World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 289

"You are..." Hearing the words of LAN Xiaoyun, Mrs. Dong turned her eyes to Bai Yan and asked.

LAN Xiaoyun pursed her pink lips: "grandmother, is she my cousin Bai Yan?"

White face?

"Are you the child of blue moon?" she asked

These years. She also heard a lot about the blue family.

What's more, I heard that the only granddaughter of the blue family disappeared a few years ago

"Grandma, I'll explain these things to you later," Lan Xiaoyun said, stepping back two steps. "Cousin, you can help me to see my mother's situation."

After LAN Xiaoyun said this, Bai Yan's eyes fell on the beautiful woman on the bed. The more she looked, the more she frowned, the more she thought.

"How about it? Is it Ruolan she... " Mrs. Dong doesn't know why LAN Xiaoyun wants to see Bai Yan.

But at the sight of Bai Yan's expression, her heart was immediately pulled up.

White Yan eyebrow heart slowly loosen: "she has nothing to do, a second grade of Yangqi powder can let her recover."


Mrs. Dong opened her mouth in surprise.

One side of Dong Tianling is frowning: "I look for Dan pharmacist to show her, Dan medicine also took, but she still can't wake up."

White Yan light swept the eye Dong Tianling: "Dan pharmacist is you looking for?"

"This is not true. After the woman wounded Ruolan, she went to the palace to find a Dan pharmacist. She also took the second grade Yangqi powder..."

Speaking of this, Dong Tianling did not feel stopped, he may have come back to God, the old face of a white.

Bai Yan knew that this sentence had an effect. There was a shallow smile on her face.

However. That piece of clear black eyes, full of cold.

"My aunt's injury is not very serious. A Yangqi powder can make her wake up. But she can't be treated in time, and her injury will become more and more serious until there is no medicine to cure! "

With a smart face, LAN Xiaoyun takes the pill and walks slowly to the bed.

Looking at Dong Ruolan's pale face, blue Xiaoyun's eyes were filled with anger. She was deeply pressed, and the firm color appeared at the bottom of her eyes.

"Mother, don't worry. I'm not going to let anyone who hurt you get away with it! "

Bai Yan is right. She is right. They will be confused.

This time, even if the grandparents stopped. She also had to take a breath for her mother.

When LAN Xiaoyun feeds the pills to Dong Ruolan, a soft and sticky voice rings from behind her.

"Auntie, aunts and uncles will be fine. My mother will get justice for her."

Perhaps it was the tender voice that made Dong Tianling and the old man come to their senses and asked in surprise, "this is..."

"Hello, my cousin's grandmother. I'm my mother's best baby. You can call me chen'er."

Bai Xiaochen that soft and cute voice, all of a sudden let people's heart soften down.

It was the first time that Mrs. Dong saw such a beautiful and delicate boy. She couldn't move her eyes. She even forgot what she wanted to say before

"White girl, is this your son?"

After a long time, she returned home and asked.

At that time, she heard that Bai Yan was pregnant before her marriage, but could it be that Is this news true?

"She's really my baby son, but Compared with this matter, I have a more important thing to talk with you, "Bai Yan's eyes looked at LAN Xiaoyun." your mother will soon wake up. Let's not disturb her here, go out first. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!