Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1067

Sitting in the wooden house, Li Luoyang sits cross legged and his breathing is even and stable. He practices his internal mental skills every day. Even when he is in Lingnan City, Li Luoyang will take time to practice his martial arts. Although he has not reached great success, he has made a lot of progress compared with before. At this time, even if he faces an expert like Taiyuan Gaoming again, he is confident to stand with him.

With his own moves, Li Luoyang\'s martial arts at this time have become a small success.

Three long and two short signals came from the door. When Li Luoyang opened the door, he saw only four people: "where\'s the tiger skin?"

Xiao Si got into the wooden house and whispered, "master, I met Mo Yuntian on the way with the tiger skin. After the tiger skin prevaricated its whereabouts, I found Mo Yuntian following behind. To be safe, I\'ll come back first. The tiger skin will find it after getting rid of Mo Yuntian\'s tracking. Don\'t worry, I\'ve agreed with the tiger skin. I\'ve made a secret signal outside the door, and the tiger skin will find us."

Xiao Si told Li Luoyang the secret sign at the door and the original communication with the tiger skin. After listening to this, Li Luoyang nodded and slowly said, "it seems that the tiger skin boy has followed us sincerely." the tiger skin\'s move is undoubtedly his sincerity to Li Luoyang. Otherwise, the tiger skin will take Mo Yuntian and the people of six doors to find here and kill Li Luoyang secretly, In this way, Mo Yuntian can also achieve the desired effect.

The master and apprentice waited in the room for some time. There was a sound of footsteps outside the door. Xiao Si immediately came to the window and looked out. In between, the tiger skin looked left and right and came to the door. Xiao Si immediately opened the door. When the tiger skin entered the door, he saw Li Luoyang with a smile on his face. The tiger skin knelt down on his knees and said directly, "disciple, tiger skin, please see Master!"

Li Luoyang was frightened by the sudden move of the tiger skin. He didn\'t expect that the tiger skin was so straightforward. He gave himself a big gift when he met. Li Luoyang quickly helped the tiger skin up and said with a smile: "don\'t be so polite."

"Yes, from now on, you are my master, and it is only natural for my master to be worshipped by his disciples." the tiger skin was simple and honest, and the determination has never changed. Since he sincerely worshipped the teacher, the most basic etiquette, the tiger skin naturally attaches great importance to it.

Looking at the tiger skin\'s firm eyes, Li Luoyang smiled and said to the little four around him, "look at others. You\'re looking at yourself. Did you ever take the tiger skin so seriously when you were a teacher?"

Xiao Si smiled awkwardly: "you said you didn\'t have to be so polite. I was like this at that time."

"That\'s all." let the tiger skin sit at the wooden table. Li Luoyang whispered, "are you sure Mo Yuntian hasn\'t been followed?" Li Luoyang was worried that with the skill of the tiger skin, he couldn\'t completely get rid of Mo Yuntian\'s tracking. After all, he was the general director of six doors, but Mo Yuntian followed the tiger skin just to determine whether the tiger skin lied to him, Mo Yuntian hasn\'t had any doubts about the tiger skin so far. Naturally, he won\'t really follow the tiger skin to see what kind of action he has.

"Don\'t worry, master. Mo Yuntian hasn\'t suspected me yet. Master, I have something to report to you. After Xiao Si left Wenjun Yazhu, I was called back to six doors by Mo Yuntian. He said..." tiger skin seemed to hesitate. He didn\'t know how to repeat Mo Yuntian\'s words.

Li Luoyang smiled, patted the shoulder of the tiger skin and said slowly, "it\'s all right. We don\'t have to be formal. You can speak frankly if you have anything."

Tiger skin nodded and continued: "Mo Yuntian let me choose to kill you and follow him all my life. After he promised to kill you, the position of the person in charge of the six gates in Luoyang City will be left to me in the future. The other way is to betray him and become the wanted target of the six gates." looking back on the choice given by Mo Yuntian before, tiger skin was still terrified. He knew that if he said something wrong at that time, There was no chance to escape, because he had found that Mo Yuntian\'s hand had already held the dagger behind him.

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "you choose to kill me and stand on his side?"

Tiger skin quickly explained: "master, Mo Yuntian was on alert at that time, and I saw a dagger behind him..."

Before the tiger skin finished, Li Luoyang raised his hand and interrupted the tiger skin: "Tiger skin, you didn\'t do anything wrong. Don\'t be so anxious to explain to me. If you didn\'t answer like that, you and I wouldn\'t have a chance to meet. The apprentice I want is not rigid. I need you to deal with everything flexibly. If you answer Mo Yuntian\'s question incorrectly, he will kill you without hesitation, because he is mo Yuntian, the six fans of Luoyang City The head of the door is an extremely ambitious man. He can\'t tolerate anyone to betray him. "

Tiger skin nodded: "well, after I made a choice, Mo Yuntian asked me to lead a team to the ambush point outside Luoyang to ambush you, and sent someone to secretly observe Wenjun\'s elegant building. I suspect Mo Yuntian seems to realize that you have come back." Before, Wenjun Yazhu was protected by tiger skin. Mo Yuntian never let tiger skin monitor all the people in and out of Wenjun Yazhu. Until Mo Yuntian put forward this request, tiger skin vaguely felt that Mo Yuntian seemed to be aware of it. He was worried that Li Luoyang had secretly sneaked back to Wenjun Yazhu, so he sent someone to observe it secretly.

Li Luoyang smiled: "he naturally noticed that we killed four people who ambushed us before. Not long ago, Mo Yuntian personally went to my mother\'s backyard to test whether my mother had seen me. He knew that if I returned to Luoyang, I would meet my mother at the first time."

Tiger skin looked at Li Luoyang in surprise: "master, did you expect?"

"No, I was there when Mo Yuntian visited my mother, but I hid when the guard reported. It\'s actually a good thing that he came to the door to test. In this way, he can be sure that I haven\'t come back yet, at least in the near future."

The little four on one side smiled and said, "just now, when the eldest sister saw that he was still free to go shopping and smiled, we can see that he was not worried. If he suspected that master you had returned, he would have become an ant on the hot pot. Where could there be such a light cloud and wind?"

"Your boy\'s observation of words and colors has made rapid progress." tiger skin looked at Xiao Si and said slowly.

"Boy? Can you be polite? Call me senior brother."

Tiger skin sighed helplessly, "senior brother."

"Hahaha, it\'s fun. Unexpectedly, Xiaohui and tiger skin of six doors have become my younger martial brothers. You should be obedient. Elder martial brothers have a bad temper. If you\'re unhappy, I\'ll teach you well."

Looking at the little four with a sad face, Li Luoyang smiled with a teacup and said, "I said, elder martial brother, do you believe I\'ll let you be a little martial brother tomorrow? There\'s no good result if you get a bargain."

Xiao Si immediately restrained his smile and said seriously, "master, younger martial brother, you talk. I\'ll watch the wind."