Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1059

"The master asked me to give it to you." Xiao Si handed Ouyang Wenjun the secret recipe of yaochi Yulu in his arms. Ouyang Wenjun smiled: "with this thing, Wenjun\'s elegant building is saved."

Xiaoyu lies in Xiaosi\'s arms: "you don\'t know. Yesterday, sister Wenjun went to ge Cheng of the merchant Federation for Wenjun Yazhu and wanted to buy some immortal drunk raw materials from him. The wine in Wenjun Yazhu has disappeared. Sister Wenjun even planned to close the door temporarily and wait for you to come back, but unexpectedly, Ge Cheng wanted to occupy sister Wenjun, and sister Wenjun didn\'t promise."

The little four colors said slowly and solemnly: "Fortunately, we\'re back, otherwise Wenjun Yazhu really can\'t support it. This time, when master was kidnapped, what he cares about most is Wenjun Yazhu. This is where Master settled and the first industry he managed with his heart. Master attaches great importance to it. Master\'s anger about Liangshanpo\'s kidnapping is that he didn\'t arrange the affairs in the city."

Ouyang Wenjun took a deep breath, then smiled and said, "now, I\'ll arrange to brew yaochi Yulu later. As long as there is good wine, I can barely maintain Wenjun\'s elegant building. There should be no problem if I insist. By the way, Li\'s herbal medicine store has been closed temporarily because of Xiaoyu\'s injury."

Xiaoyu immediately came out of Xiaosi\'s arms and said with a smile: "I\'m almost well. Since Xiaosi and Luoyang have come back, I\'ll cheer up and reopen the herbal shop." Xiaosi came back safely. Xiaoyu seems to have recovered from her illness. She is full of energy. She wants to open the herbal shop today.

"You\'d better have a rest. When Shifu and I came back, we saw that the herbal medicine store was closed. Shifu knew it must be because of your injury, so let me tell you not to worry. After he announced his return, the herbal medicine store will open again." Xiao Si turned to look at Ouyang Wenjun and said seriously: "Sister Wenjun, Wenjun Yazhu\'s business is so bleak. Is it related to liumen and Sima Yingming?"

Ouyang smiled helplessly: "This is normal. After Li Luoyang disappeared, they no longer need to patronize here. Other dignitaries seem to have been notified by them. Fewer and fewer people come. Some old customers see that yaochi Yulu and the immortal are drunk. Naturally, they don\'t come anymore. The business has finally become what it is now, but now, it\'s all over."

Ouyang Wenjun knows that as long as yaochi Yulu is brewed, the old customers will naturally come back a little bit. The business may not be as good as the peak, but it will not be a problem to maintain it.

"Shifu said that Wenjun Yazhu\'s business must have something to do with his disappearance, so let me ask you if there was anything else besides the assassination during his departure? Did Mo Yuntian fall into a well? Did Sima Yingming target Wenjun Yazhu?"

Ouyang stationery snorted with a smile and said, "what? Li Luoyang, is he going to take revenge?"

"Of course, they have to pay some price. Shifu has successfully found a partner in Lingnan city this time. He plans to let Wenjun Yazhu cooperate with Lingnan Yangjia restaurant to sell immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu respectively, which can increase the income and make money. After Luoyang city is handled, Shifu will go to Lingnan City for final negotiation. As long as he starts cooperation, Master will cut off the benefits of Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian, so as to completely break with them! "

Ouyang Wenjun looked at Xiao Si in surprise: "Lingnan Yang family? But once had an intoxicating Yang family?"

"Well, sister Wenjun, do you know them?"

"Who didn\'t know the scenery of the Yang family."

The corner of Xiao Si\'s mouth rose and showed a sly smile: "not only that, master has become the son-in-law of the Yang family."

"What! What\'s going on?"

"Yang Zhen, the leader of the Yang family, once announced that the son-in-law of the Yang family was the one who got the jade pendant handed down by the Yang family\'s ancestors. On the first day when Shifu went to Lingnan City, he found the Yang family and borrowed some silver to strengthen Yang Yanwen, and got the Yang family jade pendant from Yang Yanwen. Shifu didn\'t know what the jade pendant represented at that time, let alone that Yang Yanwen was actually a woman disguised as a man, so He took it. "

After listening to Xiao Si\'s words, Ouyang Wenjun and Xiao Yu laughed wildly: "hahaha, Xiao Si, you do have a smart master, but in terms of feelings, your master is a person without IQ. Hahaha, that\'s all. Since Li Luoyang wants to cooperate with the Yang family, it\'s also very good for our sales."

After nodding, Xiao Si continued, "master, let me tell you that the assassin of that day already knows his identity, that is, Huang Ying, who is in charge of the brothel. She is also a member of the merchant Federation. When he doesn\'t announce his return, let you deal with it carefully, especially Huang Ying."

Ouyang Wenjun has a dignified face and complex expression: "Is it her? In fact, I knew that the assassin had something to do with the merchant Federation. Li Luoyang was missing. The only people who wanted to get the secret recipe of immortal Zui and yaochi Yulu were Mo Yuntian of the six doors, but he would have scruples about the Lin family, so he didn\'t dare to act. Secondly, Sima Yingming, but his power had not been restored at that time and he didn\'t have the strength to rob here. Finally, it was that It\'s the merchant Federation. In terms of strength and ambition, they are the most likely to rob the secret recipe here. But I know that there are no female experts in the merchant Federation in Luoyang City. "

"She\'s from the headquarters of the Federation of businessmen."

"That\'s right. When she appears, her gender can be judged from her figure. Although I doubt the merchant Federation, after all, there is no suitable candidate for the merchant Federation in Luoyang City, so I don\'t doubt it anymore. I really didn\'t expect that the head of the new brothel would be the head of the merchant Federation headquarters. It seems that we should be careful in dealing with it in the future."

"Shifu said that she has come back. Let you be more careful. The merchant Federation has not yet obtained the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu. They will not give up. So you should take more embankments these days. But now there are tiger skins sitting here. Compared with them, they dare not move rashly. It\'s no good to offend the six doors."

Ouyang Wenjun nodded and stood up. After stretching, he smiled and said, "well, I won\'t delay you two. I\'ll arrange to brew yaochi Yulu. Nothing has happened to me today, and I\'ve never seen you."

With that, Ouyang Wenjun turned and left.

Xiaoyu held Xiaosi and asked in a low voice, "are you going again?"

"Well, everyone knows that I disappeared with Shifu. If anyone sees me, it will naturally expose Shifu\'s whereabouts. Besides, Shifu needs my help. I naturally want to stay with Shifu. Don\'t worry, we are in Luoyang."

Xiaoyu nodded cleverly and then whispered, "well, be careful."