Wizard From Afar

Chapter 56

"We meet again, Loren."

The handsome boy smiled softly, sitting on the floor with his legs together without scruples, his hands holding his knees. Raised his head and looked up at Loren, his clear eyes shining like gemstones in the dark.

He looked at the dilapidated hut which was still dark, and the snake Rune on his right wrist was still burning, but it didn\'t hurt so much at the beginning, as if he had life.

"Oh... Please allow me to apologize first." the boy who noticed Lauren\'s look stood up and patted the dust on his ass, and then showed a helpless smile on his back: "it\'s really a last resort to appear in front of you, and I hope I can get your forgiveness."

"I was going to give you a surprise when you meditate next time. But it\'s too late," Asriel explained. "So I have to do this. I\'m very sorry."

With that, he bowed to Loren as if he were a good child, and his attitude could not be more sincere.

But I don\'t know why. The more the boy was like this, the more he felt disgusted, as if he could feel the malicious ridicule and arrogance in the other party\'s heart.

But since Asriel will show up here, it proves that he is really watching himself all the time. The snake Rune on your body is a shackle. No matter where he fled, he could catch himself by this.

"I don\'t think even if I don\'t forgive you, it doesn\'t seem to change anything." some self mocking smiled. Loren asked, "let\'s talk straight. What do you want me to do?"

"Why is it always so rude?" the young man tilted his head and sighed in confusion: "obviously Asriel is already very friendly. We are friends."

"Probably because of this friendship, it was wrong from the beginning," Loren said if he pointed out, "maybe I should put it another way - dear Asriel, you make me feel too dangerous."

"Oh... So it is." Asriel nodded thoughtfully, then smiled at Loren. "If it\'s this problem, please don\'t worry. It won\'t be a problem any more soon."

"Before that, let\'s talk about business first." Lauren frowned when he saw that the other party wanted to interrupt.

"Tut tut... I\'m always in such a hurry." Asriel, squinting, put his index finger under his lips and shook it: "I think you still remember that you owe me a favor?"

"Of course." Lauren sneered and raised his right wrist. "You remind me all the time every day."

"There\'s no way." Asriel flattened his mouth. "If everyone is as good as Loren, I don\'t have to spend so much time."

"In the deepest part of vimpal college, there is a very precious thing - not rare or expensive, but if it is seen again, it will bring disaster to the college, and it is extremely dangerous to fall into the hands of evil people; it is not gold and silver, not treasure, and the road of exploration is full of dangers; if you want to possess it, it will be thousands of difficulties!"

Asriel\'s expression was solemn, and his two small hands were moving back and forth in the air, incarnating as the storyteller at the beginning of all the Legends - unfortunately, it was a juvenile version.

Lauren smiled, as if listening to the play.

Blow, then blow. This is a vulgar routine. Only when you believe it can you have a ghost.

"I\'m not bullshit!" Asriel, who was just elated, was unhappy and stared at Loren childishly: "as my friend, how can you so distrust me?!"

"Maybe it\'s because nine of the ten novels have similar beginnings?" Lauren shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "If you want me to help, please at least show some sincerity."

"Well, I wanted to add a little more legend." the boy was very disappointed, and even the pale blond hair drooped: "in fact, you already know, not long ago."

Loren thought for a moment, his dark pupils looked at Asriel: "you mean, what you want..."

"That\'s what Mr. Karan wants." the boy nodded happily and smiled with his hands behind his back. "I hope you can get that thing in front of him."

"Since you are so sure, it means you know what it is?"

"Of course, but..." Asriel smiled mischievously. "I hope you can find it yourself."

Loren pondered for a moment, and a flash of insight flashed in his eyes: "I see."

It doesn\'t matter what it is. It\'s better to say that even if you know it, it\'s useless.

Neither Peter nor Dalton would tell themselves where it was hidden. If you ask rashly, it will arouse their vigilance. If so, the hope will be even more slim.

We must find another way, at least they can\'t find it.

But before that, I have another thing to confirm: "after paying off this favor, should I not owe you anything?"

"We are friends. What did friends owe before?" the teenager asked, "of course, I will erase the things on your wrist at that time. Please don\'t worry about this."

"I hope you can keep your promise," Loren said coldly. "Instead of continuing to threaten your friend with a \'favor\'."

Whatever the outcome, once you get something like that, you can\'t stay at vimpal college. No matter how much Peter could tolerate himself, he could not accept this degree of betrayal.

And Dalton kand... He will probably kill himself at all costs. I\'m afraid he should think about how to escape the Duke\'s collar and hide further away for a while.

"Please don\'t say that. As a friend, I will always give you something in return." in the dark house, Asriel\'s voice became softer and softer, and his flashing pupils radiated the light of temptation: "knowledge, wealth and glory... Everything in the world is readily available, whether spiritual or material. What limits you is only your imagination."

With a seductive tone, Asriel\'s figure gradually became transparent and finally disappeared completely. Loren raised his wrist, and the burning snake Rune was gradually returning to normal and no longer painful.

With a long sigh of relief and no hesitation, Loren turned and ran towards vimpal college. Over the past few months, his physical fitness has also improved a lot.

At this moment, it\'s dawn. Even the moon is still hanging in the sky. Yawning, the little wizard in a robe came out of the room with some big glasses on his face.

Anyway, I have some myopia. It\'s more convenient to wear glasses. I don\'t have to go to the laboratory to get them every time. That\'s what ain told himself.

It\'s not because Lauren praised him and said he looked more beautiful. That guy just wanted to make fun of himself!

Because it was still early, the happy little wizard hummed and hopped towards the laboratory. As I was about to go down the stairs, a burst of rapid footsteps came from the bottom of the tower. The stunned ayin just stopped for a moment and saw a figure rushing in front of him!


"Good morning, do you still have time for breakfast?" Lauren, who turned and stopped, didn\'t forget to make a few jokes, with the same smile on his face: "if our ayin made it himself, it would be even better!"

"You..." the little wizard who just wanted to "fight back" immediately found the blood on Loren\'s clothes, and his expression immediately became nervous: "are you okay - is something wrong?"

"Er... It may be troublesome to explain now." after hesitating for a moment, Loren decided not to say it first: "is mentor Dalton there? I have a very urgent thing now!"

"Mentor Dalton? He seems to have gone to see Dean Peter..."

"That\'s just right. It saves me another trip!" he directly interrupted the little wizard. Loren rushed down the stairs and ran in the direction of the main castle of the college. When ayin reacted, there was no one in front of him.

"Alas? Wait for me --!"