Wizard From Afar

Chapter 55

Vimpal college at night, if viewed from the direction of the town, is like a huge shadow in the dark, enveloping this remote village and town from the hillside of the cliff. The cold Silver Hook rose slowly from the other side of the mountain and hung on the shadow dome.

Even for the people of this small town, vimpal college is still a mysterious and somewhat fearful place. Who knows what the wizards are doing and planning? But every night when you can see the moon, "if you don\'t sleep, the wizard will catch you" can make the most naughty children go to bed.

However, not everyone has the heart to enjoy the "strange" night scene.

When the evening wind blew, under the dim fire outside the tavern, a figure hiding under the corner shrunk his neck, carefully poured a little insight from the bottle in his hand and applied it on the wall.

Soon, the transparent liquid gradually dried up, and a gray blue spot suddenly appeared on the muddy wall, emitting a strange light. Let the face hiding under the shadow show a surprised expression.

He began to search around, carefully groping for almost a quarter of an hour. Finally, a hidden letter was found between the brick cracks in the corner.

He has been waiting for this for a long time - since the accident in Gumu Town, he has never met any guy who came to meet him again. Out of careful consideration, I didn\'t take the initiative to contact the outside, but waited patiently.

He couldn\'t wait to open the letter. He could recognize the handwriting on it at a glance. It was the guy he met last time - he hesitated a little. He also knew about Gumu town. Didn\'t that guy have an accident?

Or is it just a fake death to avoid the wimpal wizard?

Whether it is or not, he doesn\'t intend to wait any longer. If you miss a big event because you are too timid, that adult will never let go of yourself!

After hesitating for a long time, he trembled and left the shadow of hiding and went to the address on the letterhead - a dilapidated uninhabited house near the village and town, which is almost everywhere in the countryside.

Hid outside the door and knocked, but there was nothing inside. Did you come too early? He guessed, but he plucked up the courage to push the door and lean in.

"Some people don\'t, don\'t, don\'t --!!!"

Before entering the house, a figure suddenly grabbed his throat from behind, dragged him into the room, pressed on the ground and shackled his hands. Before he opened his mouth and wanted to shout for help, the cold short knife had hit his mouth.

"I suggest you don\'t do such useless work, sir." Lauren, squatting in front of the opposite party, reminded "there\'s no one around here. It\'s no use shouting any louder."

The man nodded quickly.

"Good, let\'s make some rules of the game." the smiling Loren put the tip of the knife against each other\'s skin and swam from his lips to his throat: "the rule of the game is that if you dare to say a spell or try to cast a spell in any way, I\'ll Pierce your neck and tear off the whole chin!"

The cold blade against the Adam\'s apple made him nervous and couldn\'t even say a word.

"I guess you\'re still wondering what\'s going on, so let me explain to you - I forged the letter, the handwriting was learned from the wizard\'s spell book, and of course I killed him. Unfortunately, I found that he had been here before, so I set a trap."

"To be fair, I didn\'t expect anyone to take the bait at all. But I guess there should be contacts in this village, so... You can really recite it, sir."

"Are you from vimpal college?!"

"The reaction was quick, but it was useless." Loren replied with great "regret:" how many people are there in your organization? "

The man did not answer, but turned his face away.

"Why are you people like this? Non Violence and non cooperation." Lauren shook his head regretfully, as if he had no choice. "Well, I\'m not a rude guy, so let\'s change the question - is there anyone else in the village besides you?"

"Don\'t count on it, college slave!" his voice trembled against the tip of the knife on the Adam\'s apple. "That broken college will soon be over, and you will all be hanged!"

"You\'re wasting my patience." Loren\'s voice became colder and colder. "What\'s the name of your leader at the last chance?"

"Don\'t dream. If I told you, he would kill me. Then..."

"Bang --!"

Before he finished his cruel words, Loren, who suddenly got up, kicked him in the face, had a "close contact" with his fragile nose and boots, and broke two front teeth.

"Wait, I --!!!!"

Loren didn\'t give him a second chance to speak and kicked his face against the wall again. Again and again, the soles of the feet were also more and more forced. The skull and the wall made a clear collision sound again and again. The corners of the man\'s eyes full of blood foam even began to bleed. Loren didn\'t mean to stop.

"Wait, I said, I said!"

"Sorry, I\'m not interested to know." the cold Lorraine pressed his face against the wall again, leaving a dark purple shoe print on his muddy cheek: "I\'m more interested in how long you can last now."

One, two, three... The patient Lauren counted the teeth that broke out of each other\'s mouth. Even the eyes seemed to be falling out of his face. Although the whole face was distorted, but... He was still alive anyway, wasn\'t he?

"His name is Karan, Karan cough..."

The man who was full of blood and dizzy shouted, "please cough, stop, stop!"

"As I said, I\'m not interested."

"What do you want to know? I said, I said, cough, cough...!"

"Your purpose - why kill father Anthony, why come to vimpal college, and the church." Loren pulled out his knife. "Tell me, I\'ll give you a happy one."

"It was Karan. Lord Karan arranged it. He recruited us and said he could get us a way to live." he kept coughing, and the man gasped: "it\'s too difficult for wizards to mix here. If they don\'t want to join your college, they can only live like mice, so everyone agreed!"

"It\'s all nonsense." Lauren interrupted. "My patience is running out."

"Sixteen, there are almost sixteen of us!" he said quickly, "but only four people are real wizards, and I\'m just an apprentice, cough..."

"Lord callan meant to kill father Anthony, and I don\'t know why." spitting out the blood stasis in his mouth, he continued: "as for why we wanted to find vimpar, it was because there was something hidden here."


"I don\'t know." the man coughed. "I don\'t know. I didn\'t lie to you - that guy Karan never tells anyone what he wants to do, but it must be very important to him. It must be!"

Is there any secret in the college? The answer was somewhat unexpected to Loren. He didn\'t expect it to be for this reason

"You cough... You promised me." the dying man stared at Lauren with eyes protruding from his eyes: "give me a good time!"

Loren certainly wouldn\'t object. This man has no use for himself. Squat down and gently wipe his neck with the short knife in his hand. The thick blood gurgles and flows. In a moment, he is out of breath.

Clean up the body and the scene quickly. Lauren stood outside the door as if nothing had happened. Now that you know each other\'s purpose, the next step is

Just as he was about to leave, there was a sharp pain in his right wrist, as if to melt his skin. Clenching his teeth, Loren immediately tore off the bandage around his right wrist - the snake rune that had never moved, seemed to burn and emit a dazzling red light.
