World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 290

LAN Xiaoyun's eyes don't give up looking at the beautiful woman on the bed. She immediately takes back her sight and points her head toward Bai Yan: "good."

From the beginning to the end of the White Emperor's voice is very rare.

And when she saw Bai Yan walk out, she walked out of the door.


Out of the room, Dong Tianling helped old lady Dong step by step toward the direction of the hall.

LAN Xiaoyun has already known what Bai Yan is going to say. She is silent. If she doesn't give those people some lessons this time, she doesn't know what danger her mother will suffer next time.

"White girl," Dong Tianling sat down, he looked up at the white Yan, and sighed, "you can say what you want to say."

The black eyes of Bai Yan are clean and clear with bright luster.

Her voice, however, with determination and determination, clank fell in the quiet hall.

"Even though my aunt is your Dong's daughter, do you forget that she is also the daughter-in-law of the blue family?"

"The daughter-in-law of the blue family left the family well. Now, she is lying in bed and can't wake up. What's more, the pills she took are fake. It's hard for you, Dong family, not to give an account of this matter."

Dong Tianling's face was stiff, and her brow was slightly frowned: "Miss White, you know she is my daughter. Don't I, a father, worry about her? But you don't understand. Sometimes, you can't help yourself! "

"Well, I can't help myself," said Bai Yan with a sneer. "The reason why I didn't do it to Fu Baoyun just now is that you Dong family can give me an account. If you can't make decisions for my aunt, I don't mind doing it myself!"

Dong Tianling's face is not very good-looking, but just now Bai Yan took out pills to save Dong Ruolan. He was not easy to get angry. He could only sigh deeply and said, "in the future, I will not let Ruolan be wronged, but this is my Dong family's business. Bai girl is a member of the Bai family, I'm afraid..."

His meaning is very obvious, Bai Yan is a member of the white family and can't interfere with Dong's affairs.

After Dong Tianling said this, Bai Xiaochen blinked her eyes and turned to Bai Yan with her lovely and bright eyes.

"Mother, you are from the Bai family. Why don't you know that? Isn't the only family member of the blue family? "

His small expression is very tangled, as if He really didn't know the relationship between Bai Yan and Bai's family.

Dong Tianling is stunned. Bai Yan is from the blue family. This

"Grandfather," seeing Dong Tianling's expression, LAN Xiaoyun's small face pulled down. "Chen'er is right. My cousin has abandoned the Bai family and entered the blue family tree. She is closer to my mother than the Dong family."

Dong Tianling's eyes sank. If so, it would be hard to handle


All of a sudden, old lady Dong knocked her crutch on the ground and glared angrily at Dong Tianling.

"Dong Tianling, it's ok if you don't vent your anger on my daughter. Now Xiaoyun and Miss Bai are supporting Ruolan. Do you want to stop it? I tell you, if you dare to stop me, I will leave with you and take Ruolan out of this place

Over the years, old lady Dong and Dong Tianling have been loving each other, but now they even say the two words "He Li", which shows her anger.

Dong Tianling said with a bitter smile: "it's all right. I don't care about this matter. You can do whatever you want. I'm going to ask people to call them." , the fastest update of the webnovel!