Wizard From Afar

Chapter 53

The shabby wooden door and the swaying sign painted a wine glass with a red beard, mixed with the smell of barbecue, fermented ale and sweat, as if it were seducing the girl who came to the door.

It was less than noon. The sleepy little brother of the tavern was still yawning and wiping his glass, while the boss counted the income of last night behind the counter. Until I saw Lauren and ain coming in, I kicked my brother\'s ass and asked him to hurry up to greet the guests.

The silent ayin sat directly by the window. Instead, Lauren was interested in asking questions carefully, and then ordered a few things.

Although it\'s only a tavern, it\'s quiet because it\'s not late in the evening. Probably lorendo gave a silver coin as a tip, and the attentive little brother of the tavern soon brought it up.

Delicious lamb chops, cinnamon flavored baked apples, fried golden crisp smoked fish and bread stacked together, plus two large cups of rye wine and two baked meat and potato pie - a classic tavern food, simple but salivating.

Especially the baked meat and potato pie, which can make a serious person like Dalton want to try. Naturally, it\'s not unreasonable.

First, prepare some fresh meat. Of course, pork is OK, but beef is better. Mince the meat into meat paste, add a teaspoon of olive oil and stir fry until the meat foam turns white. Add diced onion and minced garlic with the taste until the onion is completely transparent.

Then add a small glass of wine and a small glass of water, slowly wait for the pot to boil, add thyme and start cooking, and wait quietly for about 20 minutes.

When the water in the pot evaporates to almost half, put in the flour and stir clockwise to thicken the gravy gradually. The thicker the soup, the more delicious the final taste. Sprinkle some salt evenly. If there is pepper, especially black pepper, it will be even better. The strong spicy and stimulating taste can attract more attractive appetite.

Then mash the cooked potatoes to make mashed potatoes. Add butter and fresh milk and stir well. Then put the beef on a plate and spread it with mashed potatoes. Depending on the taste, you can add some crushed cheese and finally send it to the oven. Everything is fine.

Generally speaking, it\'s not a time-consuming food, but it\'s really a delicious food - the soft and soft mellow mashed potatoes unique to ground meat are combined together, and the thick and viscous gravy penetrates into the whole pie and blooms in the mouth with the crushed cheese sprinkled on the outside. Even people who have just woke up will have a big appetite in front of this attractive fragrance.

Enjoying the delicious food in his mouth and drinking a mouthful of mellow rye wine, Loren was quite satisfied with the meal and reluctantly dipped the bread in the remaining gravy on the plate into his mouth. Just raised his head and looked at the little wizard who was still silent.

"Is this your second time here? How do you feel?"

"Eh? I\'m... OK." the slightly shy little wizard bowed his head like a frightened squirrel: "that\'s what I ate last time I came with mentor Dalton..."

Fool, what the hell am I talking about?! The little wizard kept scolding himself at the bottom of his heart. Is this what he should say when eating with others?!

Speaking of it, why did you agree to him in a daze? Shouldn\'t you be reserved at this time? No, no, no... it should be too strange. Why did you only invite yourself without Isaac? Is he going to expose himself in private? Otherwise

The little wizard with his head full of wishful thinking turned his blue eyes into mosquito repellent incense. He didn\'t even feel that the wine glass was poured. The black ale would be sprinkled on the wide wizard\'s robe in an instant.

"Ah --!!!"

At the critical moment, Loren, who suddenly got up, grabbed the falling glass and put his face in front of AIN. The little wizard who screamed froze, and he could feel each other\'s breath faintly on his cheeks.

"What are you thinking?" with a smile, Loren put the glass in front of AIN again, and then picked up his own: "come and have a drink with me."

"Er? Can, but..." the little wizard who just wanted to hold up the wine glass was stunned: "you certainly didn\'t come out just for dinner, did you?"

"Of course." nodded naturally, but Loren marveled at each other\'s unparalleled intuition in the bottom of his heart: "it\'s mainly some things. I think it\'s better to tell you."

He found it, he found it! The little wizard shouted again and again at the bottom of his heart, but his face was still very calm, but his hands were still trembling.

"Isaac found some clues from the spell book. The wizard who assassinated father Anthony probably came to the tavern, so I guess there may still be traces of each other here." Loren said calmly, "so I\'m going to investigate here."

"Just like that?" asked Ayn, not knowing whether he was disappointed or relieved.

"I was going to come with Isaac, but in this kind of thing... I think you should be more careful. Maybe you can find something I can\'t notice, so I have to trouble you again." Loren smiled politely, but a trace of detection flashed from the corner of his eye: "and although that\'s not appropriate, I believe you more than Isaac."

I see... The little wizard who relaxed a little raised a trace of pride in his heart - sure enough, he believed me more. Well, no matter what, I must be more careful than that pretentious fool.

"What should I do?" some nervous ayin couldn\'t help asking.

"Don\'t worry until the meal is finished," said Loren, who drank rye leisurely. "Enjoy a good meal, and then we\'ll officially start."

The helpless little wizard had to continue to hold the wine cup in his hand and drink without a mouthful. Looking at the leisurely Loren, it seemed that there was nothing to "hang around", and he even couldn\'t help being angry.

Really, i... how can I be more anxious than this guy?

As the time gradually reached noon, Loren, who had eaten his bread clean, still didn\'t want to leave his seat, but there were more and more people in the tavern. At the beginning, ayin, who could sit still, was surrounded by noisy conversations and the smell of sweat, and his mood became more and more anxious.

Until then, Loren stood up and went to the tavern owner who greeted guests everywhere in the hall. He explained to the other party. The boss didn\'t seem to understand. Then Loren said it again several times and patiently discussed with him. Several times the other party wanted to leave, but Loren pulled him back.

Finally, the tavern owner was completely worried. It was obvious that the noon time could not be wasted on such a guest. He directly gave Loren a bunch of keys and pushed him upstairs. With a helpless expression, Loren stood on the stairs and waved to the little wizard who was still in his position, and the impatient ain immediately followed up.

"What the hell were you doing just now?"

"I need all the concierge keys in this tavern." Loren shook his key chain. "Now I have it."

"All the concierge keys?" the little wizard was confused. "What do you want these for?"

"The oil stain on the spell book is on the page, so I guess the other party accidentally got it when eating in the room!" Lauren explained and quickly went to the first room to open the door: "normal wizards don\'t read their spell book in public."

"But it\'s a pity that I can\'t tell which room it is with such a little clue, so I need the keys to all the doors!" said Loren, who had opened the door and threw the keys directly to ain.

"Noon is the best time for business here, and the tavern owner doesn\'t have time to ask; most of the guests who stayed in the hotel last night should have dinner downstairs, so only now can we have time to search all the rooms and not be found!"

"But what if someone else is in the room?"

"Knock him out!" Luo ethnics said of course, "we are fighting for the survival of the college now. Who cares about this?!"