Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1065

Inform Yu Linluo Shui of the plan to temporarily hide with Luoyang City. Li Luoyang returns along the road, crosses the wall and quietly leaves the Lin family. He comes out of the rural lane. Like Li Luoyang, he sees Xiao Si sitting on the tea stall. Xiao Si also notices Li Luoyang at the entrance of the rural lane. He starts to throw some copper plates on the tea table and Xiao Si walks to Li Luoyang, They shuttled aimlessly back and forth in the alley.

"Master, just now I saw Mo Yuntian enter the Lin family. I was worried that he would find you."

Li Luoyang said with a smile, "it\'s almost good that there was a guard\'s notice and his mother\'s acting. Mo Yuntian has no doubt about it. Although he has doubts, he can\'t prove that we killed those six doors. You went to Wenjun Yazhu, are they all right now?" Li Luoyang is worried about Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er, Seeing that there was no guest in Wenjun Yazhu before, and seeing the close door of Li\'s herbal medicine store, Li Luoyang knew that their life would be difficult during this period.

Xiao Si lowered his head and said slowly, "yu\'er\'s injury hasn\'t healed yet, so he didn\'t continue to operate Li\'s herbal shop. Please forgive me, master."

"Forgive me? What\'s wrong with yu\'er? What she needs now is to heal her wounds. It doesn\'t matter if the herbal medicine store doesn\'t open. It\'s a long way to go. Let her not feel guilty. It\'s me who should feel guilty. If we hadn\'t been taken away by people in Liangshanpo, Wenjun Yazhu would have ended like this now? Would anyone dare to go to Wenjun Yazhu to assassinate?" Li Luoyang really blamed himself. After he left, It seems that there is no protection in Wenjun Yazhu. He assassinated and threatened. In the end, no one patronized. All these are because Li Luoyang left without saying goodbye.

Little four nodded and said with a smile, "master, there\'s something I want to report to you about tiger skin."

"Tiger skin? How about it?"

"When I went to Wenjun\'s elegant building and entered the backyard, I was found by tiger skin. But I had to reveal my identity. I decided to communicate with him without authorization and told him that you were going to take him as an apprentice, so as to stabilize him and test him. If he told Mo Yuntian our whereabouts, even if Xiao Hui and I were blind, if Mo Yuntian were aware of it from beginning to end, we would replace him Watch tiger skin is loyal to you. "

Li Luoyang looked at Xiao Si helplessly: "You boy, you are too rash. Before you determine the tiger skin, you regard it as a gamble. If he divulges our whereabouts, we will lose the game. If he doesn\'t divulge it, you can prove your intention. However, it\'s no wonder that with your skills, you want to quietly enter Wenjun\'s elegant backyard in front of the tiger skin. It\'s like heaven."

Xiao Si smiled awkwardly: "I\'ve tried my best to cover up the sound, but I was found by tiger skin at the gate of the backyard."

"That\'s all right. How\'s Ouyang Wenjun?"

"Sister Wenjun went to the merchant Federation yesterday."

Li Luoyang frowned and said slowly, "go find Ge Cheng to buy immortal drunk raw materials?"

"Master, how do you know?"

"As I said before, we should think about everything. There were not many yaochi Yulu in Wenjun\'s elegant building. After we left for such a long time, it is obvious that yaochi Yulu has been sold out, and Ouyang Wenjun has no secret recipe for yaochi Yulu, so it is impossible to brew yaochi Yulu. Her only choice is the raw material of immortal intoxication, which has been monopolized by the merchant Federation It\'s broken. The purpose of her going there is obvious. "

Xiao Si silently gave Li Luoyang a thumbs up. Although he was used to Li Luoyang\'s analytical ability, he would still be amazed every time he saw it: "old Ge Chengna asked for a thousand liang of raw materials to sell to sister Wenjun. Naturally, sister Wenjun didn\'t want to give up, so she negotiated with him. Unexpectedly, the old man wanted sister Wenjun to accompany him for one night before he was willing to reduce the price."

Li Luoyang\'s face was dignified and murderous: "did she promise?"


"That\'s good. Otherwise, I really don\'t know how to face her in the future. I\'m afraid she will hold a grudge against my disappearance. I\'ll feel guilty for it all my life, but Ge Cheng is such a dirty old thing. I\'ll naturally take this evil breath for Ouyang Wenjun when I have a chance in the future!"

Xiao Si looked at the surrounding houses. There were few people in the narrow box. This was an obscure corner of Luoyang City. There were some poor people living here: "master, where are we hiding?"

Li Luoyang smiled: "the most dangerous place is the safest. Let\'s go to find a civilian house near Sima Yingming\'s residence. First, we can secretly observe the movements of Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian. Second, we can find their actions at the first time. They never dreamed that the people who want to kill are actually near them."

Xiao Si smiled and nodded, and then followed Li Luoyang through the alley. Although disguised, Li Luoyang still avoided the chance of being found walking on the road. They finally came to the folk house outside Sima Yingming\'s residence. The huge Sima Yingming\'s residence looked magnificent. Except here, the rest were simple folk houses and lived here They are all poor people, in sharp contrast to Sima Yingming\'s residence.

Li Luoyang went straight to the house directly opposite the gate of Sima Yingming\'s residence and knocked on the door. An old man opened the door. The old man looked at the two strangers in front of him suspiciously: "what\'s the matter with you?"

Without saying a word, Li Luoyang took out the one thousand Liang silver ticket he got from Lin Luoshui and handed it to the old man: "old Sir, I want to buy your house. Is this one thousand Liang enough?"

The old man frowned and asked in a low voice, "the humble house is simple and dilapidated. How is it worth a thousand liang?"

"Old man, I have only one thing to ask. Take these 1000 Liang, leave Luoyang City, buy a manor nearby and enjoy my future life. Please keep it a secret about our arrival."


Li Luoyang gave the old man a thousand taels of silver. He could see that the old man wanted to get this fortune, but he didn\'t know the meaning.

"Is it feasible for me to clean up?"

"Well, that\'s natural."

Looking at the old man turning and entering the house, Li Luoyang whispered to Xiao Si, "later, you will follow the old man secretly until you see that he has indeed left Luoyang City. Remember, if he contacts anyone on the way, you should observe."

"Don\'t worry, master. I know that now the only outsider who knows our whereabouts is him. As long as he leaves Luoyang, we will naturally hide our success."

According to Li Luoyang\'s requirements, Xiao Si has been following the old man behind him. The old man walked out of Luoyang with his head down and tightly held the silver ticket in his arms. It seems that he is imagining a better life in the future. After the old man left Luoyang through guards, Xiao Si returned to his new foothold with Li Luoyang.

"Has he ever communicated with people on the road?"

Xiao Si said without hesitation, "he hasn\'t communicated with anyone and has successfully left the gate of Luoyang."