Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1069

The tiger skin led the team to leave Luoyang City. In the house opposite Sima Yingming\'s residence, Li Luoyang seemed a little sad. The departure of the tiger skin meant that Li Luoyang lacked a person who could be trusted and shuttle freely through the streets and alleys of Luoyang City. At this time, the people in Wenjun\'s elegant building were monitored. Their identity and Xiao Si could not appear in Luoyang City justifiably, even if they disguised themselves, The risk is also great.

At this point, Li Luoyang wanted to find a candidate, who could buy perfume materials in the city and let Li Luoyang devote himself to developing new perfume. At this time, he had no one to use. Wu Xinyi returned to Baiyun Mountain. Ouyang Wenjun and Yu were being watched at this time. He and Xiao 4 were also invisible men. Li Luoyang was lying in bed, shaking his head helplessly.

At this time, at the door of Wenjun Yazhu, a figure quietly appeared. The man, with a hat and a piece of paper, was comparing the signboard of Wenjun Yazhu. He seemed illiterate and had to compare it according to the gourd and gourd. The man\'s strange behavior attracted the attention of the monitors of the six doors outside Wenjun Yazhu.

The six door man disguised as the owner of the tea stall whispered to his companions, "who is this boy?"

"Is it Li Luoyang?"

"It doesn\'t look like a figure. The boy Li Luoyang is not so tall."

"Anyway, you\'d better report to Lord mo. we don\'t seem to have seen this guy. Maybe it has something to do with Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts?"

"Cheng, I\'ll watch here. Go and go back quickly!"

At this time, the man swaggered into Wenjun elegant building. Looking at the empty lobby, the man said to himself in doubt: "is this really Wenjun elegant building? It looks different from what he imagined. Why is there no one?"

At this time, Ouyang Wenjun came out of the backyard and saw the mysterious man standing alone in the lobby. Looking at the man\'s clothes and wearing a hat, Ouyang Wenjun frowned. Naturally, she was worried that this guy might come to Wenjun\'s elegant building to make trouble. In case, Ouyang Wenjun held a prepared dagger in his hand and hid it in his sleeve, He greeted him with a slight cough.

"My guest, would you like tea or wine?"

The man sat directly in front of the wooden table and said proudly, "give me a bottle of immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu."

"Sorry, the immortal drunk has been sold out, and there is only one bottle of yaochi Yulu left. I\'ll bring it to you?" the only bottle of yaochi Yulu was specially left by Ouyang Wenjun. It seems that the guest in front of him is new, and there is already a secret recipe for yaochi Yulu. Ouyang Wenjun simply took it out for business.

"One bottle? One bottle is OK. How much is it?" the man felt it in his arms.

"As we all know, the price of immortals drunk and yaochi Yulu is five hundred and twenty-one bottles."

"Dong." the man didn\'t sit down firmly and fell directly to the ground. Then he quickly got up and picked up the stool. He coughed awkwardly: "cough, five, five hundred and twenty-one bottles?" at this time, if you can see the man\'s face, you will surely find that this guy\'s face is red. Originally, I thought that all the silver on his body was not enough to cover the cost of a bottle of yaochi jade dew, This makes the man feel a little embarrassed.

Looking at the man\'s action, Ouyang Wenjun\'s alert was also put down. If this guy really came to assassinate or make trouble, I\'m afraid he didn\'t have to be so embarrassed at this time. In Ouyang Wenjun\'s opinion, the man in front of him was more like coming to Luoyang for the first time from other places, otherwise he wouldn\'t know the price of immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu: "my guest, is this your first time to Luoyang?"

The man nodded and said slowly, "well, for the first time in his life, I\'ve heard about immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu. I came to Luoyang City today to taste it. However, I didn\'t expect the price to be a little unexpected." the man knew that his money was not enough to pay for a bottle of wine. He knew that even if the money was enough, If you spend all your time on a bottle of wine, how do you spend your subsequent life.

"My guest, you can go to other restaurants. They also have their own drinks. Although they are not as good as immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu, you can at least be satisfied with them." Ouyang Wenjun sees a lot of people like this in front of you. After all, not everyone can afford immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu. In the face of such people, Ouyang Wenjun often asks them to drink in other restaurants, Those cheap wines can be consumed naturally.

The man stood up awkwardly and prepared to go out. Just two steps later, he stopped: "no, I\'m not here to drink." the man turned to Ouyang Wenjun and said with a smile, "I\'m not here to drink. I\'m here to find someone." the man was obviously a little confused and almost forgot his business here.

Ouyang Wenjun looked at the man up and down. The man was tall and strong, and the muscle lines on his hands and arms were obvious. He just always gave Ouyang Wenjun a feeling of developed limbs and simple mind. Looking back on everyone in the store, Ouyang Wenjun didn\'t think there would be a man looking for here: "I don\'t know who this guest is looking for?"

The man stood still and smiled awkwardly after a while: "I forgot his name, but I wrote his name on the paper. Wait, I\'ll show you."

Ouyang Wenjun wanted to cry and looked at the man looking for his luggage. She completely put down her guard. There would be no killer so brainless. A moment later, the man handed Ouyang Wenjun a note. Ouyang Wenjun took the note and looked at the words on it. He immediately looked confused and frowned at the man: "what are you looking for him for?"

The man smiled and said, "I can\'t tell you the secret. My boss said that we must make it clear to him face to face, otherwise no one can tell him." the man is stupid in the end, but because of this character, he has a very sharp attitude towards things.

Ouyang Wenjun looked around, then whispered, "I\'m Ouyang Wenjun, who sent you?" the original note given to Ouyang Wenjun by the man wrote his name. Although the font was distorted, it could be seen that it was Ouyang Wenjun, but Ouyang Wenjun didn\'t understand who the man in front of him was. He recalled his friend, No one will send someone to find themselves at this time.

"You are Ouyang Wenjun. How can you prove it?"

Ouyang Wenjun smiled helplessly: "I\'m in charge here. Everyone knows that musicians, dancers, bartenders and runners here know that if you don\'t believe it, you can even go outside to find a passer-by and ask him if I\'m Ouyang Wenjun, so you\'ll always believe it?"

The man really turned and walked to the door. After a while, he dragged a passer-by to Ouyang Wenjun\'s face. After many times of confirmation on the road, the man believed Ouyang Wenjun\'s words: "ha ha ha, it seems that you are really Ouyang\'s head of the family. Hello."

Ouyang Wenjun nodded gently and asked with a smile, "I don\'t know who asked you to find me? What\'s the matter with finding me?"