Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1064

Mo Yuntian left the backyard and stood in front of the front door of the Lin family. He turned to look at the guard and asked in a low voice, "can someone visit Miss Lin today?" the relationship between Mo Yuntian and the Lin family has always been good, and he is also a member of the Imperial court. Naturally, the Lin family should respect him. Facing Mo Yuntian\'s inquiry, the guard naturally answered honestly: "Lord Mo, apart from you, the Lin family didn\'t come today, and no one visited Miss Lin."

Mo Yuntian frowned and said slowly, "are you sure?"

"I\'ve never left here. I\'m sure no one is here. I don\'t know who Lord Mo is looking for?"

Lord Mo smiled, took out the silver from his arms and slipped it into the guard\'s hand. Then he said, "you must know Miss Lin\'s son Li Luoyang?"

The guard looked at the silver in his hand. The corners of his mouth rose slightly and showed greedy eyes. He put the silver in his arms and asked in a low voice, "Lord Mo wants me to pay attention to whether Li Luoyang is coming?"


"Don\'t worry. If Li Luoyang shows up here, I\'ll send someone to inform you."

Mo Yuntian patted the guard on the shoulder, then turned around and went away. He didn\'t notice that on the tea stall opposite him, the disguised Xiao Si was looking at Mo Yuntian leaving with his head down and his eyes. Xiao Si had already arrived at the place waiting for Li Luoyang and saw Mo Yuntian enter the Lin family. He began to worry that Li Luoyang was found by Mo Yuntian until he saw Mo Yuntian alone Come out, Xiao Si\'s hanging heart was released.

At this time, in the Lin family\'s backyard, Li Luoyang has returned to Lin Luoshui from the wall. Lin Luoshui immediately asked, "Why are you carrying Mo Yuntian behind your back when you return? Although he cooperates with Sima Yingming, he won\'t ask me any more, but he doesn\'t dare to attack you." Lin Luoshui knows that he has lost his use value in Mo Yuntian\'s eyes, but Mo Yuntian will also be afraid of Zhou Xiangong\'s existence and resolutely dare not attack Li Luoyang, so she doesn\'t understand why Li Luoyang should carry Mo Yuntian behind his back.

Li Luoyang looked serious and whispered, "mother, you don\'t know. When I returned from grade four, I killed four people wearing Manichaeism clothes on the road. After the child\'s interrogation, they were all people of six doors, and their task was to ambush me on several necessary roads outside Luoyang, so that I could never return to Luoyang."

Hearing Li Luoyang\'s words, Lin Luoshui immediately killed: "Mo Yuntian actually wants to attack you behind my back? He even wants to blame Manichaeism?"

Li Luoyang sat in front of Lin Luoshui and said slowly: "Mother, he began to cooperate with Sima Ying Ming, and gained many benefits. But Sima Yingming was regain the power given by the court because of perfume, and Mo Yun Tian\'s cooperation with him also took the opportunity of Sima Ying ming to enter the six door headquarters. If you think about this, if I come back, it will be a threat to them. Sima does not want to drink perfume. Being surpassed, he wants to be the only one who can make perfume. Only in this way can he stabilize his power for a long time, and he who has just won power is not available. At this time, Mo Yun Tian is his best choice, so Mo Yun Tian sent people to lie in ambush outside the city.

"I know that Mo Yun Tian started working with Sima Ying Ming, but I don\'t know what the contract between them is. What you heard is your perfume, so the secret of perfume has fallen to Sima Yingming\'s hands. Why?"

Li Luoyang said helplessly, "because Mo Jiao."

"What\'s wrong with her?"

"This girl is worried about me, so she left Luoyang to look for me everywhere. She even came to south of the Five Ridges City, almost saw me, and when I left, she gave her a secret recipe for perfume. She finished the production of one hundred bottles of perfume, and used it to cooperate with the royal court. Sima was anxious to find me. When she left, she gave the secret to perfume. Ma Yingming has established a cooperative relationship. "

Hearing what Li Luoyang said, Lin Luoshui not only didn\'t worry, but smiled: "Luoyang, Mo Jiao is also a good girl. Although Mo Yuntian has great ambition and is willing to kill you, Mo Jiao is very kind to you. Don\'t Miss Mo Jiao because of what Mo Yuntian has done."

Li Luoyang looked at Lin Luoshui in surprise: "mother, you, you don\'t want to..."

"It\'s normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Although Mo Jiao can\'t compare with Xinyi, she is also outstanding."

Li Luoyang whispered with a black thread, "then why did my father only marry you?"

"He dares!"

"Do you mean I dare?"

"You should believe in being a mother. I think Xinyi is a sensible girl. She certainly won\'t mind being accompanied by others."

Li Luoyang shook his head and said slowly, "mother, your son is suffering from enemies from both sides. Do you have any extra thoughts to pay attention to Mo Jiao? Don\'t be kidding." Li Luoyang didn\'t expect Lin Luoshui to say so. Although Li Luoyang doesn\'t resist the beauty of embracing left and right, he really doesn\'t have any extra thoughts to pay attention to these.

Lin Luoshui covered his mouth and said with a smile, "you have returned safely now. I just saw Mo Yuntian and didn\'t hear from you. What are you still worried about?"

"So far, children can not appear in the eye of Moyun Tian and Sima Yingming. Moyun dare to send people to ambush me, and naturally they dare to send someone to assassinate me. I need to prove my value, so that Sima Yingming can feel that if I can\'t do it, I can return right and proper. Otherwise, if I don\'t appear, Mo Yuntian will send someone to kill me."

Hearing Li Luoyang\'s words, Lin Luoshui restrained his smile: "what are you going to do?"

"Since Sima Yingming is the power to regain it with perfume, I must prove it with perfume. I will develop new perfume and try to send it into the palace. As long as Mrs. white is in use, she will definitely want to own the new perfume I have developed, so I can ask Sima for it. At that time, when I appeared in their eyes, what did Sima want to do to me? Kill me? The perfume will never appear in Mrs. White\'s hands. He can\'t afford to take the blame for him.

Lin Luo Shui asked in a low voice, "do you have any plan? How can you send perfume into the palace? Luoyang, you know that Lin has been in contact with the royal court all the time, so it\'s better to find them for the mother, so that they can send perfume to Mrs. white, so that your plan will be successful."

Li Luoyang said without hesitation: "no! I won\'t ask the Lin family for half of my life. Naturally, I don\'t want my mother to bow to them. I have my own way. Even if the plan fails, I won\'t use some power of the Lin family. This is the bottom line of the child. Please help my mother."

Looking at Li Luoyang with firm eyes, Lin Luoshui just sighed, then touched Li Luoyang\'s head and said slowly, "Luoyang, don\'t be too reluctant. I\'m doing well here. I just hope you and Guo\'er can live well, that\'s all."