Wizard From Afar

Chapter 45

"Lyle\'s owner is dead?!"

Rao is that Loren is calm enough to get such a news in the morning, but he was shocked for a moment.

Standing in the alley outside the Lyle family house, hiding in the corner, he carefully looked at the house that was no different from the past. He couldn\'t see that there had been a murder the night before. Even the quiet was terrible, not even a little movement.

According to common sense, the death of such a rich businessman will certainly make a storm in the city, but now it seems that nothing has happened. Even when he got the news, he got it from the boy named "hat" in front of him.

"I didn\'t lie!" probably aware of a trace of distrust in Lauren\'s expression, the hat quickly said, "it was last night that I heard screams from the house when I was sheltering from the rain at the back door of their house. In the morning, the rich Lord Lyle was seriously ill, and the head of the family was replaced by the young master green Lyle!"

"Is there any other information?" Lauren continued. "Is there anything unusual about their servants - something different from usual?"

"Abnormal?" the hat was stunned for a long time: "it\'s hard to say abnormal. The old housekeeper who usually likes to go out in the morning hasn\'t seen anyone yet. Is it abnormal?"

There have been such great changes at home. It is not incomprehensible that this kind of personal servant has been subject to some small changes... Of course, it is also possible that he is no longer in the world.

Either way, the other party is obviously hiding. Whoever killed father Anthony now seems to have something to do with the second son of the Lyle family.

They may have to sneak in once to find enough evidence - before they destroy all the evidence.

But before that... Loren\'s eyes fell on the boy again, made the hat shrink his head in fear, and carefully looked at the wizard who was not much bigger than himself.

"Can you tell me a reason why you are willing to help me? Sorry, I don\'t like to owe people."

"I, I just think you may need this news." the boy quickly looked away and swallowed his saliva: "I can\'t go back to the barn, so..."

"Although I\'m not a rich man, but..." Lauren smiled, took out a small bag of silver coins from his pocket and handed it to the boy: "I know how to be grateful."

Then he stood up and turned away. The hat quickly put away the money bag and followed Lauren\'s back: "you can still use me in the future, master Wizard - there\'s nothing I don\'t know in Gumu town. Besides, I\'m small and no one will care about me. I can help you a lot!"

Looking at the boy\'s expectant eyes, Lauren hesitated for a moment... Indeed, if there were more such local snakes, it would save him a lot of trouble, and a pair of eyes could also help him find the blind spot - just like this time.

"That\'s it, hat. Help me keep an eye on the church." Loren patted the boy\'s hat on his head. "If you find any strangers, especially those who are obviously not locals, wandering around, tell me immediately."

"Don\'t worry, wizard master!" patted the small pocket full of silver coins, swore the hat, said confidently, and then disappeared down the alley like a wild cat.

"I hope it won\'t be a wrong decision." talking to himself, Loren turned and left the alley, and walked towards the Lyle\'s house next to the corner of the wall.

This is a very exquisite house, with high walls and three attics. It can even be regarded as half a castle in the countryside of Gumu town. It is impossible to build such a mansion just because of money. More importantly, the Lyle family is also a branch of an aristocrat, so they are allowed to own such a mansion.

Blood and status are the same thing in this world - people who don\'t even have a trace of noble blood in their body are destined to be poor forever, and the poor should always be poor. This is why Isaac\'s qualifications broke through the sky in vimpal, but it is still impossible to be accommodated by those apprentices who came from the youngest son of the noble and rich.

They can never accept the cruel reality that a guy who was born as a farmer and could not be more humble has more talent and wisdom than all of them combined multiplied by two.

Lauren, with a sneer on his mouth, looked carefully at the house - this kind of house with walls often gives people the illusion of safety. Most people can\'t turn in the nearly three meter high wall, and it\'s easy to be found if they want to use any props. It can be said to be a simple and crude means of anti-theft.

But on the contrary, as long as you enter not from the top but from the bottom, the fence will be almost like a decoration. Squatting down and looking at the sewage outlet next to the back door, Loren is ready to remove it directly.


Loren, who had not yet touched the railing of the sewage outlet, felt something vaguely. He took out some water from behind and fell down along the sewage outlet. As a result, there was no drop, and all the rest flowed out.

Cover up? In other words, there is probably a more or less capable caster living in this house.

"Why am I not surprised at all?"

While laughing and talking to himself, Loren took out another alchemical compound prepared by ain for himself - insight.

Although it is simple, the effect is very rough. As long as you sprinkle a little on the place where you have used the power of nothingness, it will all be clear.

In the level of alchemy, the little wizard is not an apprentice for a long time - it is only his age and experience that limit the genius alchemist.

Sure enough... From the back door of the house to the wall next to it, even where I almost stepped on before, there are almost set illusions and traps all around the back door - the sewage outlet is a cover up, and the gun tip is inserted on the wall; And the door handle is stuffed with a primer! If you pry the door, I\'m afraid the sparks will light you as soon as the wire is poked open!

Since the other party is ready for the trap, I\'m afraid someone in the house is waiting for him to come to the door. It\'s really not his style to rush into this place - even if you have to fight, it should be at his home.

However, the other party has been so enthusiastic. If he doesn\'t leave anything, he seems to be a little sorry... He has an idea by slightly raising his mouth.

In any case, you must let the other party feel your sincerity.

"A cunning fox."

I don\'t know when, the tall and thin man who came back to the back lane of the house looked at his careful arrangement and was turned into a messy back door. He held it for a long time before he said such a sentence.

I really underestimated the wizard apprentice. Although vimpar college is a group of cowards, since they will send this apprentice, it shows that he is still good at both skills and is not comparable to ordinary apprentices.

What\'s more, Draco and his Ghoul died in the hands of this apprentice, which can explain the problem - this apprentice is definitely a disaster and an uncertain element. If you don\'t clean him up, there will be endless trouble!

The man with a cold hum shook the corners of his robe. As soon as he was ready to leave, he found that there was something wrong. The original door handle was replaced, and a wooden bottle was inserted grandly. There are also three words "kindling agent", for fear that they don\'t know the same.

Are you provoking yourself? The man smiled coldly and looked at the "new door handle", which was completely stuck directly on it. He didn\'t even have a mechanism. He could take it down with one touch.

Sure enough, the other party is just an apprentice - there is no combustion supporting material, and the kindling agent is only a bottle of water. It\'s really ignorant to expect such a crude means to intimidate yourself!

The man did not hesitate to hold the bottle of the igniter. In case he sprinkled some water on the bottle, Mars would not appear anyway.

"Let me witness your stupidity and ignorance, fox!" the man sneered and pulled

"Boom -!!!!"