We Live in Dragon's Peak

354 Winter Sky Full Moon Night

Ever since the dawn of the year, there have been peaceful but busy days. Morning snowflakes, morning training in moss squares, and in the afternoon we all do something together, or just me at the root of a spiritual tree.

The days quickly overlapped and Tachiharu approached.

That said, I\'m a little further.

Dragon Peak is deepening its whiteness and showing so much snow that it can\'t walk outside the village.

Me, Luiseine, and Priscia had never seen a snowy view like this before and I was very impressed, but the dragon tribes who originally lived on Dragon Peak, like the Mistrals, saw a bright white mountain every day, as troubled.

Hi, looks like it\'s snowing out of the ordinary years.

That\'s right. Last year, when I set foot on Dragon Peak after Spring. There was no snow, at least as far as I walked.

Will this snow melt before spring?

Due to severe winter cold waves and heavy snow, even nearby settlements and interactions are interrupted.

Adults were discussing that the northern part of Dragon Peak will have a rather harsh winter this year.

The reason for the disturbances caused by the Northern Dragon tribes is due to the harshness of winter.

Even though the disturbance has subsided, it will no longer reach out to the dragon tribe in the north, which is experiencing a harsh winter.

At the Dragon Kings\' rally earlier in the year, the story was raised about giving greater support to the people of the North.

"Can you ask the snow-resistant dragon tribe?

Based on my suggestion, I tried to bring the story to the Dragon Clans participating in the Dragon Peak Alliance.

We were then able to attach a promise to distribute the support supplies to the dragon tribe villages in the north to the meat and exchange conditions that tend to be scarce in the winter.

I\'m sure the Dragons will be working hard for us by now.

Let\'s go hem the delicious meat of the kingdom of Yortenitos when the harsh winter of Dragon Peak passes.

But with these full days going on, it was summer when I realized, what a story.

"Mr. Elnea. Are you getting ready to go home?

"Yeah. They\'re teaching me to make a smoked meat with Zan and some mountain vegetables that I can take over the next spring."

One night.

Under the sky, where the full moon is beautiful, and we are all looking at the moon, Luiseine has spoken that way.

Luiseine has gone as indispensable as possible in her service as a witch even after entering Dragon Peak.

On a full moon night, I stay up late to offer my congratulations to the goddess of creation. They\'re supposed to perform the ritual all night, but it\'s a trip, so they\'re good with something simple. Still, we were getting to hang out with Louiseine, who plays the eulogy on a full moon night unless she had extra business.

Luiseine was ready to begin the ritual a little later and took a breath beside me.

And I\'ve heard about my return home, the end of a year of traveling.

"Again, you\'re going down Dragon Peak by yourself"

"Yeah. It started with a solo journey. I\'m going home on my own."

Everyone around me and Louiseine is enjoying the moonlight view of their thoughts.

Mistral takes care of Priscia, who cheeks the dough. The twin princess drinks alcohol and Lyla looks to enjoy the full moon with a cross nose. Niemia sounds cute and fun with Lyla.

"I wonder if getting along with the Dragons and the Dragons at Dragon Peak and going down the mountain with everyone is also the fruit of my year of growth. But if we all go down there, we\'re gonna make a fuss. So I thought I\'d go down alone. When you climb up, you end up asking Revaria to cooperate with you more than half of the time."

"Be careful. If you think you\'re used to it, you\'ll shrink your feet."

"Because we\'re not all dragon tribes that got along in the Dragon Peak Alliance. I haven\'t forgotten that there are many lonely dragon tribes and warcraft. By the way, how does Luiseine get back?

"I plan to return from the Dragon Forest with Mr. Mist."

"Speaking of which, Louiseine is supposed to be traveling with an amazing woman adventurer."

"Yes, Mr. Mist is not an adventurer, but he\'s definitely amazing, so I plan on getting him to act with me"

With my name out there, Mistral sees this one. White and small bills on cheeks. You were touched by a powdered Priscia on the cheek.

"You\'ll be exposed about me in the demonic uproar, and you can go home in grandeur."

"That, in fact, is troubling...... Ernea, you are not the only one who finds that I was in Dragon Peak too"

They\'re going to point out our relationship with Ernea.

"Ugh, what shall we do? What should I explain to my mother and father?"

"Luiseine\'s parents are tough people, aren\'t they? I knew you\'d get mad at me?

"I\'m afraid of punishment. So, Mr. Ernea, if you go down the mountain, head first to my parents."

"No, no, I have to show my own parents my face, too. I\'m sure you\'re worried."

"Well, if it\'s all that rampant, you\'re worried in a different way."

"Ugh, I don\'t want to remember..."

"Mr. Elnea, when I get back, I\'ll have to report back to the administration. So you should meet our parents first."

"What is Uffi saying?

"Maybe you don\'t know, Ernea. When I get back after a year of traveling, I\'m gonna have to submit it to the school or the government that went through the year-long report, right?

"Yeah, what\'s that!? Nina\'s words are the first!

"Maybe you haven\'t kept a diary...?

"To, diary?

Look at my pulled face, Luiseine and the twin princesses laugh bitterly. Mistral and Lyla were tilting their little necks.

"The easy way to report it is to submit a year-long diary. Could it be that you didn\'t know?


"That\'s crazy. We were taught at school."

"That\'s weird. We\'ve been taught by teachers."

"The doctor said to keep the diary as sour as possible every day."

