We Live in Dragon's Peak

378 Conflicting beasts and beasts

"Come on, give it up"

"Would you like me to give May to you?"

More than ten Beastmen were besieging one man.

The besieging Beastmen clan all have tiger-like patterned body hair and tails, and ears.

Millie of Dragon Peak is a cat breed of the Beast Clan. So he has cat-like ears and tails. Considering that, maybe the tiger patterned Beastman tribe would mean a tiger species.

In contrast, the man besieged by the Beasts of the Tiger Species looked like a dog. He looks a little different from people, with his nose and mouth sticking out. And pointy ears. A man with a face like a dog confronts the Tiger Breed Beast Clan with a small, white and thigh in his thick arms.

"It\'s Gawon, the brave warrior. I can admire your loyal work. But think about it. Is it your real role to protect May?

"Shut up, you diseased warrior Bollard. I will protect Master May. That is my vow with my uncle. If you want to stand in my way, know that you and I will be enemies."

A dog breed man is Gawon. A thick man on an international limb is a bollard among the Tiger Species of Beasts.

The two blast each other\'s sharp fangs and intimidate each other.

In Gawon\'s arms, both white and white snorted, trembling slightly. It\'s debilitating enough to tell from a distance. I can\'t confirm the trauma, but I felt like my life was in imminent danger.

"Come on, wake up. If we get rid of May, we don\'t have a future.

"You\'re the ones who wake up. This is a decision made by the prayer master Jabalayan. You\'re the ones who are disobedient."

"Nonsense. You think we\'ll accept such myths? Your tribe won\'t be convinced of anything other than you."

"Even so, I will protect Mae instead of her life."

"... well. Then I have no choice. Relying on the abyss of the woods as it is, May will die, but let him be sure to tailor himself to pay for the worries of his hindsight. Brave warrior Gawon, tonight is the last moon night for you and May."

Responding to Bollard\'s signal, it was erected by a tribe of beasts of more than ten tiger species that were under siege.

Thick arms. Huge hands. And nails that show sharpness. It\'s a way of fighting everyone is good at fighting.

To the animal tribes of the murdering tiger species, Gawon holds this with care in his left hand and in his right hand, pulling out a thick song knife.

"Kill him!

To Bollard\'s signal, the Beastmen of the Tiger Species move in uninterrupted motion. Shrink the siege net once and for all and approach Gawon.

In the woods at night, the roar of a tiger echoed. At the same time, the flashes and thunder blast into the woods.

There are countless lightning strikes around the Beastmen, and the Beastmen of the Tiger species who were about to strike Gawon can be wolfed.

That moment.

I broke into Gawon and the Tiger Beasts with a spatial leap.

The sharp nails of the bollard, which have also burst into the nearby fallen lightning without fright, are recieved with a wooden knife of a spirit tree. Continue and wave the white sword on the horizontal giraffe.

He suddenly appeared and responded to me, but Bollard reacted quickly and withdrew.

I flash my wielded white sword and add rotation to perform a dragon sword dance act. As the dragon sword danced, a storm blew around me and Gawon.

"Grrr. What is this wind!?

Bollard roared as his thick arm prevented a storm to his face and withstood with foreboding.

Other than Bollard, the Tiger Species\' Beastmen were forced to turn their backs on the storm or even to fly in disoriented positions.

"Come on, now!

I descend to Gawon\'s side in the gap where the Tiger Beast clan is wolfing, and take his hand. And run out forcefully. Blown Beastman tribe, piercing the breakdown of its siege net, breaking through at once.

"Kid, who are you!

Still, it was Bollard who reacted quickly.

He kicks the ground with legs as thick as his arms, and he approaches in an instant. Bollard approaching behind. There, Gawon wields a crooked knife at a speed that won\'t go unnoticed, and puts in restraint.

Sudden intruder. Gawon, who had shown confusion only for a moment in the lightning strike and storm, nevertheless decided it was an opportunity to escape. He just glances at me by the side for a moment and rushes forcefully through the woods without saying anything.

At such a speed that I could not catch up with him, he drove off with the trees serpentine to the right and to the left through the dense forest.

I\'m the only one left running on a super-fast getaway.

Bollard and the rest of the Beastmen attacked me when I was late. [M]

I accidentally took the delay, but it\'s the same tiger species as Bollard. He approached me in a fierce move.

"Kid of the people. How dare you interrupt me?"

Wave a white sword at a bollard that has been fleshy in a motion that can no longer be followed visually. But Bollard turned himself back and dodged with a flexible figure, then waved his rigid arms down.

