We Live in Dragon's Peak

379 May's Fate

"Don\'t let people get along in the forest of Urangaran!

Without any questions, the Beasts of the Tiger Species have been attacked.

Listea, please attack.

"Leave it to me."

I step back and Listeer comes forward.

Listeir blows the flames up from the Holy Sword as soon as possible, flashing to intimidate the Beasts.

"You deal with flames in the woods!?

Bollard barked in anger.

"If you\'re afraid of flames, just get pulled. Otherwise, I won\'t condone my flames."

Listeir waves the Holy Sword flashly, as in the eyes of the Beasts. Every time the flames dance, the firepowder dances.

The Beasts do not know. Listea\'s flames are completely under his control. I don\'t burn anything I don\'t want to burn, and it doesn\'t hurt the forest.

But the beasts, unaware of the nature of the holy flames, were angry at Listeir, who waved the blazing sword in the woods, pointing his spear at him.

Hiraki and Gawon saw me. It\'s okay, she understood me when I told her only with her eyes, and Gawon also went forward to Bollard.

I retreat to the side of Luiseine and begin to dance the dragon sword alone.

Now, I wonder how the Beasts see us. Listea recklessly rambling the flames in the woods. Luiseine and the others, who calmly administer the treatment, say the battle is starting on the side. And me dancing swords on the battlefield for some reason.

I can\'t help it if they think it\'s an odd bunch.

Now, some of the Tiger Species\' Beastmen were watching the war as bewildered.

Gawon, the dog breed, is combined with Bollard, the tiger breed. Gawon\'s proud sword roars for Bollard\'s neck. Bollard dodges with a flexible figure and sends back a fist blow like a warhammer. Gawon takes it with his thick left arm.

Five Beastmen, angry with the flames of Listeir, strike from the right to the left. But you\'re afraid of the flames, or you\'re afraid of the fire moving into the woods in the aftermath, and you haven\'t been able to attack successfully.

And those who remained approached us.

The aim is to treat May, not me. [M]

"Wow, that\'s frightening"

What can I say, Inea makes me develop a juxtaposition technique. I kept dancing dragon swords outside.

"Everyone in the woods. Help me protect May, whom you love. \'

Ask the forest trees, animals, and spirits in your heart as you dance.

The Beasts, who were held back by Inea\'s bonds, set their aim on me and attacked me. I take it with a clean body.

No matter how well the Beasts move and react in a dragon-like fashion, they are not winning. Furthermore, it does not come abandoned like the lower end of the demonic clan, nor is it unpredictable.

Then I\'ll just dance as usual.

Stream the heavy blow of the Beast Nation with the wooden knife of the Spirit Tree. Lower your posture and spend the kick rolled out of another direction. Keep turning and kicking under your feet and kicking them down. The others are upset by one beast tribe, who falls unnecessarily in my counter-attack and grieves by holding down his legs.

This one looks weak, but it\'s full of dragon air. I am proud to say that the destructive power is the same as that of the Dragon Nation. The kicked Beast Clan had a broken thick tibia.

The Beastmen, who were only upset for a moment, nevertheless came under attack.

Swing the white sword diagonally up from the lower section. Be wary of sharp white swords, the Beastmen came in after taking distance and dodging. I went there, spinning my body in a flowing motion, and now I swung the wooden knife of the spirit tree up from the bottom again.

Twice, the Beastman tribe is confused by the attacks carried out on the same trajectory. There, thunderous rain pours down.

"Damn. What, the way this guy fights?"

"Gu Ha"

I keep dancing, trying to keep my distance, the Beasts attacking me. Leaving trying to see how it goes, thunder strikes. approaching, he is entangled in a complicated dance and defeated. The agitation spreads among the Beasts of the Tiger Species.

Even if I try to attack from the blind spot to leave it quick, I don\'t have a gap in all directions because I\'m left to the right and sometimes spinning and paying attention behind.

And the true meaning of the dragon sword dance I dance was elsewhere.

If you are Luiseine, who usually watches dragon sword dance, you may be aware that changes have emerged in dance since the beginning of the year.

White sword movement that shows the will of a sharp attack. A wooden knife of a smooth-moving spirit tree that mesmerizes and enchants the beholder. Dancing with a relaxation sometimes shows a fighting spirit and sometimes makes you feel at peace.

Furthermore, Dragon Sword Dance was not intended solely for those who opposed it.

\'Cause that\'s all I can give you.

The Night Birds were in love with me. [M] The bugs are breathtaking and fascinating.

Gently spray the force drawn from the dragon pulse as the dragon sword dance. Strengthened trees and grasshoppers are full of life and vibrant. The spirits were happily absorbing power and dancing happily as dragon swords danced.

"Thank you"

"I\'ll help you."

"That kid\'s flames are beautiful, too."

Apparently, the harmless and flashy flames of Listeir are also favorites of the Spirits. And the woods told me about our side.

From the darkness of the deep woods, the night birds began to roar and scream. The trees rock the branches, and the bugs start to ring in unison.

The creepy disturbances of the night finally began to spread a serious upset to the Beastmen of the Tiger Species.

"Stupid, the forest of uranium is full of rage"

"Oh, what a horrible sign"

Anger? For those who can\'t hear the woods and the animals, you feel it as a horrible phenomenon.

