Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1066

"Master, what should we do next?" living in the new environment, Xiao Si seems a little unaccustomed. The simplicity here is even worse than the wooden house in Liangshanpo, and the air is filled with the smell of mold.

"I\'m here to find the tiger skin. I have something to ask him." Li Luoyang already has a general plan in mind. Wenjun\'s savings in the elegant building are not much, and they have to be used for the purchase of raw materials and support expenses for brewing yaochi Yulu. Li Luoyang\'s silver has already been used up, and the thousand Liang given to the old man was taken from Lin Luoshui, At that time, he needed tiger skin to buy some raw materials and bottles and cans for him to develop perfume, and only he could move freely in the city of Luoyang.

Now that he has learned that Mo Yuntian is suspicious, Li Luoyang knows that the people in Wenjun Yazhu must have been monitored by the people of the six doors. Naturally, they did not mention Li Luoyang\'s ability and time to act.

After nodding, Xiao Si left the cabin alone and walked down the street. Xiao Si went straight to Wenjun Yazhu. He didn\'t know that the tiger skin had been called back by Mo Yuntian. When he came to the door of Wenjun Yazhu, he was surprised to find that the tiger skin had disappeared. Just when he was going to enter Wenjun Yazhu to find Ouyang Wenjun, A small group of people came slowly to him. Xiao Si recognized the head\'s tiger skin at a glance.

The tiger skin saw Xiao Si all the way. He recognized Xiao Si\'s woodcutter\'s dress, so he turned and said seriously to the six disciples behind him: "I leave the city today and don\'t know the date of return. Now I\'ll give you half a day to prepare food and money, and gather at the gate of the city at noon."

"Yes!" more than a dozen people with six doors slowly spread out and prepared themselves. The tiger skin winked at Xiao Si. They both walked to the countryside. Before the tiger skin spoke, Xiao Si smiled and said, "tiger skin, master asked you to go. He has something to find you."

Hearing that Li Luoyang could be seen, tiger skin nodded without hesitation: "you lead the way."

"Remember, keep a distance from me on the road. Be careful when you enter the place where master and I are hiding. Don\'t expose our whereabouts."

"Don\'t worry, I\'m from six doors."

The two went out of the countryside one after another and mingled with passers-by. Xiao Si didn\'t arouse anyone\'s doubt. Just in the crowd, Xiao Si noticed Mo Yuntian. After coming out of the Lin family, Mo Yuntian had nothing to do to patrol the streets of Luoyang. At this time, he just passed by with Xiao Si, and Mo Yuntian saw the tiger skin at a glance: "Tiger skin? Why are you here? Didn\'t you lead the team to perform tasks outside the city?"

Tiger skin forced himself to smile and tried to restrain his nervousness when he suddenly met Mo Yuntian: "Lord Mo, I have assembled a team and just ordered them to prepare rations and money. I don\'t know how many days this operation needs to last. If you go out, you may meet the target, or you won\'t see the target in ten and a half days. In case, I let them prepare for long-term action."

Mo Yuntian nodded and said with a smile, "it\'s thoughtful. No one really knows how long the target character will suddenly appear. It seems that you are very attentive to this matter, which proves that I didn\'t look out of sight. Where are you going?" Mo Yuntian not only didn\'t have the slightest doubt, but also felt a little relieved. After all, Xiao Hui had disappointed him by leaving without saying goodbye. At this time, he had indicated to the tiger skin that he was opposed to Li Luoyang. Naturally, Mo Yuntian was pleased that the tiger skin could make these preparations.

The tiger skin pointed to the front and then said slowly, "I\'m going to go to the steamed bread shop to prepare dry food and buy some wine. I\'ve ordered the team members to gather at the gate of the city at noon." seeing that Mo Yuntian had the slightest doubt, the tiger skin put down the stone in his heart.

Mo Yuntian raised his mouth slightly, then said with a smile, "go and take the team to the position earlier to avoid complications."

The tiger skin nodded, saluted with a fist, and then walked forward. He knew Mo Yuntian too well. He knew that in terms of Mo Yuntian\'s vigilance, Mo Yuntian would track behind him to see if he deceived him. The tiger skin looked behind him with the corner of his eye. Sure enough, an abnormality was found at the side of the box. Mo Yuntian\'s figure shook and hid in the countryside to avoid The view of tiger skin.

The tiger skin smiled, quickened his pace, walked to the little four in front and came behind the little four. The tiger skin whispered, "don\'t turn your head. Mo Yuntian is tracking behind you."

Xiao Si walked forward as if nothing had happened and asked in a low voice, "what should we do now? We can\'t go to the place where Shifu is hiding now." Xiao Si didn\'t want to be tracked by Mo Yuntian and reveal Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts. He didn\'t expect this accident. He actually met Mo Yuntian here.

Tiger skin whispered, "where is your approximate location?"

"The folk house opposite Sima Yingming\'s residence, don\'t you want to tell me you came here looking for it yourself? There are thousands of folk houses there."

"Go back and spread three leaves on the door and put stones on it. I\'ll know the specific location. When I get rid of Mo Yuntian, I\'ll go back to find master. You heard that I don\'t have much time. I\'m leaving Luoyang City at noon to perform a task. I\'ll tell master the specific details later. Now you can leave by yourself."

Xiao Si didn\'t even nod his head. He was afraid that his little move would arouse doubt in Mo Yuntian\'s eyes: "I see. Three leaves are under the stone. You should look carefully. If Mo Yuntian keeps following you and doesn\'t find it, take him to the master\'s hiding place, we\'ll all be finished."

"Don\'t worry, I know Mo Yuntian. He just wants to see if I lied to him. At this time, he doesn\'t know that I want to leave the six doors."

Xiao Si walked in the crowd as if nothing had happened. Tiger skin turned and entered a steamed bread shop. Then he bought some steamed bread and came out with his luggage. He stretched out to look at the crowd and the box. Then he smiled. He had determined Mo Yuntian\'s position and hid behind the tea stall not far away.

The tiger skin pretended not to know anything. He continued to walk forward and came to an ordinary restaurant. The tiger skin drilled in. At this time, Mo Yuntian immediately came to the door of the restaurant, looked at the tiger skin sitting on the wooden table in the corner, and then smiled and said, "it seems that this guy really didn\'t lie. He can be used in the future."

When the good wine and dishes were served, the tiger skin began to gobble up and looked at the tiger skin outside the door and smiled. Mo Yuntian\'s back was exposed in front of the tiger skin. In order to make sure that Mo Yun was innocent and relieved of himself, the tiger skin went to the second floor of the restaurant, opened the window and looked into the street.

Mo Yuntian leaned his hands on his back and walked leisurely in the street. He greeted people he knew from time to time. Obviously, he was relieved of the tiger skin.

Tiger skin immediately put down the silver and left the back door of the restaurant with his luggage. He went straight to the people\'s house outside Sima Yingming\'s residence. He had to inform Li Luoyang of Mo Yuntian\'s plan before noon.