"... Really?"

I\'ll try to remember when I was at school. In the first half of his studies, he has studied everyday knowledge, the wisdom necessary for his journey, and the various situations surrounding the kingdom of Armuad. The second half of the martial arts class was mostly about meditation.

The classes in seating may not have been focused because they were taught more experiences, studies, etc. by Old Sleighsta and Mistral in the Dragon Forest.

Could it have been said then?

"Dear Ernea, I won\'t take care of the diary. We\'ll make something fine by the day you get home."

"Mr. Lyla, please wait. When I leave it to you, I can\'t be alarmed because I seem to make up all this stuff about myself."

"In the first place, you can\'t let Lyla write"

Mistral and Louiseine frustrating Lyla\'s heart with a motivated and raised hand. There is no forgiveness.

"Ho, is reporting absolute?

"I\'m back, you\'re absolutely reporting that. If you don\'t report what you\'ve been doing for a year, it won\'t be evaluated."

"Is there anything inconvenient about not being evaluated?

To Mistral\'s simple question, Luiseine explains how human society works.

Actually, I didn\'t know what impact it would have either, so I snuck up and listened.

"What you\'ve done in a year of traveling is about the future. If you are an official or aspiring to a considerable profession, you will be admitted to higher education when you return. Anyone wishing to hold a position in their hands may also be apprenticed to a fine master. At those times, it is the report that serves as a guide for the review. So if you don\'t have a report, it won\'t be appreciated, and if you didn\'t travel for a year for some reason, the future will be tougher. We may not be able to hold senior positions until we have appreciated the results of our training."

"Uh heh, yeah. I didn\'t know that."

"No, Ernea, it\'s a problem you don\'t know."

"Oh, right..."

I never thought about the future. That\'s a challenge that never crossed my mind.

I met Old Sleighsta and Mistral, and all I could do was look at the challenges that were blocked in front of me.

Remember Dragon Sword Dance, recognized by Mistral, enter Dragon Peak to survive a year of traveling. Then I was just vaguely hoping that I could live happily ever after with everyone.

But I have to snort at Luiseine\'s explanation.

If you\'re going to live a normal life in a human society at all, you really need to keep a proper perspective on the year ahead of your trip, too.

What profession do you take and what do you want to accomplish? I have a year of traveling for my future. And third parties appreciate what they\'ve been doing for a year, and reports that shape the future are important, aren\'t they?

But instead of the report, I don\'t even have a diary...

"Duh, what do we do?

The twin princess comforted me when she saw the look on my face in trouble.

"Elnea, I wonder if you want to be a nobleman."

"Elnea, I wonder if you want to be king."

"No, no, nobles still can\'t be kings!

"Oh, Elnea, if you want, we\'ll work together. Let\'s take your father with us."

"Oh, Elnea, if you want, we\'ll work together. Let us lay your brothers."

"It\'s noisy."

What do these two say? Even the seizure of the throne means that it is his father and siblings who sit there.

Everyone laughs at me when I panic. [M]

"Elnea, I\'m glad you reacted like you did."

"Right. If it\'s stained with evil, I\'m leaving it with the giant Demon King."

"I\'m the only one who will follow you even if Lord Ernea becomes the Demon King!

"Will your brother be the Demon King?

"No, no, no. I\'ll never be the Demon King."

"Elnea, when your brother becomes the Demon King, Priscia can be the Demon General."

"Mmm, that sounds interesting!

"Come on, Neemia shouldn\'t be saying weird things. Priscia, don\'t be interested in weird things either."

"So what\'s going to be Priscia?

Apparently, she was talking about the future, so Priscia was also interested in her future.

But Priscia\'s future is set, isn\'t it?

"Priscia will be the chief of the Ear Clan."

"Are you going to be a big grandma?

"Haha, maybe a thousand years away"

"Well, your brother\'s a big grandpa, then"

Priscia laughs innocently, not knowing the issue of life expectancy. Me and everyone smiled, but I feel complicated.

Me and Luiseine, the people, are already grandparents and grandmothers fifty years later. Maybe he\'s doing his whole tenure. Even Mistral is a grandmother three hundred years from now.

Only Niemia, an ancient species of dragon, can give you a long-lived ear clan opponent to the end.

Oh, now a thousand years later. Niemia will lose Priscia, too. I wonder if it\'s salvation to have Lily, a black dragon of the same ancient species.

When we think of life expectancy, we feel bad about destiny that we can\'t do anything about ourselves.

And I was able to reaffirm how wonderful dragon sword dance and familiar things that could be extremed depending on my efforts.

"Now let\'s hope you all live long enough to perform this evening\'s ritual"

I wonder if Louiseine thought the same thing about me.

Stand up when you say that in a bright voice so as to boost the atmosphere that fell just a little.

Pussy, and Priscia applauded as if she enjoyed watching it in the performance.

Niemia rings cute too and looks forward to Louiseine\'s congratulations.

I\'m sure they\'re not the only ones waiting for an intolerable breakup or a new encounter.

But still, each life and dragon life goes on. So may it be a future with more joy than grief, and I listened quietly in prayer to the celebration played out by Louiseine in a frantic manner.

The full moon represents the goddess, and instantly the stars represent those who live in the world.

I don\'t need anything big about immortality. Just long and happy, may we all be together. I swore to the clear bright night sky that if I could spend a long day with everyone, I would do everything I could.