Wizard From Afar

Chapter 47

"Well, are you sure he\'s in the priest\'s bedroom?"

Green Lyle swallowed his saliva fiercely, stuck his back to the wall and followed the three people trembling. His yellow and blue eyes looked around in the dark night, as if a dark shadow would come out at any time.

"That guy is cunning. The last time I was in the barn, I didn\'t even have time to see what he looked like, and then the whole barn..."

"As I said, he\'s right here!" the thin man at the back suddenly turned back and fiercely interrupted green Lyle: "unlike you, master Lyle. We squatted for two days and saw him go in with the priest, so please don\'t say any more nonsense!"

"Nonsense, nonsense?!" green Lyle, who felt insulted, suddenly raised his voice: "you haven\'t seen how powerful he is. If I hadn\'t run fast last time, I would have died!"

"Since you are so afraid of him, why do you come with us?" the thin man sneered and asked, "you might as well stay at home and wait for us to give you this boy\'s head."

"Afraid of him? You told me I would kill this boy, so I came with you!" Green\'s anger surged: "and just because of this boy, I had to run for my life like a mouse - for this, I had to kill him myself!"

The thin man nodded and smiled in flattery, turned his head and couldn\'t help spitting. But no matter how much he despises the incompetent rich man behind him, the other party is always their gold owner. For the sake of gold coins, he must bear it, and then try his best to protect the incompetent idiot.

Originally, this task should be the "adult". Unfortunately, this afternoon, he was plotted by the wizard apprentice. He burned his right hand and half of his arm. He had to leave Gumu town to find a way to treat him before he handed over the "fat sheep" to himself for protection.

"Damn it, Tom, stay and follow master Lyle!" the thin man reluctantly said to the two mercenaries walking in front: "Jerry, you go in with me and catch the damn apprentice. We have to let the boy understand who shouldn\'t be offended!"

"You promised me to let me kill the boy!" when he saw that the other party was ready to throw himself down, green hurriedly grabbed the other party\'s clothes.

"When we beat him half dead, we will naturally give him to you, master Lyle!" with a hum, the thin man broke free from Green\'s hand, and then carefully climbed over the church wall, leaving only the mercenary named Tom and green in place.

Even the Holy Cross Church will not be illuminated by fire at midnight. After landing steadily, the thin man took out his wand from behind and used a "firefly curse". The two people followed the only light and approached the bedroom door bit by bit with their impression.

After walking to the door, the mercenary named "Jerry" went up first, twisted the door handle, then lowered his voice and said behind him, "boss, the door is locked."

"Little trick!" the thin man snorted coldly, but didn\'t take the initiative to approach - the "adult" was unlucky. He didn\'t think how lucky he could be: "get out of the way and let me try."

The mercenary hid aside. The thin man who raised the wand whispered a few words. A light blue spot gathered at the top of the wand. With a gentle wave of the thin man, he hit the door handle straight.

The locked door made a dull noise, and then nothing happened. The thin man was stunned. Did he guess wrong? The other party didn\'t prepare any traps at all?

But he didn\'t have much patience anymore - more importantly, the guys in the room must have noticed just now. The thin man immediately winked at the mercenary behind him, understood "Jerry" took out the hatchet at his waist, and then hit the door hard.

"Bang --!"

There was another dull noise, and the fragile wooden door was knocked open at once. Two people rushed into the room one after another, ready to tear the damn apprentice apart, and then

"Where are the people?!"

There is no personal shadow in the empty room. Only a few traces can be seen. Someone was here before, and there is nothing else.

It shouldn\'t be. The boy came back clearly and saw it with his own eyes - the thin man kept thinking about the scene in the afternoon and what the other party said, and inadvertently almost ran into his eyes

Can it be said that it was all designed by the other party, and he had already noticed that someone was watching him? The thin man suddenly felt a cold sweat behind him. He might have entered a trap, and he still doesn\'t feel it now!

The thin man who was still full of confidence suddenly felt that he had become the prey watched by the old hunter. The quiet room seemed to become more and more strange, as if there were a trap he couldn\'t see.

"Ah, ah, ah!!!!!"

The scream came from outside the room, and the thin man who was still thinking about it woke up. This voice can\'t be wrong. It\'s definitely the master Lyle\'s.

The other party ambushed outside from the beginning, and he was fooled!

"Well, although it may not be very interesting to say so, could you please stop shouting?"

A little helpless Loren said, dragging the body of the mercenary on the ground to one side, and then quickly picked up each other\'s clothes and dressed them up.

At first, Loren thought that the new owner of Lyle\'s family would resist more or less. As a result, he was paralyzed at the sight of himself. Leaning against the corner, he kept twitching and shouting like suffering from epilepsy.

To be fair, Loren never felt how bloody his means were. Even if he kills people, he usually hits the key as much as possible, and redundant actions are unnecessary. Killing or maiming each other is meaningless to him.

But in green Lyle\'s eyes, the whole process is completely different.

He saw the other party jump down like a bat, cut the mercenary\'s throat in the blink of an eye, and then stabbed the mercenary\'s chin with a short knife. When he recovered, the mercenary, who looked quite safe, had not said a word, and was covered with blood and turned into a corpse.

This guy is not human at all!

Green, who was sweating in a cold sweat, had no idea of running away. He collapsed on the ground and his mind was blank - he now realized that if the other party really wanted to kill himself, he couldn\'t run away in the barn!

Suddenly he felt a chill on his neck. Green, who was still shouting desperately, immediately stopped, widened his eyes, his throat was dumb, and looked at the short knife on his shoulder in fear.

"Sorry, although I really don\'t intend to kill you, but..." Lauren suddenly smiled: "you may have to sleep for a while."

"Bang --!" before the other party could answer, Loren had punched him on the temple, and green fainted immediately.

After clearing up the trouble, Loren immediately sat down against the wall, his head bowed and looked dying.

Soon, the thin man who knew that he had been cheated and another mercenary immediately came back over the wall. Although the night was very dark, the thin man could still vaguely see the surrounding situation - the mercenary lying in a pool of blood and green Lyle lying next to him who didn\'t know whether he was dead or alive.

The blood of the thin man who saw this scene was cold. The other party\'s target is obviously the Lyle\'s owner. He is actually fooled by the other party from beginning to end.

On one side, the mercenary named "Jerry" saw his brother\'s tragic death, and his face was more or less sad: "boss, we have to avenge Tom!"

"Damn it, how to get revenge - do you know where the boy is hiding?!" roared the thin man with the same emotion: "what\'s the difference between doing this and dying?!"

"Cough, cough..."

The coughing sound from his side made the thin man look back, and his face immediately showed some surprise: "Tom, are you still alive?"

"I cough..." the dying "Tom" voice was slight and could only be heard in a low voice. He asked the thin man to squat down and look at him anxiously. He didn\'t notice that the "Tom" had lost a lot of weight.

"I coughed... Saw him coughed... Where did he go, coughed..."