We Live in Dragon's Peak

380 The road is steep.

"We, the Beasts, came to this land about a thousand years ago. Originally, it is said that the southwestern part of the continent is a civilized area of the Beastman tribe"

Gawon told us about the history of the Beastman tribe living in the northern lands as they proceeded through the forest of Urangaran.

Far away home. If it is to replace the temple religion of our people, it is the southwest end of one great continent that Allestina, the Creator, supposedly created.

Countries around here, such as the Kingdom of Armuad and the Kingdom of Yortenitos, become enclaves from the cultural area of the people. The land where the predominantly people live is further west of the nations ruled by the Demons, from here on over Dragon Peak. Even so, it is said that in the past people flourish and deviate eastward from the heart of the continent, which is said to be the oldest sanctuary of the Temple religion.

It seems that the Beasts have taken hundreds of years to come to this land from a place much farther than its oldest sanctuary.

"In the land of Tai Ancient, the plague spread and many tribes of the Beastman tribe perished, he said. And our ancestors took a long journey through the survival of the species."

Beastmen who have traveled distracting times and distances. They were, however, to be held back by the evil demons and the rugged mountains.

"To the west of the kingdom of the devil were nations of men. In a land where one temple rises as if it were a mountain or a castle fort, even beasts like us were treated with courtesy."

"It\'s a temple city, right? It\'s one of the holy places that the Witch King offers."

"Ending the journey there, he said, was one option. But the land was barren and the land was the best people could live on. There was an untouched expanse of land in the north, but if you look it up, it was a very unlikely place to live in a permanent snowfield."

The Beastmen decided to go east. But it was a tough and hard journey.

Whether the Demons are human or beastly, the lower races only think of themselves as being below slaves and livestock. The Beasts, who set foot in the kingdom of the Demons, scattered many lives.

"How did you get that far and continue your journey east? I don\'t think we need to continue our journey for hundreds of years, even if the disease was spreading in our homeland."

"Our ancestors have traveled all the way from the southwest of the continent. I guess all I can say is, I couldn\'t find a resting place."

To Listeer\'s question, Gawon could only answer that with his face up.

"I\'ve asked my grandfather. Around here, the eastern side of the continent is relatively peaceful, but the western part says there is a lot of land dominated by evil people and vicious demons and warcraft. Some say demons are nesting on land."

Tell Old Sleighsta that he traveled around the world when he was younger said he didn\'t have very good memories in the west.

"Prayer Master Jabalayan is a man who has lived for about a thousand and three hundred years. He is also the only living witness who has experienced the long journey of our Beast clan. When you\'re about to be crushed by ordeal. Master Jabalayan said he prayed to the stars. That night the witch of guidance appeared"

The witch, me and Louiseine reacted slightly to that part.

The white witch said she descended from the starry sky full of heaven without sound. And he led Jabalayan and the beastly tribe that was crushing his heart.

"In the narrow space between the dragon and the giant, there is a land where the trees sing and the animals promise to dance. And the witch said," That\'s the land we should aim for. "

The witch showed Jabalayan the way. Scratching the hands of a horrible demon clan, the Beastman clan reached the spiritual peak.

The Dragon Nation and the Dragon Nation live in Dragon Peak.

Beyond all this, the resting place awaits. After many difficulties, he said, he finally reached the land with the help of the Dragon King.

"Since then, we Beastmen have lived in this land. But losing one goal creates a lot of problems for a bunch of beast tribes that many tribes have combined."

There are many in the Beast tribe, ranging from warm species of herbivores such as sheep and deer species to species as impatient as tiger and lion species.

After a long journey, the Beastman tribe gained a restful land. Then, gradually, a dispute arose as to which species would bring together the beasts of the land.

"And it was the fortune of the prayer master Jabalayan who put an end to it."

Neither does the Beast Clan seem to have much different life expectancy than the People Clan. Jabalayan, who lived in it for hundreds of years, was a sight to behold. And it is also Jabalayan who received the witch\'s prophecy in his predicament.

Jabalayan, by the divination of the stars, elected the Sovereign of the Beastmen.

"It\'s not a hereditary system. If the Sovereign chosen by Lady Jabalayan dies, a new kind will be chosen in divination"

It could be a lion man or an elephant woman.

The one chosen by the prayer master, Lady Jabalayan. The Beasts have followed that decision.

"So why a dispute like this one?

May, a sheep breed toddler still unconscious and wrapped in Gawon\'s arms. Says she was chosen as the next Sovereign. Yet the disgruntled Bollards and the Beastmen of the Tiger Species attacked.

Yeah, it\'s not just the tiger species. If you recall Gawon\'s first conversation with Bollard, many species are contesting May\'s Sovereign Worship Order, aren\'t they?

"Just as your country has a long history, so do we, a thousand years since we were rooted in this land."

past. The Sovereign, elected by Jabalayan, had a relatively high number of carnivorous species. Even before May, a werewolf man was the Sovereign.

"Until hundreds of years ago. The southern lands, the hunting grounds of the flying dragons as you call them, and south of them, were ruled by evil dragons."

"You\'re the king of rotten dragons."

"No hands, no legs, you think you were horrible enough to be deprived of your soul just to see? But they say dragons and people joined hands to destroy them. That is not particularly problematic. From there, however, there was a difference between the prosperity of the people and the beasts. Do you know your history? This land was not inhabited by people."

"I know that. I learned that the first king, who defeated the king of rotten dragons, raised his country by gathering people from all over. Everywhere means more from the east than here, from the land of the devils and the kingdoms of God."

