Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1070

Ouyang Wenjun was surprised by the mysterious man\'s visit. The other party\'s identity and purpose were unknown. She had never even seen the man in front of her. Ouyang Wenjun also decided that her friend would not send this person to find herself. Ouyang Wenjun picked up the guard she had put down before. She was worried that the man\'s previous actions were hiding her strength, So Ouyang Wenjun held the dagger tightly in his hand and hid it in his sleeve in order to deal with possible accidents at any time.

The man didn\'t notice Ouyang Wenjun\'s self-protection means at all. He took off his hat and smiled with a simple and honest face. At one glance, Ouyang Wenjun saw the abnormality on the man\'s face. The man in front had only one eye, and the man\'s next words surprised Ouyang Wenjun: "it\'s my boss. Li Guo asked me to come!"

"Li Guo!" Ouyang Wenjun exclaimed. When Xiao Si came back, he told Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er that Li Luoyang had met Li Guo when he was in Lingnan City, and the man in front of him was actually sent by Li Guo, which surprised Ouyang Wenjun. This man was Zhang Yue\'s one eyed dragon who was recovered by Li Guo.

Looking at Ouyang Wenjun with a surprised look on his face, the one eyed dragon smiled and said, "I know you don\'t believe it. I have a letter from captain Li Guo to you. He said you\'ll know whether it\'s true or false after reading it." the one eyed dragon handed the letter to Ouyang Wenjun. It was indeed Li Guo\'s handwriting. On the letter was only Li Guo\'s question mark to Ouyang Wenjun, without mentioning Li Luoyang, Ouyang Wenjun is a smart man. She knows that this letter is only used by Li Guo to prove the identity of one eyed dragon. Naturally, it will not mention any information about Li Luoyang.

Ouyang Wenjun knows that there is nothing between Li Luoyang and Li Guo. She also knows that Li Luoyang needs to hide in Luoyang for a period of time. Li Guo knows that if Li Luoyang is mentioned in the letter at this time, it is easy to think that this is the letter that Li Guo asked Ouyang Wenjun to hand over to Li Luoyang, so just in case, There is no mention of Li Luoyang in this letter.

After confirming that it was Li Guo\'s handwriting, Ouyang Wenjun hid the dagger in his hand, and then whispered to the one eyed dragon, "come with me." however, no one thought that when Ouyang Wenjun was going to fight the one eyed dragon to go to the backyard for a detailed discussion, Mo Yuntian suddenly brought someone to Wenjun\'s elegant building. Looking at Mo Yuntian with a sly smile at the door, Ouyang Wenjun thought it was bad.

At this time, if Mo Yuntian communicated with the one eyed dragon, Ouyang Wenjun worried that the one eyed dragon\'s brain could not deal with the old and crafty Mo Yuntian. If the one eyed dragon revealed its flaws and said its purpose of Luoyang City, Ouyang Wenjun worried that Li Luoyang would be involved, so Ouyang Wenjun winked at the one eyed dragon, and the one eyed dragon didn\'t seem to realize it at all, Just looked at Mo Yuntian and came straight to him.

Mo Yuntian glanced at the one eyed dragon, looked at the hat on the table, and determined that this guy was the mysterious man who had just been reported by his entourage: "this guest, I\'m Mo Yuntian, the person in charge of the six doors in Luoyang City. It\'s not peaceful in Luoyang these days. I haven\'t seen anyone I don\'t know for a long time. It seems that you\'re from other places, right?"

Before the one eyed dragon answered, Ouyang Wenjun said first: "Lord Mo, this is my guest. Do you have anything to ask?" Ouyang Wenjun tried to interrupt Mo Yuntian\'s investigation. She was worried that the one eyed dragon would reveal flaws.

"Guest? I see you just wanted to take him to the backyard? Your elegant backyard built by Wenjun is not a simple guest can enter." Mo Yuntian stared at Ouyang Wenjun, then looked up at the one eyed dragon half a head higher than himself: "tell me, who are you? What\'s the purpose of coming to Luoyang?"

Without hesitation, the one eyed Dragon said directly, "everyone calls me one eyed dragon. I\'m here to find Ouyang to be the head of the family." the one eyed dragon\'s simplicity is what Ouyang Wenjun expected. This guy doesn\'t have the slightest feeling he wants to hide.

After hearing the answer from the one eyed dragon, Mo Yuntian smiled: "boss Ouyang just said that this is just your guest, but people came all the way from other places to find you? You don\'t know about it?"

Ouyang Wenjun smiled: "that\'s why I want to take him to the backyard to talk about the past."

Mo Yuntian ignored Ouyang Wenjun\'s explanation. He looked at the one eyed dragon with a smile: "who let you come? Or did you come by yourself? What\'s the relationship between you and Ouyang\'s leader?" Mo Yuntian had suspected that Li Luoyang might have quietly returned. At this time, he met a mysterious man looking for Ouyang Wenjun, Mo Yuntian naturally wanted to investigate whether this guy came with the news of Li Luoyang, so Mo Yuntian came immediately after his entourage reported that a mysterious man appeared in Wenjun Yazhu.

As always, the one eyed dragon simply said, "my boss asked me to come."


"No, no, no, I\'m used to it. I should call the captain."

Mo Yuntian frowned and asked slowly, "Captain? Who is your captain?"

"Li Guo!"

Hearing the one eyed dragon\'s reply, Ouyang Wenjun thought it was over, and Mo Yuntian smiled more recklessly: "Li Guo? Li Luoyang\'s brother? Ha ha ha, I don\'t know if your captain Li Guo asked you to come to Ouyang Wenjun because of Li Luoyang?"

Hearing Mo Yuntian\'s inquiry, Ouyang Wenjun was sweating. She knew that Li Guo sent someone here specially. It must be related to Li Luoyang. Otherwise, how could she send someone here for no reason.

The one eyed dragon\'s next words were beyond Ouyang Wenjun\'s expectation. The one eyed dragon held his head high and said, "who is Li Luoyang? I don\'t know. Captain Li Guo just asked me to send a letter to Ouyang, and asked me to go to the Lin family to see his mother. He has a brother? His name is Li Luoyang?"

Mo Yuntian\'s face was dignified and his brow was locked. There was no laughter just now: "that\'s all? Li Guo never mentioned Li Luoyang?"

"Not long after I joined the team, I don\'t know who Li Luoyang is. Oh, I remember. During this time, Captain Li Guo has been worried about his brother. He said that his brother has been missing for many days. He wanted to leave the camp several times, but he was busy with the task and couldn\'t get away. That\'s why I came to see his mother. By the way! Captain Li Guo once said that these are confidential tasks Don\'t tell anyone! Did I just say that? "The one eyed dragon jumped up in a hurry.

Looking at the one eyed dragon\'s move, Mo Yuntian has a black line. The guy in front of him seems to be too honest, but even so, Mo Yuntian still cautiously said to Ouyang Wenjun: "he said he came to deliver the letter. I don\'t know if Ouyang Wenjun\'s head can show me the letter?" Mo Yuntian also wanted to verify whether the one eyed dragon acted in front of him, Deliberately act like an honest man.

At this time, the one eyed dragon, who was still in a hurry, seemed to blame himself. When he heard that Mo Yuntian wanted to check the letter he sent, the one eyed dragon immediately stopped in front of Mo Yuntian. The two looked at each other with three eyes.