Wizard From Afar

Chapter 46

After leaving Lyle\'s house, Loren immediately turned back to the church. But instead of going back the same way, I first went to the shanty town in the opposite direction. After a few rounds, I followed the path to the church.

Although it is not sure whether there is anyone following behind, it is always prepared. He has been watched. He may encounter a surprise attack anytime and anywhere. Naturally, the more people there are, the more suitable it is for him to escape and strive for time to deal with it.

So when he returned to the church, it was already evening. Outside the church was still crowded with people. The only priests and trainee priests of the Holy Cross organized prayers before nightfall and prepared some porridge for the devout believers for dinner.

In fact, most people are not so poor that they can\'t even drink a bowl of porridge, but they are grateful to take it over - they are more concerned about how much the strong walls of the church and the divine power of the Holy Cross can give them a sense of security.

It seems to be no different from the previous few days, but... Lauren\'s right hand is constantly rubbing, and an inexplicable sense of crisis is always lingering in his heart, as if something is constantly stabbing himself.

Is it an illusion, or are you too cautious? Slowly putting on his hood, Loren walked down the street to the side door of the church and left here anyway.

"Sir, please have mercy on me. I haven\'t eaten for days!"

A little beggar who looked untidy squatted in a corner not far away. Although his voice was very weak, he was very familiar. Loren tilted his mouth, turned very naturally, walked over and squatted in front of the "beggar". His dirty hat raised his head and showed a proud smile.

"I said, right? No one can find me."

"What did you find?" Lauren took out his pocket and searched for the copper plate as if he hadn\'t heard the boy.

"There are three guys, two strong men and a thin man, who are not local, but dress like a farmer." the hat lowered his voice and said, "they have been at the church door since the morning. Don\'t look up! Those three people have been staring at you since you came!"

"Find a place to hide as soon as possible." solemnly put a copper plate in the empty bowl in front of the boy. Lauren stood up and whispered, "I have to prepare now and wait for the guests to come."

The hat no longer squeaked. He only watched Lauren walk towards the church door from the corner of his eyes, then quietly picked up the bowl and slipped away along the wall when everyone didn\'t pay attention.

"You are back, Lord Loren Turin!"

Loren just walked to the church gate. The little priest who was still distributing porridge immediately came forward in surprise. He looked a little Expecting: "have you found any clues

"I did find some important information, but..." Lauren said and looked around "casually". It was obvious that three people were deliberately avoiding their sight.

As described by the hat, two guys are quite strong, while the other\'s skin color is too pale, probably because he hasn\'t been in the sun for a long time - but this is only the first impression and can\'t be used as a basis for judgment.

"But what?"

"I may need to go to father Anthony\'s bedroom again. Last time, I seem to have found some clues that can be used as evidence for some intelligence." Loren deliberately didn\'t lower his voice: "if I\'m lucky, I can find the truth tonight."

"The truth? You mean..." the little priest suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem: "I see. I\'ll open the door now!"

........................ Carefully closed the door and locked it back, and Lauren was still clinging to the door and the wall. After confirming that there was no movement outside the door, he entered the room without delay.

"Well, the guests will come at any time, but we have to get ready quickly." Lauren, with a light tone, casually sat on the priest\'s blood stained bed and began to pack up his existing equipment.

The first is a brand-new Knight\'s sword and two daggers, all of which were obtained from the blacksmith\'s shop in the village outside the college. This time Dalton was unusually "generous", with a full 100 silver coins, allowing Loren to choose at the blacksmith\'s shop, and the remaining money was used for road expenses.

The second is the "lightsaber" forged by Isaac and the little wizard. After a long time of consideration, Loren named it "bright silver" - he really didn\'t have any talent in naming it.

In addition, there is a bottle of sedative for first aid and three bottles of "unstable kindling agent" specially made by ain. Considering that he may have made a hole in the other party, Loren is not sure whether this thing can still have the effect of surprise.

Sure enough, you shouldn\'t be complacent at that time

The last one is the "magic wand" given to him by Dalton kand - he carefully opened the box, but Lauren\'s expression was somewhat surprised. Lying quietly in the box is actually a glove, and it seems to be left-handed.

What kind of Wizard makes his wand look like a glove?

This is a black half finger glove, which seems to be made of some kind of animal leather. A silver ring is sewn at the opening of each finger sleeve, and the runes engraved on it can be seen faintly; The back of the hand is painted with a dark red picture: a circle with a triangle.

Although I don\'t know the specific meaning of each other, these two are the basic graphics of spells and runes, which probably implies the identity of the "caster" of the person who uses it?

Remembering Dalton\'s reluctant look when he handed the glove to himself, Loren guessed that it probably wasn\'t his. I\'m afraid it was something like a souvenir or relic. Otherwise, he couldn\'t explain why he showed that expression.

Put the glove on your left hand and slowly connect your spiritual palace with it - just in the blink of an eye, your body seems to be connected with this glove, and your left hand naturally seems to have a pair of gloves!

Although he doesn\'t know anything about wands, Loren also knows that the easier it is to connect, the better it can prove its quality. This one in his hand is definitely not an ordinary thing!

After a little sigh, he immediately cleaned up all his equipment and listened carefully to the movement nearby.

It\'s quiet around - after all, it\'s a village church. Even the scoundrels in the shantytowns dare not make trouble here. The majesty of the Holy Cross still shines here even at midnight.

However, considering that father Anthony died in this room, it seems that the majesty of the Holy Cross is not so effective.

Standing by the door, Loren quietly opened a little gap and looked out through the light in the room. At this time, the moon is not a full moon, and the only crescent moon looms under the cover of clouds. The ancient wooden town shrouded in night is completely immersed in the dark.

However, it was because of the silence that Loren could vaguely hear someone touching this side in the distance, and I\'m afraid it came along the back wall of the church.

There are three people on the other side. One of them is very likely to be a wizard, and there is a certain chance that he is also a magician; As for the other two, they are closer to the role of mercenaries from the appearance, but they can\'t be despised - the real knife licking blood traders are more efficient than wizards in killing people.

You must find a way to solve one of them first, and then introduce the other into the room. If you are lucky, one or two bottles of kindling agent can kill the other; Finally, I\'m afraid we\'ll have to fight hard. Considering the physical gap between ourselves and the two strong men, we should try to keep a distance from each other or find an opportunity to sneak attack.


Lorraine, hiding behind the door, was still planning slowly. He heard someone talking behind the wall and arguing. One of the voices he should have heard - if he guessed correctly, it should be the grey man in the barn.

"It seems that the plan has changed. It\'s four people." a happy smile appeared on Lauren\'s face, but it looked more or less strange.

"Well... I have an idea."