"Come on, while they\'re upset, finish and stuff"

The spirits of the woods move according to my will. Like a glare, colorful sparks can play around the Beastmen.


"The Forest of Urangaran is mad"

"Hi-no. Terrible."

The Beasts were frightened and were nowhere near attacking us. Seeing, Bollard also stopped his hand and glanced at the abnormalities around him. Gawon can also see the color of agitation.

The forest is noisy, in the gap where many spirits are dazzling. The rulers of the night, the spirits of darkness, were sneaking up on the Beasts of the Tiger Species.

"Eye, eye. Ah."

"Kuh. I don\'t see anything!?

A tribe of beasts imprisoned by darkness panic, rampant as soon as allowances or. Anyone who beats down a nearby companion or turns and punches himself in the head.

"Shit, back off."

Bollard gives instructions, but that was a decision that was too late.

"Let\'s get some sleep, shall we?"

Sleep. Sleep.

A gentle breeze blows around the Beastmen of the Tiger Species, and darkness invites the sleeper.

Next, the Beastmen lose consciousness and fall.

"What the hell is going on..."

Suddenly the flash blinked in front of me, and the next time I thought the darkness had spread, a tribe of Tiger Species Beasts, including Bollard, fell and fell. Besides, they\'re all calm sleepers. Well, that\'s confusing, isn\'t it?

"Elnea, can I get an explanation later?"

"Yeah, Mae\'s loved by the woods, so everyone helped me out."

"No, Master May doesn\'t have the ability to do this."

Listeer and Gawon turned their gaze on what the hell they did.

That\'s crazy. I\'m not going to do anything weird.

"Ernea, it\'s not normal for spirits to work together even though they don\'t have the power to attract animals and plants or spirits like the Ear Elders."


I could understand everyone\'s confusion at Luiseine\'s sober penetration.

That\'s right. You don\'t normally fight like this, do you? It was already normal for me, so I forgot...

"Hey, whatever. Thanks to the three of us, this child\'s condition has calmed down."

"Will you stab me in the stomach right now?

I got the scariest word from Inea the Witch!

With the exception of Gawon, we face each other and laugh bitterly.

"No, the victory and defeat came on. Then no useless killing."

To Gawon\'s words, but Listeir hears back.

"If you\'re being careless or compassionate here, you\'ll always come after me again, won\'t you?

"Still, so. We Beasts don\'t kill after winning or losing. There is no way to die in battle, but it is not praised as a race to lay hands on those who survive the battle"

"This is the land of the Beasts, and we shall obey it. But let\'s tie it up so we can get as much time as possible."

"Let\'s go."

Ares manifested herself and tied up all the fainting Tiger Species\' Beastmen in multiple strands with a twist.

"... what about that child?

"Introduction delayed. It\'s Ares. He\'s a child of the Spirit."


To Ares, who manipulates nature, Gawon seemed to show only a little interest. With my introduction, Gawon stares down at Ares all the time.

"You guys are really strange. It\'s rare to say there are people in these woods."

"Haha, I\'m just a little bit aware"

"Just a little."

Listeer penetration as a flush.

"So, what do we do after this? Even if we tie them up, we can\'t stay here like this."

"Right. Me and May have to go to the prayer master Jabalayan."

"Then we\'ll follow you there, too."

"Are you coming with me? I\'m comfortable with you guys, but I can\'t get into any more Beastman issues..."

"I\'m already involved."

"Ernea, you stuck your head in yourself, didn\'t you?"

"Ugh, Louiseine. Don\'t bully me."

"Hehe. But, Ernea, I think it\'s your policy that I\'m good, too. I also have to get clues to the full moon flowers somewhere."

"Yes, it is. I wonder if any of the beasts have any information on the full moon flowers"

"I don\'t know... maybe a knowledgeable Jabalayan would know something"

"Okay, then let\'s go see that one."

So we\'re moving.

I can hold Louiseine and jump in space, but the Listeers can only travel normally. So it\'s tough, but I\'m going to the ground.

Gawon also looks important to hold May, leading the way.

Mae was treated by the Luiseinees, but she still doesn\'t wake up. My complexion is good, so I think it\'s safe to lose the toxin.

"How long have they been unconscious?

To Gawon\'s question, I asked the spirits.

"While it\'s dark, it seems like you\'ll stay asleep under the reign of the Dark Spirit."

"Then is it dawn to wake up? From there, we get out of that bondage, we get the system in place and we keep track of it... respite till around noon"

"What business does Master Jabalayan have? But at first, you were trying to get to the pharmacist Fouchen."

"If Mae has been treated, it is better to go to Jabalayan than to Hooshen. If Mae is baptized there, they won\'t be able to do it so easily."

"Baptism is like us witches."

"The witch will be baptized after her basic training."

"Yes, baptizing allows us to use magic."

"I don\'t think it\'s a human ritual, but we beasts have baptismal rituals, too. It\'s a ritual for those who become lords of the Beasts."

"Eh! Does that mean Mae is the next Beastman Sovereign?

"That\'s what happens. It was chosen by the prayer master Jabalayan by fortune. Yet they are not convinced... that the Bollards are not the only beasts of the tiger species. The lion species, the pigeon species, and many militant tribes are not convinced. My tribe, my dog breeds."

We laughed bitterly at the shock situation in Gawon\'s mouth as he progressed through the deep forest of Urangaran.