Wizard From Afar

Chapter 54

Although the two agreed to act separately, by the time the little wizard finally searched a room, Loren had found his place, which relieved ayin, who was already ready to "knock the guests out".

No matter how brave, the little wizard is just an alchemist who has not completed his studies. He is neither a mercenary nor a fierce killer. He really lacks courage in this regard.

On the contrary, it is precisely because of this that Loren believes in Ayn Rand so much - if the other party is a character like Dalton kand, he will have more eyes, and he can\'t be almost Unprepared as he is now.

"Here it is."

After the little wizard entered the house, Lauren returned to the room, put the key back to the counter, locked the door immediately, and handed the parchment scraps just picked up from the ground to ain: "although it\'s not absolutely sure, this piece of paper should be the missing corner of the spell book, and he can vaguely smell the smell of baked meat and potato pie."

Even the most dilapidated tavern will be cleaned regularly. It is enough to prove that the other party came here not long ago and stayed for at least one night.

"What should I do?" looking at Lauren\'s expression getting more and more serious, the little wizard put away his mind and asked carefully.

"Although it is estimated that the other party will not do anything in this tavern, there should also be some residual clues, such as traces of using magic." Loren said while lying under the bed, rummaging back and forth, "so search as much as possible. Maybe you can find anything."

After such a long time, Loren is not sure how much he can keep, but it\'s always a clue. It\'s a pity if he can\'t make use of it as much as possible.

The little wizard who was ordered nodded solemnly, then turned and walked towards the other side of the room. His every move was more serious than Loren, so careful that he didn\'t even let go of the floor under his feet.

This may even be the opposite. What happened in Gumu town must have aroused their vigilance. If it was their own, I\'m afraid they would choose to hurry up rather than delay it. The longer the time is delayed, the more mistakes will appear, and eventually lead to a complete collapse.

I\'m just alone. As long as vimpal college is not completely finished, I can continue to stick to it - and the other party won\'t have so much patience. They can\'t afford to wait, and the people behind them can\'t afford to wait.

It\'s... it\'s so interesting.

Loren found that he began to like this "game", which was more fascinating than magic. He even couldn\'t help guessing how the other party would go next.

Is it a gamble or another way? But no matter which way you choose, you can\'t run away this time - I\'ll pull you out by root and let you see what you really are.

Wait, cowards!