Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1058

Ouyang Wenjun sat in front of the round table. Xiao Si returned, but she put down all the previous pressure: "That\'s all for Miss Xinyi. I just don\'t understand why Mo Jiao\'s girl appeared in Lingnan city? Hasn\'t Mo Yuntian taken back all the people looking for Li Luoyang? That girl almost ruined Li Luoyang. If Mo Jiao finds Li Luoyang in Lingnan City, it\'s estimated that Li Luoyang\'s identity will be completely exposed."

"Well, Shifu also said that the biggest difficulty in this Lingnan city operation is how to help Liangshanpo people and hide their identity all the time. Once they are found, they will fall into an irreparable situation. Fortunately, in the end, no one knows that the master led Liangshanpo people to successfully rescue Huarong, but Mo Jiao\'s appearance is actually a good thing."

"Good? Why?"

Xiao Si smiled and then whispered: Each one takes what he needs to see. Mo Yuntian is the only one who has analyzed the Mogao\'s fragrance. He has definitely given the secret to the perfume. He is probably the one who is the one who is the one who is the most famous person. When he takes the necessary perfume, he will take the secret of perfume. Sima will not be the master. When the two of us take what they need, the two people will not want to develop something beyond perfume. It will prevent us from coming back. It is precisely because of this. When we came back this time, master deliberately disguised himself, and really found six disciples who were ambushing in Luoyang and disguised as Manichaeism. Their goal was us. "

Ouyang Wenjun stared with his eyes wide open and his mouth open. He looked incredible: "Li, Li Luoyang just saw Mo Jiao and analyzed so many? And they were all right?" She knew that Li Luoyang was smart, but she never thought that when Li Luoyang became serious, it would be so terrible. All the details and accidents were calculated by Li Luoyang. Even without any relevant information, Li Luoyang could still detect the changes in Luoyang City and respond.

If it were not for Li Luoyang\'s prediction, Li Luoyang would really not be able to return to Luoyang alive.

"Hahaha, you don\'t see whose master he is. It\'s because of his talent that he made this action so perfect."

Ouyang Wenjun smiled. She didn\'t refute Xiao Si\'s proud words. Instead, she agreed with Xiao Si\'s words. If it weren\'t for Li Luoyang, Liangshanpo\'s action would be their disaster. After listening to Xiao Si\'s story, Ouyang Wenjun naturally knew that Li Luoyang\'s successful prison robbery was not only because Li Luoyang did his work in advance, but also because of Li Guo\'s existence, The two brothers cooperated inside and outside, and finally made earth shaking changes in the direction of things.

Xiao Si continued with a smile: "master has completed the task perfectly and won the hearts of Liangshanpo. Now Liangshanpo has become master\'s friend. I think they will help master in anything in the future."

"By the way, Xiao Si, I asked Xiao Hui to go to Liangshanpo to find you. This time he came back with you?"

"Xiaohui went to other places. Shifu and Xiaohui were worried that leaving the six doors would make Mo Yuntian furious. They would certainly regard Xiaohui\'s leaving without saying goodbye as a betrayal. Shifu simply asked Xiaohui to leave Luoyang and go to other places. As for where, I don\'t know."

Xiao Si doesn\'t intend to tell Ouyang Wenjun the truth. Although he and Li Luoyang trust Ouyang Wenjun very much, the fewer people know about it, the better. Li Luoyang once said that the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain is the biggest secret. Don\'t tell anyone until you have to. Li Luoyang knows the way to the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain. Li Luoyang also wants to establish a secret family by relying on Baiyun Mountain In their own power.

"Now that Xiao Hui has joined you, I don\'t have to worry. Since Xiao Hui went to Liangshan, I have been worried about his safety. It seems that he must be the same as you, but he is temporarily trapped by Liangshanpo. As for the cooperation between Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming, they have moved more and more frequently since Li Luoyang left. I didn\'t expect that they are actually because of A consensus was reached for the secret recipe of perfume.

Xiao Si nodded and said with a smile, "this is also master\'s guess. Just in case, we made a simple disguise and finally achieved miraculous results."

"OK, your master is the most powerful in the world, OK? You appear here, where has Li Luoyang gone?" Ouyang Wenjun asked curiously.

"Guess what?"

"Hum, do you need to guess? He must have quietly gone to the Lin family. There are only two of his most important people in the world. One is Li Guo, who has met with him in Lingnan City, and the other is aunt Lin, who is trapped in the Lin family. The purpose of Li Luoyang\'s efforts to stay alive is for Aunt Lin. when he comes back safely, he naturally goes to see his mother."

Xiao Si smiled with a thumbs up. "Sister Wenjun is still so wise. Master did go to the Lin family."

"Well, let\'s get down to business. You said Li Luoyang had something to tell me?"

The smile on Xiao Si\'s face disappeared and was replaced by a rare seriousness: "Sister Wen Jun, a little bit of a life and death struggle, you know, we are also very dangerous on this way back. If we let Moyun and Sima Ying know that the master has come back in fact, they are afraid that these two guys will die. So master will stay in the city of Luoyang, develop fragrant water or something else, have enough capital, and then announce the return. Sima Ying will be able to do so. However, as before, I would like to use master and give up attacking master. "

Ouyang Wenjun nodded again and again: "I see. What he meant is that no one can divulge the news of his return. Choose the right opportunity to act again. If you don\'t make a sound, you\'ll be a blockbuster."

"Well, at this time, only a handful of people in Luoyang knew we were coming back. You and Xiaoyu were two of them, aunt Lin and the tiger skin in the hall."

Ouyang Wenjun frowned and asked in a low voice, "are you sure the tiger skin is credible? I know he plans to worship Li Luoyang as a teacher, but I know Li Luoyang\'s character. He will never establish friendship with the tiger skin before he can fully understand and master a person, let alone take the tiger skin as an apprentice."

"Don\'t worry. When I entered Wenjun\'s elegant building, he found out. It\'s not good to deliberately hide it. I\'ve tried him. He really wants to leave the six doors and follow the master with Xiaohui."

Ouyang Wenjun nodded and then said: "I\'ve been observing the tiger skin for a long time. He really doesn\'t have any abnormality, and I can see his worship of Li Luoyang. Hehe, Mo Yuntian has lost a lot this time. Not only Xiao Hui has to leave the six gates, but also the tiger skin has to follow. The plan to ambush Li Luoyang has also failed. So far, Mo Yuntian doesn\'t know that Li Luoyang is in the city now, which can be regarded as a disaster Stealing chicken can\'t eat rice. "