Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1083

"Ouyang Wenjun\'s decision is entirely because of you, Ge Cheng." aunt Hong looked at GE Cheng with a smile.

"Me? Why?" Ge Cheng frowned and asked in a low voice. He had the illusion that he could regain his position, because Aunt Hong\'s sentence was hit to the bottom in an instant.

"Did Ouyang Wenjun look for you two days ago?" aunt Hong smiled, took the wine pot at hand and poured wine into her own glass, then gently licked the wine, making a look of light clouds and light wind.

"She did come to me. Wenjun Yazhu was facing a crisis at this time. Naturally, she came to me to cooperate. Li Luoyang, the secret recipe of yaochi Yulu, had not been given to Ouyang Wenjun before she disappeared. The immortal was drunk. Even if she had the secret recipe in hand, all the raw materials had been mastered by our merchant Federation. If she wanted Wenjun Yazhu to continue, she had to get the raw materials in my hands."

"And you? The original price of raw materials is 22 Liang, but you have to charge her 1000 Liang."

"Hum, when I was doing business, you didn\'t know where it was? I would give her the raw materials? What I wanted was a secret recipe. As long as she agreed to give me the secret recipe, I would naturally provide her with raw materials free of charge and establish our cooperation. I call it pushing the boat along the river. I ask a price of 1000 Liang. Frankly, I\'m just forcing her to obey!"

Aunt Hong looked at the excited Ge Cheng, waved her hand and said slowly: "Don\'t get excited. I don\'t think you\'re wrong. You just use the wrong person. Ouyang Wenjun has a strong temper. You really help her. She remembers your kindness and will certainly have the opportunity to establish cooperation in the future. If you want to force her, she won\'t let you succeed even if she dies. This is one of your mistakes."

Ge Chenggang wanted to refute, but aunt Hong said first: "second, you should never pay attention to Ouyang Wenjun. Do you want Ouyang Wenjun to accompany you for one night? As long as it is done, you promise to sell the raw materials drunk by immortals to wenjunyazhu according to Ouyang Wenjun\'s bid."

Aunt Hong\'s words made Ge Cheng lower his head, while Huang Ying slapped her on the table and stood up straight. Ge Cheng immediately knelt on the ground and hurriedly explained: "Miss, miss, listen to me. I, I just expected that she wouldn\'t agree, so I deliberately made trouble for her. I really don\'t have that idea."

Huang Ying\'s face was dignified and her eyes looked down at GE Cheng with a murderous intention: "The reason why the merchants\' Federation has become so large and has a large number of personnel is that we only do business and never attract people with bad conduct. As a veteran, you naturally know our rules. No one will agree to your request. Besides, Ouyang Wenjun, who has been in Luoyang for so many years, don\'t you know who Ouyang Wenjun is What kind of person are you? You deliberately provoked her and killed her. Now, the secret recipe that should have been obtained no longer exists because of you. "

Ge Cheng said in a panic, "I, I just want to embarrass her. I don\'t really have bad thoughts. When Wenjun Yazhu started, I knew Ouyang Wenjun. Naturally, I know what kind of woman she is. How can I deliberately force her to cooperate with me... Anyway, miss, you have to believe me. She, she must not have decided not to cooperate with our merchant Federation because of this."

Aunt Hong smiled and bit the Pu fan and said slowly, "elder Ge Cheng, stop sophistry. Ouyang Wenjun said these words himself. If you didn\'t have such a request, she might rebuild the cooperative relationship with us. If she didn\'t say it herself, how would I know the negotiation between her and you?" Ouyang Wenjun never disclosed his idea of cooperation to Aunt Hong. The reason why aunt Hong said so was to make GE Cheng\'s blunder more important, so that everyone thought that GE Cheng\'s greed had caused the consequence of not getting the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness. In this way, Ge Cheng\'s punishment was enough to make aunt Hong sit in the position of the head of Luoyang City merchants Federation.

Ge Cheng was sweating and raised his trembling finger to Aunt Hong: "you, you..."

Huang Ying\'s face was dignified and said slowly: "Ge Cheng, you disappointed me so much. If you had the opportunity to cooperate with Ouyang Wenjun that day, I might consider keeping you here as the person in charge. Unexpectedly, you let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip away, and it was your color heart that pushed this matter to an irreversible situation. Now, even if Ouyang Wenjun died, We won\'t let the gods fall into our hands. Do you know how much loss it has brought to the headquarters? "

"Miss, miss, I know I\'m wrong. I, I\'ll go to Ouyang Wenjun to apologize."

"No! It\'s no use apologizing. It seems that the punishment on you should be reconsidered. The headquarters wanted you to return home safely for the sake of your efforts for so many years. Now it seems that your mistakes are far from worthy of such an old life."

In the corner of Ge Cheng\'s eye, Yu Guang had seen Huang Ying take out the dagger. He immediately got up and jumped onto the wooden table, jumped at Aunt Hong in an instant, and then grabbed aunt Hong\'s throat with his fingers as claws: "You, don\'t come here! I know you\'re going to kill me. You, you\'re going to attack me. I ge Cheng spent most of my life running the merchant Federation. I didn\'t expect you to kill me in the end. Even if I die today, I\'ll take a back."

Huang Ying clenched her teeth and stared at GE Cheng: "do you know what you\'re doing? Let her go, or I\'ll break you to pieces!" Huang Ying didn\'t expect that GE Cheng was going to die together. Unexpectedly, when a person was worried about his life, he became so crazy. He had trained Ge Cheng for so many years. Even if he was punished by the merchant Federation, Ge Cheng definitely didn\'t dare to offend the people in the headquarters. Now aunt Hong has become Ge Cheng\'s hostage.

"What do I do? I just want to save my life! You turn a blind eye to my efforts. I\'ll tell you what fish die and nets break. Doesn\'t this girl want to sit in my position? If I kill her now, who else can replace me?"

Aunt Hong blushed slowly, breathed quickly, and her throat tingled. At this time, Huang Ying had put the dagger on the table and then sat in her own position: "Ge Cheng, aunt Hong doesn\'t know martial arts and can\'t jump out of your palm. If you want to kill her, please, but I want to warn you that although she has different martial arts, confusing the enemy is what she is best at. Don\'t think you can succeed."

Ge Chenggang wanted to say something. He suddenly felt a heart piercing pain in his chest. He looked down and saw that his chest had been dyed red by blood. A hairpin was inserted in his heart and his hands had no strength. Aunt Hong pushed Ge Cheng away and said with a smile: "The hairpin can be very poisonous. Once you get into the blood, you will lose your ability to move. Do you know how many people want my head in Lingnan city? How many people want to die with me? I live to the end by some means."

Ge Cheng fell rigidly to the ground, staring at Aunt Hong with his eyes closed. His raised hand fell to the ground, and his breath suddenly disappeared.