Activate a spatial leap and take evasive action.


Bollard is breathtaking to me when he suddenly disappears from sight. But in an instant, he immediately perceived me away, and he pushed again.

No, no, you\'re overreacting!

Spatial leaps are precisely instantaneous travel and one advantage is that no movement is read. Only the operator knows how much he flew in which direction. Bollard moves at a speed that won\'t go unnoticed, but in my case, it will never go unnoticed. Yet it\'s like Princess Dragon\'s Mistral speed of reaction to be perceived and thrust into position at the moment of the leap.

No. Halfway around is the other way around. This one becomes dangerous.

Fortunately, thanks to Bollard\'s consciousness toward me, Gawon has left the front completely. Then there\'s no reason for me to stay here any longer.

Come on, let\'s run!

Can you follow me to my seriousness, escaping from warcraft and toddlers every day?

I reached my goal, and I made every effort to escape.

Continuous spatial leaps, leaving at once. Still, Bollard instantly perceived and followed the emergence point of the spatial leap.

Run, run!

"Let it roast."

I could hear Ares whining in my ear.

The forest makes a scene.

With Ares\' technique, the Bollards get lost in the woods. So I was able to wrap around the Beasts of the Tiger Breed.

Fear not, the physical abilities of the Beastman tribe.

The physical abilities of the Dragon Nation living in Dragon Peak were overwhelming, but I guess it was a comparable move. That\'s someone you can\'t be alarmed about.

I didn\'t stop traveling in a spatial leap, even though I could see no sign of coming behind me.

No, I can\'t stop thinking about it. It\'s unknown how far we can escape the sensing range of the Beast Clan. I\'m worried about Gawon and White and Koko, who got away before anything else.

I\'m also concerned about the listeers I\'ve left behind, but maybe Luiseine is sensing and alerting me to the lightning strike and my dragon qi.

"Well, then, can you tell me where your beloved and this one went?

I asked the woods and animals as they used the spatial leap.

Hail, the ability to hear the voices of all things. I\'m glad you\'re training.

In response to my voice, the birds chirp. Forest trees have shaken and communicated their will.

Who are you?

"Did you help that girl?

"Thank you. May\'s over there."

Guided by the wind, proceed through the forest at night.

From the branches of the trees to the branches we jump in space and move on to the point indicated by the forest.

He\'s hiding over there.

"I\'m on guard."

He\'s weak.

I do feel slight signs ahead of the trees and birds in the woods. The bugs told me about the holes that could be found in the roots of the trees where this was hidden.

"The Beasts have scattered. It\'s okay."

I put my weapon on and spoke a little away from the hole the bugs taught me.

"... a man\'s boy. Who are you?

There was only a little silence and Gawon came out of the hole in the root of the tree. He looks at me with an alert look.

In his right hand he had a flesh-thick curved knife, and his left hand was also strongly fisted. Nor do I hold this one. Apparently, he\'s hiding it in the hole.

"I\'m sorry to keep you on guard. But I\'m not the enemy, at least. I was led by the voice of the forest, and I interfered."

"The Voice of the Forest...? Can you hear the whispers of the woods?

"Yes. I can hear you. Led by the woods, we\'ve come this far."

"... a child of a strange people. I didn\'t know anyone but Jabalayan and May would hear a great voice. Besides, people."

"Master May is a child hiding in a hole?

"You know that much."

"Yes. Seems a lot weaker though?

Yes. Both white and May felt weak from the side. When I was surrounded by the Beasts of the Tiger Species. I was shaking slightly in Gawon\'s arms, but that seemed more like a tremor of debilitation than fear. I felt a strong will to do something about that critical situation. But it\'s debilitating, and I can\'t move as I want. You felt like such a tremor, didn\'t you?

"... I must take Mae to the pharmacist Hoochen."

"Pharmacist? Are you sick or something?

How far is it good to talk to me when I just met someone who doesn\'t know how to handle it? and Gawon\'s expression was intricately shaken.

"I went beyond the hunting grounds of the Fei Long to find full moon flowers in this northern land. I am not your enemy. [M] So if you talk to me, maybe we can be on our side, right?

"Fei Long\'s hunting grounds? Oh, does the people call that over there? We, the Beasts, call it the Dragon Garden. You said you came over there? We can\'t even cross the dragon yard?

"Yes, I\'m not going to ask you to believe that right now, but believe me, I\'m not hostile to you. In the first place, I wouldn\'t have intervened in that situation if I had been evil."