"The people instantly made their country and prospered. But we didn\'t have a flourishing time for the Beasts. In the south, the threat of a flying dragon has emerged anew even with the evil dragon gone. And in recent years, from the east, people began to set foot in the land."

To the west lies Dragon Peak, and to the north sooner or later it hits the sea. The Beasts have been pushed into the land.

"The militant tribes have proposed many times to expand their area of activity to the east. But Master Jabalayan wouldn\'t allow it. And then I came here and Master May was chosen."

"I mean, are you rebelling because the next Sovereign is a moderate sheep breed, and a little girl?

"After a long time, Master Jabalayan\'s influence may be diminishing. But still, traditions and shiatsu live. If Lady May is baptized and officially takes over the seat of the Sovereign, the Bollards will be reluctant but convinced."

"But on the contrary, if May dies before he is baptized..."

"That\'s what they\'re after."

I wonder if this isn\'t just about the Beasts.

If a man of a rough temperament is chosen as a Sovereign, if he is bad, he may develop into a dispute with the people.

The adventurers of the people are about to influx towards the opening of the northern lands. But right now, no proper investigation has been carried out by the militant Beasts.

Conversely, the Beasts do not come into the living quarters of the people because until now they have Jabalayan influence and the chosen Sovereign has also followed that policy. If May takes over for the next generation of Sovereign, that peace of mind may also last for some time now. But in the near future. What if the militants became the Sovereign, and Jabalayan\'s influence was diminished more than it is now.

At that time, it may develop into a dispute with the Beastman tribe with the people.

We had just experienced the incredible physical abilities of the Beast Clan.

They didn\'t have as special abilities as races like the Dragons and Demons, but they showed an overwhelming movement and reaction to the people. I\'m not proud of it, but I think it was me and Listea who got rid of the tiger species onslaught. If that was a normal person, a basic soldier or a general citizen, he could be killed without even knowing what happened.

It is unclear how many beasts live in the northern lands, but it was visible that people would be threatened if it became a race feud.

"Oh man. If you think you\'re finally free from the demonic invasion, now you\'re the Beast Clan"

Listeer sighed as troubled as she reached the same conclusion as I did.

"Hey, Listaire. This isn\'t some other HR issue, is it?

"Oh, let me assure you it\'s a Beastman issue with a clean people tribe"

"Then you can help Mae or Gawon!

"It\'s good, what an innocent way to shine your eyes!

I got a fist bone on my head.

"Mr. Elnea. I think he\'s already stuck both his legs together..."

"Luiseine, you can\'t go in there!

I tried to imitate Listeir and poke Luiseine in the head, and on the contrary, he slapped me with two arms.

"When I get home, I\'ll have Mr. Mist punish me."

"Yeah, yeah, that\'s terrible."

Looking for full moon flowers is more important than anything else. But I and Listeir can\'t take our eyes off the beast tribe\'s problems and leave our future worried.

I swear to Gawon, I don\'t know how far I can go with this force, but I won\'t spare any cooperation I can.

"Thank you, young warriors of the people. It may also be the guide to the forest of Ulaangarang that brought May and I to you."

"If we say so ourselves, we will guide the goddess."

"Oh, I guess so. It may be my fault, but I feel that the costumes worn by the three women are similar to those of Master Jabalayan. Maybe we\'re on top of something big."

It must be a stream of life strewn all over the world, the dragon vein, I murmured in my heart.

"Come on, let\'s get you guys out of trouble."

We had arrived at the edge of the Urangaran forest.

Dive into the bushes and observe the meadows stretching north.

"Prayer Master Jabalayan lives in an abandoned capital at the tip of the grasslands of Iskhai"

A pleasant spring breeze blows through the meadows, shaking the beautiful green grass.

But the winds taught me.

"Be careful."

"There\'s danger lurking."

"They want blood."


Tiger species are not the only ones challenging May\'s Sovereign Worship Order. Perhaps people from different tribes must be lurking in the meadows and waiting to hunt their prey.

"Once we\'re raided, we don\'t see a place to run or hide."

"I\'m sure someone\'s lurking, but I can\'t read the signs."

"Still, we must take Master May and break through the meadows of Iskhai"

"May, shall we keep it? If it\'s a battle, me and Inea can only connect."

"Yeah, well, I can\'t keep up with that move, but I can prevent it in the junction,"

"Hmm. So will you do that?"

Often thought about it, Gawon gives Keeli the May he held dear.

You trusted me with the honest response of the three Keeli, Inea and Luiseine who treated May.

"I don\'t know if I can handle it from here. I\'m serious, too. And Ernea."


"Hands and minds are useless in battle. For the Beasts, dying in battle is an honor, and if they are defeated by the mighty, they can boast of those left behind. He told the mighty man that his family had sprinkled with courage."

"Somehow, there was a similar part of the Dragon Nation."

I remember Gawon\'s words about the warriors of the Dragon Men who fell with their cursed weapons.

"Then, as dragon king, we must give them a clean defeat."

"You\'re starting to say"

"Yeah. We have to do what the Dragon King deserves with pride."

"Then I\'ll try to stay legendary as a brave man."

Say it, Listeer, and boost the spell.

A phoenix of flames emerged that I saw one day, along with a high and beautiful squeal.

"Ready? Okay, let\'s go!

With Gawon\'s signal, we let go of the hand that was on the ground and rushed out into the grasslands of Iskhai.