World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 288

LAN Xiaoyun pursed her lips, and her eyes were quiet: "in fact, how the two of them have nothing to do with me. Anyway, I can't see them once a year. However, I can't see my grandparents sad, so my mother and I endure them for many years."

She lowered her eyes to cover the sadness in her eyes.

"These people, however, are getting worse. Because of the retrogression of my mother and I, they will think that we are easy to bully."

When has LAN Xiaoyun been bullied outside? If these were not her blood relatives, she It is impossible to give in everywhere.

"Rhyme," white eye light turned to LAN Xiaoyun, "you even if provocation is useless, your uncle will not believe you."

LAN Xiaoyun's body was stiff, but she said with a bitter smile: "the woman he married, the one who should feel guilty is him. Why should we pay for him in the whole blue family? Cousin, I really don't like it. "

Bai Yan was silent for a long time. She looked up at the blue rhyme and said faintly, "I only give you a word, which will be confused."

If we continue to make decisions, we will be disturbed!

LAN Xiaoyun tightly pursed her lips, she raised her eyes, clear eyes in a firm.

"Cousin, I understand that even if it will make my grandparents sad this time, I must break the relationship between my mother and uncle!"

Even if the grandparents are sad, it is temporary. What's more, the mother is still their daughter, which will never change.

But if you keep breaking up Maybe the mother's life will be buried in the hands of those people sooner or later.

Suddenly, LAN Xiaoyun stopped in front of a room door. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open slowly.


With the sound of opening the door, the old man who had been sitting at the head of the bed frowned and didn't look at it. He snapped, "what are you doing here? Are you really going to piss your mother to death? "

This sentence, of course, is impossible to say to LAN Xiaoyun.

Just after hearing this, LAN Xiaoyun's face Shua became pale.

"Grandfather, what's wrong with grandma?"

At the moment, the people lying on the bed are not only Dong Ruolan, but also the old lady with tears on her face

Dong Tianling is stunned. He turns his head rigidly. After seeing the girl standing at the door, his eyes are full of tears.

"Yun'er, are you back?"

"Grandfather, tell me what's going on? How did mother get into trouble with that woman? Who was grandma angry with? Where is my second brother LAN Xiaoyun's body trembled gently, and she had already arrived at the head of the bed in a few steps. The mood she endured all the way collapsed in an instant, and her tears flowed down.

Dong Tianling's face was a little stiff, as if he didn't know how to explain it.

Or one side of the old lady Dong shook and held LAN Xiaoyun's hand, and said in a trembling voice: "yun'er, you shouldn't come back. Your aunt wants to give you to the third prince as a concubine. Your mother didn't agree to be hurt by her."


Like a bolt from the blue, the brain of blue Xiaoyun is blank.

The woman wants to give her to the third prince as a concubine? Just because she didn't agree, she hurt her?

Just then, a hand extended from the back and patted LAN Xiaoyun on the shoulder.

Xu is the temperature of Bai Yan's palm makes LAN Xiaoyun come back to her senses, and her face gradually improves.

How can she forget that she still has a cousin! With cousins in, those people can't succeed.

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