"That\'s right."

Yeah, he nodded, and Gawon went back to the hole, holding both white and koko.

Both the white and the cot were neat in Gawon\'s arms.

"They poisoned me. If we don\'t detoxify it somehow, Master May will die as it is."

"Is it far to a pharmacist\'s place called Hoochen?

"About half a day on my feet. But Mae\'s health stays that high..."

Then hurry up and join my people.

"You have company?

"Yes, my people have witches of the people. They also have knowledge of medicine, so we might be able to figure it out"

In some cases, spells may also be useful.

It is unclear how much knowledge and arms Houchen, the veterinarian pharmacist, possesses, but time is now a waste. Taking you to the pharmacist doesn\'t know if it will help. Then he convinced Gawon that it would be better to head to the Luiseinees, who could rendezvous in less than half a day with the same possibility.

"I have to save Mae\'s life no matter what. Let\'s trust your honest eyes now."

"Thank you. Okay, this way."

We immediately started moving.

I fly on a spatial leap. Gawon, like Bollard, immediately sensed my position and followed me.

The Beastmen may have excellent ability to perceive the signs. And it also seems to be able to react quickly.

With the information of the Beasts, I returned to the location of the Listeners who were lurking behind me.

"It\'s okay. Was it a good early response?"

"Don\'t worry. We\'re gonna help you."

"Luiseine, combine your herbs with yours."

"What should I do with the formula"

"Three to one ratio."

When I thought I had left suddenly, the Listeers were surprised at me for taking home the beast tribe of the inflexible dog breed and both white and white. Still, Luiseine and the others checked this condition even though it was white, and they quickly put it to treatment.

"Master May was originally a snack and had less poison in his mouth. I washed my mouth off with water in a hurry."

"That must have been good. Nevertheless, this child..."

Me, Listaire and Gawon watched the hands-on Louiseine move a little further away. And I also ask about the condition of the white and small ones being treated.

White and white. I guess the size is a little smaller than Priscia\'s. It looks white and soft, the curly hair is too impressive, and I think about it. It has clothes, white and white on the wrist and looks very warm. But his face was bright blue, poisoned and debilitated.

"Is this child an animal tribe of the sheep breed?

To my question, Gawon nodded as his gaze turned to May.

"May, loved by the forest, is the one who is responsible for the future of the Urangaran forest. I follow the life of the prayer master Jabalayan, Gawon the warrior who protects this man. Thank you for your help."

Gawon introduced herself to the witches who said it was okay, rest assured, and how Mae looked as she was treated and her complexion went back a little bit.

"I am the brave Listaire of the people. They are our future companions."

"I\'m Elnea the Dragon King. To marry a witch, I came to this land looking for something called a full moon flower."

"Are you a brave man of the people? I\'ve heard stories. In the land of the people of the South, there are those who inherit the title of a warrior of honor. And... you\'re a dragon king, even though you\'re a human race?

"Yes, it\'s the Eight Dragon Kings. Do the Beasts know Dragon King, too?

"It\'s in an old legend. It was the dragon people who led our wandering people across the mountains of despair. I\'ve been told since I was a little girl that Spirit Peak has a king who can control dragons."

Different neighborhoods and races live in, and the lack of interaction seems to make a difference in place names, etc.

Call it the Dragon\'s Garden about the Fei Dragon\'s Hunting Ground, or call Dragon Peak the Spiritual Peak. And there are some misunderstandings. The Dragon King is not a title that can unite the Dragon Clan.

If I named him Dragon King, I would be bitterly laughed at by Gawon for his very worshiped eyes.

But the discourse didn\'t last long.

"I see. The king of dragons. Then I can snort at what I did earlier. I didn\'t think I\'d know what it was like to be a human kid."

appeared scratching the bushes: the bollards that were supposed to have been scattered and the beasts of the tiger species.

"Alama. I knew you\'d come after me."

I should have sprinkled it completely. But I wonder if that\'s the Beast Clan. Must have followed him with a smell or something.

Millie was good at that area, too, so I predicted.

"Mr. Ernea, just a little more time, please"

Louiseine also knows Millie, so I wonder if this degree was assumed. He asked us to calm down. [M]

"Listea, be careful. It\'s so quick."

"Oh, I know the physical abilities of the Beastmen"

Thanks, the Listeers also knew what the Beasts were capable of.

Me, Listaire, and Gawon each held their own weapons and confronted more than ten Beastmen.