Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1063

"Miss Lin, you\'re all right." Mo Yuntian, led by the guard, came to the pavilion and looked at Lin Luoshui sitting quietly in the pavilion. Mo Yuntian greeted with a smile. Since Sima Yingming\'s cooperation, Mo Yuntian has begun not to care about Lin Luoshui\'s face. Once he wanted to take advantage of Lin Luoshui\'s relationship with Zhou Xiangong, Let him get the opportunity to enter the six doors headquarters, and now with Sima Yingming, he will not have any scruples.

He swaggered to the stone table, sat down directly, picked up the teapot and poured it into his mouth. After wiping his mouth, Mo Yuntian smiled and said, "Miss Lin, I haven\'t seen Luoyang brothers these days. I miss it very much. Today I\'m here to ask about something. Please tell Miss Lin the truth."

Lin Luo was expressionless on the surface of the water and looked a little depressed: "Lord Mo came in person. There must be something urgent. Since Lord Mo wants to ask about his concubine, she must know everything and say everything in person." Lin Luoshui was not surprised by Mo Yuntian\'s attitude. She had already learned that Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming began to cooperate, and she had lost her use value in Mo Yuntian\'s eyes, Mo Yuntian never had the humility before him.

"On that day, you personally sent a letter to my six doors asking me to stop looking for Luoyang brothers. I really don\'t know why Miss Lin did this? Do you know where the Luoyang brothers are? Or who threatened you? Can miss Lin give me an explanation?" when Li Luoyang disappeared, all the six doors went out to look for them, At this time, Lin Luoshui found Mo Yuntian with Li Luoyang\'s letter reporting peace and asked to stop looking for Li Luoyang. This is not like a mother\'s worry about her child.

Lin Luoshui picked up his tea cup, took a sip and said slowly, "I don\'t know the whereabouts of Luoyang, and I\'m not threatened by anyone. I only know that my son is safe, so I don\'t bother so many people in the six doors. Don\'t think too much."

"I hope I\'ve thought too much. I still want to ask who was the person who sent the letter to you that day?" Mo Yuntian knows that since the other party can send the letter, the other party must know Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts and have had contact with Li Luoyang, otherwise he won\'t get Li Luoyang\'s letter and send it here, At this time, what Mo Yuntian wants to know most is Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts and whether he has returned.

Looking at Lin Luoshui\'s expression and behavior, Mo Yuntian watched carefully and seemed to see some clues, but Lin Luoshui\'s performance had no flaws. His face was full of worries about his son. His red eyes didn\'t seem to sleep well for a while. Facing Mo Yuntian\'s inquiry, Lin Luoshui reluctantly said: "I didn\'t see the messenger. That day I came here for tea. When I saw a letter on the table, I went to six doors to find you."

"Oh? Really? He\'s very good. He went in and out of the Lin family silently. He\'s probably an expert. Did Miss Lin not worry about the safety of the Luoyang brothers at that time? She concluded that the Luoyang brothers were safe only by a letter? As a mother, it\'s too childish?" Mo Yuntian raised his mouth slightly and continued to observe Lin Luoshui\'s words and deeds.

"The letter also stated that Luoyang had its own affairs to go out, and I never asked him anything. And no one knew what he would do. Maybe he was inventing something and didn\'t want to be known. You also knew that what Luoyang love most was to develop new things. Perfume and wine, even carriages were created by him. These things were also developed by Luoyang privately. I think these Luoyang\'s departure may be to develop new things, so I hid myself. "

Looking at the flawless Lin Luoshui, Mo Yuntian suddenly said, "my people reported to me today that they seem to have seen the whereabouts of Luoyang brothers near Luoyang City." Mo Yuntian deliberately threw this sentence to see how Lin Luoshui would react when he learned such news.

Lin Luoshui smiled secretly in his heart, but his face was filled with surprise and excitement: "seriously? Did you ever confirm that it was my son Li Luoyang?" Lin Luoshui\'s worry was completely a mother\'s normal reaction. Coupled with Lin Luoshui\'s complete interpretation, Mo Yuntian still didn\'t get anything.

Mo Yuntian frowned and thought: "Isn\'t it Li Luoyang who killed me? There are no mountain bandits around here. Even if there are them, they are not my opponents of the six sects. Three people died miserably and one person is missing? Can Li Luoyang do it? By the way! Are they the people of Liangshanpo, who call to walk on behalf of heaven all day? At that time, my people were wearing Manichaeism clothes. Maybe they met the people of Liangshanpo, those people This guy mistook my people for Manichaeism, so he did it? This can also explain why these three people died miserably without any resistance. If it were Li Luoyang, he should not be able to do this with his strength. "

"Lord Mo? Lord Mo? If you haven\'t returned to me, can you confirm that the news is Li Luoyang?" Lin Luoshui asked anxiously looking at Mo Yuntian who was silent.

Mo Yuntian came back this time: "just said it looks like Luoyang brothers. I have sent someone to follow up and check. I will inform Miss Lin as soon as I have news. Please rest assured."

Lin Luoshui instantly changed his mood from expectation to loss: "really? If Luoyang came back, he would certainly come to see me here. At that time, I could see him even without the news you brought, but I still want to thank Lord Mo for his good intentions."

Mo Yuntian raised his mouth slightly and said slowly: "It is well known that Luoyang brother is a filial son. If he returns, he will naturally come to see Miss Lin at the first time. At that time, I hope Miss Lin will also send someone to six doors to inform me. I haven\'t had a drink with Luoyang brother for a long time, but I miss the feeling of staying drunk with Luoyang brother in Wenjun Yazhu."

Li Luoyang, lying on the wall, looked at Mo Yuntian\'s face through the thick leaves. He knew that this guy came here today for verification. He and Xiao Si killed four people who ambushed him at six doors, which will surely attract Mo Yuntian\'s attention. But Li Luoyang didn\'t expect that this crafty thing could act like this, but fortunately Lin Luoshui was better at it, There was no flaw, otherwise Mo Yuntian would really find out.

Mo Yuntian slowly stood up and said to Lin Luoshui, "in that case, I\'ll step back. I hope Miss Lin will remember my words and let me know if there is news from Luoyang brother. After all, I\'m close to him. If he has anything wrong, I\'ll regret it all my life."

Lin Luoshui got up and nodded: "thank you for your concern. If I have news about Luoyang, I will certainly report peace to Lord mo. on the contrary, if Lord Mo has news about my son, please send someone here to inform me."

"Nature, nature."