Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1068

"Shifu, why did you ask Xiao Si to find me?" tiger skin remembered that Xiao Si was looking for himself in the street at the risk of being found. At this time, he could take risks. Tiger skin knew that Li Luoyang must have something urgent to find himself, otherwise he wouldn\'t take risks at this time.

Li Luoyang frowned and said slowly: "Xiao Si and I have just returned to Luoyang City, and we won\'t appear in the public\'s view for a while, so we can\'t take care of many things at all. I originally planned to let you do activities for me in Luoyang City, buy some things, and establish communication with Wenjun Yazhu at any time in your capacity, but you have received Mo Yuntian\'s order to go out. It seems that it\'s OK A plan needs to be replaced. "

Tiger skin immediately said, "master, I can send someone to buy you what you want, or I\'ll leave the six doors and leave without saying goodbye like Xiao Hui and work for master." The idea of tiger skin is very simple. It is the greatest contribution to help Li Luoyang. At this time, he also wants to leave liumen in advance and follow Li Luoyang. He is only an errand runner and is willing to run.

Li Luoyang shook his hand and said seriously, "if you leave the six gates, can you still move freely in Luoyang? Mo Yuntian will doubt your whereabouts and issue a chase to you. In this way, you will not only not help me, but also harm yourself. You don\'t have to ask about it. Follow the task given to you by Mo Yuntian."

The tiger skin nodded and asked in a low voice, "teacher, master, the tiger skin dared to ask, when can I leave the six doors and stay with you?" This is the biggest yearning of tiger skin at this time. Xiao Hui has left smoothly. Although Mo Yuntian suspects that he is likely to bear the wanted fate of six doors in the end, he knows that Li Luoyang has made proper arrangements for Xiao Hui. He also wants to leave six doors as soon as possible like Xiao Hui.

Looking at the tiger skin looking forward to, Li Luoyang said with a smile: "when you find the opportunity, I will inform you where to go. Then you can reunite with Xiao Hui. Before that, you need to do your own work well. Mo Yuntian can\'t see the clue. At that time, you can leave the six doors unknowingly." Li Luoyang knows that the time at this time is not enough to let the tiger skin leave, and Li Luoyang also plans to observe the tiger skin several times. After all, he is such a careful and vigilant person.

Li Luoyang looked up at the tiger skin and continued to ask, "do Mo Yuntian have any other requirements for you besides asking you to go to the ambush and send someone to monitor Wenjun\'s elegant buildings?" Li Luoyang wants to know more details so that he can make a good response. The city of Luoyang seems calm, but it is surging secretly. On the returning ship, Li Luoyang not only learned that the identity of the brothel owner Huang Ying attacked Wenjun Yazhu, but also learned that in a short time, the merchant Federation in Luoyang City will undergo major changes, and the red aunt in Lingnan city will come to replace Ge Cheng and Cheng He is the new head of Luoyang City merchants Federation.

Therefore, the task details of the six doors and Mo Yuntian\'s actions are particularly important to Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang is very clear at this time. During the period of his departure, Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming began to cooperate and became the first force in Luoyang. No one dared to fight against them, and Ge Cheng of the merchant Federation was indifferent. However, if aunt Hong came, the situation would certainly change Changes have taken place, so Li Luoyang needs to respond as soon as possible. Only by knowing himself and the other can he win every battle.

Tiger skin thought for a while, and then said, "in addition, Mo Yuntian has asked people to look for Xiaohui. Xiaohui has left for some time. According to the provisions of the six doors, Xiaohui\'s behavior of not telling but comparing will eventually become a traitor. Before long, Mo Yuntian will issue an order to chase and kill. He will see people alive and corpses dead." As a tiger skin who grew up in six doors, he has seen too many instructions to hunt down his companions. Six doors is not allowed to act privately. Xiao Hui\'s behavior has obviously exceeded the specified scope of six doors. If he doesn\'t return, he will naturally be classified as a traitor of six doors.

"Don\'t worry, even if Mo Yuntian wants to break his head, he can\'t find Xiao Hui\'s whereabouts. It\'s getting late. You promise Mo Yuntian to go out of the city at noon to perform the task. You leave first to avoid Mo Yuntian\'s suspicion. You know how to deal with the whereabouts of me and Xiao Si."

Tiger skin nodded hard and then said to Li Luoyang, "master, it is arranged to monitor Wenjun Yazhu. Among the vendors across the street, three of them are disguised as vendors, and two are monitoring on the tree at the back door of Wenjun Yazhu. If you want to go to Wenjun Yazhu, try to disguise or avoid their monitoring." Tiger skin reminds Li Luoyang at the end. He is also worried that Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts will be found by liumen. At that time, his idea of leaving liumen will be dashed, and his idea of meeting Xiaohui will also fail.

"I see. I don\'t intend to go back for the time being. Xiao Si has brought what Ouyang Wenjun needs to them."

"Then I\'m relieved, master. The disciple will leave for the time being." the tiger skin saluted Li Luoyang with a fist. Li Luoyang smiled and nodded. The tiger skin looked at Xiao Si with a serious face: "senior brother, take good care of the master."

Xiao Si patted the tiger\'s shoulder and said slowly, "be careful on the road."

After the tiger skin turned and left, Xiao Si smiled and said to Li Luoyang, "master, how\'s it going? The tiger skin boy seems to really want to leave the six doors. Xiao Hui is right. He has long wanted to worship you as a teacher. Fortunately, the tiger skin is in Wenjun Yazhu. If someone else had changed, our whereabouts would have been discovered by Mo Yuntian."

"It looks really good now, but people\'s hearts are like floating clouds in the sky, which can\'t be seen through. It\'s uncertain that one day a gust of wind will change it. There\'s no need to worry about the tiger skin. It\'s safer for him to leave Luoyang City, and it\'s also a good thing for us. I believe he knows how to deal with Mo Yuntian. If Mo Yuntian doesn\'t find me one day, the tiger skin will stay outside more One day, I\'d like to see how long Mo Yuntian can keep those ambush teams out. "

Xiao Si smiled and said, "stick to it until he enters the headquarters of six doors. As long as master doesn\'t appear during this period and doesn\'t stop the cooperation between Sima Yingming and the imperial court, he can go on without worry. He won\'t leave Luoyang until Sima Yingming uses his power to send him to the headquarters."

"Yes, but will Sima Yingming send Mo Yuntian to the headquarters so easily? Don\'t forget that in Luoyang, the only thug Sima Yingming can control is mo Yuntian. If Mo Yuntian goes to the headquarters, who will secretly help Sima Yingming? The next person in charge? According to my understanding of Mo Yuntian, the next person in charge must be his own daughter Mo Jiao, and Mo jiaogen He would not have been in collusion with Sima Yingming. This is not the result Sima Yingming wants, so he will try his best to delay Mo Yuntian\'s request. "