Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1060

In Wenjun\'s elegant building, the music was playing. Ouyang Wenjun came to the tiger skin with a smile. The corners of the tiger skin\'s mouth rose slightly and said slowly, "the master must be in a good mood today? Have you seen him?"

Ouyang Wenjun\'s PU fan covered his face with a smile and said, "don\'t you also know? Tiger skin, I have heard your mind, but I want to remind you that you should continue to hide it before you leave Luoyang. If Mo Yuntian knew your mind, you won\'t have a chance to leave all your life."

"Don\'t worry, I know. There\'s one thing I want to tell you. Mo Yuntian asked me to withdraw the task of protecting Wenjun\'s elegant buildings today. Xiao Hui has left him. Mo Jiao and Mo Fushou haven\'t returned yet, and there are not enough people in the six doors."

Ouyang Wenjun smiled: "he\'s showing his attitude. He doesn\'t want to continue to protect the useless Wenjun Yazhu. Without Li Luoyang\'s existence, he doesn\'t have the necessity and obligation to protect Wenjun Yazhu. It\'s okay. Go and we\'ll take care of ourselves." at this time, Li Luoyang is in Luoyang City. She firmly believes that Li Luoyang will not let Wenjun Yazhu have anything to do, Naturally, she will not have an accident with Xiaoyu.

The tiger skin nodded and drank the wine in the cup. Then he turned and left Wenjun Yazhu, went to the six doors, and came to Mo Yuntian again. At this time, Mo Yuntian looked angry. The tiger skin asked suspiciously, "Lord Mo, I\'m back. According to your instructions, the protection of Wenjun Yazhu has been revoked."

Mo Yuntian slowly stood up and looked at the tiger skin with his eyes straight: "tiger skin, have you stayed in Wenjun\'s elegant building today? Have you never left?"

"Well, never leave."

"Have you ever seen suspicious people enter Wenjun Yazhu?"

The tiger skin thought and then said; "Only one guest came to Wenjun\'s elegant building today. He is the waiter of boss Zhang of silk and satin shop. He came to buy the last bottle of yaochi jade dew for boss Zhang. In addition, no one has visited Wenjun\'s elegant building." tiger skin naturally concealed the whereabouts of Xiao Si.

Mo Yuntian frowned and asked in a low voice, "have you ever seen Li Luoyang?"

Tiger skin looked at Mo Yuntian in surprise: "Li Luoyang? Has he come back?" at this time, tiger skin\'s heart had already mentioned his voice. Why did Mo Yuntian suddenly ask him such a question? Tiger skin felt whether Mo Yuntian had known Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts.

"Haven\'t you seen him?"

Tiger skin shook his head and said firmly, "I haven\'t seen it, Lord mo. have you received the news about Li Luoyang?"

Mo Yuntian waved. An attendant immediately appeared in front of Mo Yuntian and the tiger skin. Mo Yuntian returned to his position and sat down: "tell the tiger skin what happened. I want the tiger skin to have an attitude recently!"

"Yes!" the attendant turned to look at the tiger skin: "Captain tiger skin, this is the case. We were ordered to ambush ten miles outside the city. The target task is Li Luoyang. Today, there was an accident in the ambush team outside the west city gate. Three people were killed and one person\'s whereabouts are unknown. We suspect that Li Luoyang did it." the three people are the six disciples in the tea stall, The missing man was lying in the cold grass.

The tiger\'s skin showed surprise, as if it had been hit by five thunders. It took a long time to recover: "the target is Li Luoyang? Lord Mo, why? You have always been friendly with Li Luoyang. Why did you suddenly have such an order?"

Mo Yuntian\'s expression is serious and his tone is low: "tiger skin, Xiaohui is gone. At this time, only you can use me. To tell you the truth, the reason why I want Li Luoyang\'s life is for the future. I know that you have a good relationship with Xiaohui and Li Luoyang. Today, I tell you that I really want you to choose whether to stay with me or stand in Li Luoyang."

Mo Yuntian said, the knife behind him was already in his hand.

The tiger skin said without thinking, "Lord Mo has nurtured me and is also my master. I am a man of six doors. No matter what happens, I will follow Lord mo." the tiger skin has already noticed Mo Yuntian\'s hand. The hand behind him is obviously full of killing intention. How could he be so stupid to say what he really thinks.

After listening to the answer of the tiger skin, Mo Yuntian smiled, and the hand behind him slowly took back: "tiger skin, as long as Li Luoyang disappears forever, I will be able to work in liumen headquarters soon. I promise you to sit in this position at that time, and Mo Jiao is also time to find someone to marry."

Tiger skin knows that Mo Yuntian\'s promise is just a piece of paper. This position is mo Jiao\'s anyway. He knows this in his heart: "thank you, Lord mo. I don\'t know what Lord Mo wants me to do?"

"In fact, it\'s very simple. I want you to investigate who killed the people ambushed outside the city, and send someone to secretly observe all the people in and out of Wenjun\'s elegant building. I want you to stay outside the city. As long as you meet Li Luoyang, find a way to kill him, and then bring his head to me, tiger skin. I want to remind you that I know your relationship with Li Luoyang. If you dare to kill me Don\'t blame me for not reading the friendship of many years when I leaked the plan to Li Luoyang or helped him back here. "

Tiger skin nodded hard: "don\'t worry, Lord mo. although I have friendship with Li Luoyang, I\'m just a fair weather friend. I just want to get some benefits from him and get a chance to get drunk with immortals. I don\'t intend to make deep friends with him."

"That\'s good. I hope you don\'t let me down. I\'ll arrange someone to follow your orders and ambush in Luoyang City. It\'s your task to see Li Luoyang kill and Xiao Hui catch."

"Yes, my subordinates will do it now."

"Step back."

After the tiger skin left, the attendant looked at Mo Yuntian and asked in a low voice, "Lord Mo, do you think the tiger skin is credible?"

"Hum, I know him too well. I don\'t think he dare betray me. Tell the ambush people to be vigilant and obey the command of tiger skin from now on. I\'m worried that Li Luoyang will kill the three people. If so, he will already know our plan. If he tells Lin Luoshui about this, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Lord Mo, if Li Luoyang has really come back, he will visit Lin Luoshui. Why don\'t you go to the Lin family and see if Lin Luoshui is abnormal? I believe you can see the clue with your eyesight."

Mo Yuntian laughed wildly after listening to the entourage\'s words, put his hand on the entourage\'s shoulder and said slowly, "ha ha ha, good plan! I haven\'t seen your boy have such a brain at ordinary times. If Xiao Hui can never come back, his position will be yours in the future."

The entourage knelt excitedly on the ground: "thank you, Lord Mo for your promotion. I will not leave without saying goodbye to Xiao Hui. I will go through fire and water for Lord Mo in the future!"

Mo Yuntian bent over and said with a sly smile, "Xiao Hui said the same thing in front of me, but is it true? I hope you don\'t become the second one. He makes me sad."