any decision.

Huang Ying nodded and said slowly, "I sent someone to investigate Wenjun Yazhu. Li Luoyang did not return. In Luoyang City, we are not only watching whether Li Luoyang returns, but also six gates, Sima Yingming and Lin Luoshui are paying attention to Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts. However, it\'s strange that Li Luoyang seems to have suddenly evaporated in the world. There is no news at all."

Aunt Hong smiled: "If he doesn\'t return, it\'s just what we want. I\'ll find a way to get the secret recipe from Ouyang Wenjun. Didn\'t Ge Cheng just say that? Yaochi Yulu is a good wine specially brewed by Li Luoyang to make up for the drunkenness of immortals. Before, because Ge Cheng monopolized the raw materials for the drunkenness of immortals, Li Luoyang had to brew this yaochi Yulu with other raw materials. Originally, this matter would be given to the merchant Federation A heavy blow. The raw materials purchased with real gold and silver naturally became useless. But God gave us this opportunity. Before Li Luoyang could give Ouyang Wenjun the secret recipe of yaochi Yulu, he disappeared. "

Huang Ying nodded with her wine glass: "without the secret recipe of yaochi Yulu, Wenjun Yazhu can\'t brew yaochi Yulu naturally. For Wenjun Yazhu, Ouyang Wenjun is likely to choose the only way to find raw materials. If Ge Cheng didn\'t make a mistake, we can at least let Ouyang Wenjun owe us our favor and have the opportunity to rebuild cooperation in the future."

"In fact, it\'s not too late now. I\'ve just returned from Wenjun Yazhu, and there are few guests. There are no stocks of immortals drunk. According to Ouyang Wenjun\'s own story, Wenjun Yazhu still has a lot of jade dew in yaochi. I think she just forced a smile and reluctantly supported it. Why don\'t we take this opportunity to send some raw materials to Ouyang Wenjun to show our attitude? She hated Ge before Yes, and now I am the head of the merchant Federation. There is no hatred between me and her. As long as the trust between both sides is established, it is the first step of cooperation. "

"Are you going to contact Ouyang Wenjun directly?"

"Miss, Ouyang Wenjun and I met for the first time just now, without any resentment. As long as Ouyang Wenjun didn\'t know that you were the one who assassinated Wenjun Yazhu last time, he wouldn\'t hate the merchant Federation, and naturally he wouldn\'t target me. I\'m confident that I can get her trust a little bit, and finally find a way to let her, like Yang Yanwen, give us the secret recipe of immortality intoxication 。”

"That\'s very good. I was blocked when I entered Wenjun Yazhu that day, but they didn\'t find out. Ge Cheng didn\'t know about it. Naturally, they couldn\'t know. Now that you are the person in charge here, implement the plan yourself. Get familiar with the partners of Luoyang businessmen\'s Federation and the workers here as soon as possible. I want to remind you that most of the workers here are I don\'t know if there are any relatives or confidants of Ge Cheng from the beginning to the present. Be careful when employing people. "

Aunt Hong raised her mouth slightly and looked at the guard in the corridor outside the door: "it\'s hard to be loyal to me after following others for many years. The plan in Luoyang City has not started yet. I don\'t want a traitor around me. A plan is leaked and a game of chess will fail. Miss, do you think I will make such a low-level mistake?"

"What are you going to do?"

"It\'s natural to reshuffle the cards, miss. Don\'t forget that the goods in our hands can\'t be any worse. You know this better than I do. If Ge Cheng\'s confidant here divulges the secrets of these goods in order to avenge him, there will be chaos in Luoyang City. At that time, the merchants cooperating with us will be disappointed with us and may cause a refund I can\'t afford this ending. "

"This batch of goods is to be distributed to all the medicine shops in Luoyang that cooperate with us. They will buy it at the price of advanced Jinchuang medicine and circulate it to the market. If they know the secret, it will certainly cause a commotion. Your worry is not unreasonable. If someone deliberately retaliates, it will be enough to make the merchant Federation in Luoyang fall into a state of doom. What do you want Don\'t do it. Let go. I\'ll send my people to cooperate with you later. You can completely order them. These people are brought by me from the headquarters. There\'s no doubt about their loyalty, but you have to deal with them clean to avoid complications. "

"Don\'t worry, miss. I will certainly do it well."

At night, more than a dozen people quietly entered the workers\' rest room of Luoyang City merchants Federation, and each knife took their lives in the workers\' sleep. In the open space in the backyard of the merchants Federation, the long dug pit became a place for the accumulation of bodies.

Aunt Hong stood at the edge of the pit and looked at more than 30 bodies in the pit. She smiled helplessly: "don\'t blame me. If you want to blame yourself, blame yourself for following the wrong person. Don\'t blindly chase and worship below. Ge Cheng is not a good master. Rest in peace, everyone."

Buried in new soil, how did they ever think that this land they are familiar with has finally become their destination.