Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1062

"Where\'s Miss Xinyi? She didn\'t come with you?" Lin Luoshui asked with a smile. Since she saw that Li Luoyang had returned safely, she naturally cared about her daughter-in-law. Wu Xinyi was her favorite girl. She also knew that Wu Xinyi had been silently protected behind Li Luyang for a long time, and she could see that Wu Xinyi had a friendship with Li Luoyang.

Li Luoyang said with a smile; "Your daughter-in-law has returned to the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain for the time being."

Hearing that Li Luoyang actually said so, Lin Luoshui smiled heartily: "daughter-in-law? It seems that your boy is enlightened at last. Can you say that Xinyi is with you this Lingnan trip?" after returning from Lingnan, Li Luoyang actually took the initiative to admit that Wu Xinyi is Lin Luoshui\'s daughter-in-law, which made Lin Luoshui immediately realize that Wu Xinyi must have participated in Li Luoyang\'s Lingnan trip, And they also had some stories, otherwise Li Luoyang\'s transformation would not be so fast and straightforward.

Li Luoyang nodded without hesitation: "Well, after Xinyi learned that Chaijin appeared in Wenjun\'s elegant building, she thought that my disappearance must be related to Liangshanpo, so she found Chaijin and asked him to take Xinyi to lingnancheng. I didn\'t think that there was a relationship between the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain and Liangshanpo. Xinyi knew the exact route to Liangshanpo. Naturally, Liangshanpo people didn\'t dare to offend Xinyi, but chaijincai Promised Xinyi\'s request and finally came to me. "

"It seems that a lot has happened between you?"

Li Luoyang blushed and told the story between himself and Xinyi once. After listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, Lin Luoshui gave Li Luoyang a thumbs up, smiled happily and whispered: "Beautiful, I should have done this for a long time. I\'m also worried that such a good daughter-in-law will eventually run away because of your boy\'s Muling. Now it seems that my daughter-in-law is stable. When can I choose a day to do it?"

Li Luoyang said helplessly, "mother, have you forgotten? Brother and Wu Nian of the Wu family still have an agreement, and Wu Xinyi, as the daughter of the Wu family owner, it is estimated that it will be difficult to marry her. Besides, I don\'t like talking about marriage now. There are still many things waiting for me to do. Anyway, let\'s let brother finish it first."

Lin Luoshui nodded and said with a smile, "you are in good order. Li Guo should be married first and then you. But I look forward to you and Guo\'er giving me a grandson." with these words, Lin Luoshui\'s face was subconsciously filled with a happy smile. This is the happiest thing and the most expected thing for Lin Luoshui after Li Luoyang\'s father left.

At this time, Li Luoyang asked in a low voice: "Mother, do you know the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain? I always have a question. I have never had any contact with the Wu family, and in my impression, you and your father have never mentioned the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain. Why do they send Wu Xinyi to protect me secretly? Wu Xinyi is the daughter of the family leader and has a high status. Sending her to protect me is enough to show that the Wu family values me very much. Why?"

Facing Li Luoyang\'s inquiry, Lin Luoshui\'s smile gradually disappeared, shook his head and said slowly: "Baiyun Mountain Wu family, I just heard your father mention it once. They chose to live in seclusion many years ago. I don\'t know why they made such a choice, and I have the same doubts as you. I\'ve never explained to them. I don\'t know why Xinyi appeared by your side."

Li Luoyang whispered: "I went to the Wu family some time ago, and you know this, mother. I also asked Xinyi\'s father, the owner of the Wu family. Wu Tian didn\'t answer my question directly, but prevaricated. Now I\'m curious about their purpose. Walking in troubled times, I\'m most worried about being calculated. Until I don\'t know the purpose of the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain, I won\'t Those who fully trust them, of course, except Xinyi. "

Lin Luoshui asked with a smile: "Have they ever hurt you? Have they ever had any purpose for you? If they really want to figure out something for you, I believe they have countless opportunities to do it. When you went to the Wu family, they were fully capable of keeping you there forever. Your safe return is enough to show that their purpose for you is not bad. I believe you have your own experience, otherwise they will not develop with Xinyi It\'s a relationship like this. "

Lin Luoshui knows his son\'s character very well. If Li Luoyang really has a grudge and vigilance against the Wu family in Baiyu mountain, he will not give Wu Xinyi such a chance to get close to himself. At this time, in addition to Lin Luoshui and Li Guo, Wu Xinyi is the one Li Luoyang trusts most, and Wu Xinyi is also the only one who knows Li Luoyang\'s whole plan best, enough to see Li Luo Yang has no doubt about Wu Xinyi.

Li Luoyang smiled: "my mother knows me. Indeed, I don\'t feel any danger from the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain. On the contrary, I always feel that there seems to be some connection and tacit understanding with them. Although I can\'t say what it feels like, at least they are not hostile to me."

"Luoyang, in troubled times, you can\'t hurt others and guard against others. I agree with this, but you can\'t list everyone as the person you need to be vigilant. It\'s too tired to live like this."

Li Luoyang nodded hard: "Mother, I know that even if I\'m tired, I don\'t want to ruin everything because of a moment\'s negligence. To tell my mother the truth, I\'ve begun to slowly establish my own power. Only my own strong power can survive in troubled times. I\'ve arranged for my apprentice Xiao Hui to go to the Wu family and devote myself to cultivation. I\'m also going to turn the Wu family into my own power The starting point. "

"Xiao Hui? Doesn\'t he know the man with six doors?"

"Well, he has left Mo Yuntian. Mo Yuntian doesn\'t know about it."

Lin Luoshui frowned and whispered, "Luoyang, do you know the danger? Now the imperial court is very sensitive to this. Manichaeism belongs to forces outside the imperial court. The imperial court has attacked it many times in order to prevent this uncontrollable force from getting a chance to grow. If you build your own force, it will certainly arouse the suspicion of the imperial court."

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and whispered: "Mother, I have my own plan. The Wu family in Baiyun Mountain is located in a secret environment. The imperial court has not found the value of existence for so many years. I believe that as long as my plan is successfully completed, the imperial court will not notice it. Even if they find it, they will not fight against my forces, because they will not know the people behind these forces."

Lin Luoshui asked half knowing and half understanding, "Luoyang, what\'s your purpose?"

Li Luoyang squatted beside Lin Luoshui. When he was trying to explain, there was a guard\'s voice outside the door: "Miss, Mo Yuntian wants to see you. At this time, he is already outside the door."

Li Luoyang immediately said, "mother, I\'ll avoid it first. Remember, you haven\'t seen me today. Remember, I\'ll explain to you later!" with that, Li Luoyang jumped onto the wall and hid in the dense canopy.