We Live in Dragon's Peak

353 Sin, punishment and reward?

Sunny weather as if to celebrate a new year. High and clear sky everywhere. In a distant economy with no clouds, you can see Dragon Peak with makeup in bright white snow.

It was paired with the brightly colored greenery of the branches of the spirit tree in front of it, creating a harsh and sacred atmosphere.

"Elnea, if you look so far away, you won\'t be deluded."

"Hey, what are you talking about...?

"It\'s no use falling in love. Mistral confessed."

"It\'s no use falling in love. Mistral told me."

"Dear Ernea, how sloppy it is to run out!

Mr. Mistral, why did you expose last night to everyone!

Fly the cry of your heart to Mistral, who is not here. Oh, please. May this complaint reach Mistral, who is suffering from a hangover.

"Mm-hmm. Mist was proud of me."

Really? Mr. Mistral, you wanted to be proud even at my expense...

Far ahead of sight. Deep in Dragon Peak, stained with hard winter, Mistral must be suffering from a hangover headache by now, I wonder if he\'s falling asleep early in the New Year.

Everyone who celebrated New Year\'s Eve in the village of Mistral has apparently seen the first sunrise out of the cloud sea on a mountain higher than the clouds.

Me and Mistral saw the beautiful sun rising from the forest carpet in the dragon forest square.

Mistral made me a dragon, and the first sunrise I saw from the sky was my first experience ever.

"Elnea, I won\'t allow you to look away from reality again."

"No, no, I had no choice in this. Mistral will be drunk."

I\'m sure Mistral didn\'t want everyone to see the drunken ugliness. That\'s why I couldn\'t leave like that.

Yeah, I\'m sure my excuse is right.

And yet, I\'m not convinced that the first shot of the New Year is the right seat for reflection.

It was morning and I came back to Moss Square with Mistral. Mistral returned to the village uncommonly and unhelpfully because of his drunkenness last night or because he felt ill. I was telling Old Sleighsta what kind of trials I\'ve had and what my ambitions are this year. Then everyone came along, didn\'t they?

For some reason, I\'m in the front seat right now, led by Luiseine the Pumpkin, surrounded by everyone who showed up in the moss square.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

There\'s Priscia and Ares on my lap with the front seat.

Is it heavy?

But, you know, it\'s not hard at all.

The moss is fluffy even in winter, and the front seat is not painful. Besides, I\'m delighted with the warmth of Priscia and Ares.

"You\'re a pervert."

"No, no, Grandpa. I\'m not a pervert."

Ladies and gentlemen of the dragon watching my scolding. Old Sleighsta and Mr. Ashel sigh noisy in the morning, and Revalia looks down like she made a fool of me. Fiorina and Lehm still don\'t understand what it means to be mad at me. When I was your age, I was neatly noisy and chilling around.

"Elnea, you\'re guilty."

"Elnea, you\'re in jail."

"Duh, what kind of punishment?

"Dear Elnea, you\'re going out with me as a punishment."

"Mr. Lyla, wait a minute. That\'s not punishment."

In front of me being made to sit upright and adding the weight of a toddler girl, the judges discuss the punishment.

Slightly, Lyla may be my salvation, but she can\'t get her head up on Louiseine. Too bad.

I stare in the front seat at how various punishments will be discussed, like it\'s forbidden to approach Mistral, or from now on I\'ll have him sleep outside, or I\'m out of meals for ten days.

What the hell kind of punishment would that be?

Perhaps the scariest of all the punishments that have come out of the discussion is that of leaving them at Dragon Peak. If they leave you in a deep snow mountain, you could freeze to death. It\'s forbidden for both Levaria and Neemia to come and help. How harsh. Please, I\'d like some more gentle punishment.

Oh, yeah.

It wasn\'t if I was watching the judges discuss it. I still had something important left. [M]


I sat in the front seat and took the consultation matter to Old Sleighsta while she weighed in on the toddler girl.

"In fact, following the trials, the Spirit of the Spirit Tree told me to keep coming through. So I want you to allow me to go to the Spirit Tree again."


I wonder what\'s wrong with Old Sleighsta, who was listening to the trial before everyone arrived.

"Ernea, what are you talking to Lady Sleighsta about while you\'re being punished?"

"No, no, Louiseine. This is important. If I don\'t come through, the king\'s capital may be gone."

"The king\'s capital is gone."

"The king\'s capital is gone."

"Dear Ernea, have you forgotten about last year?"

"No, no. I haven\'t forgotten. What I\'m trying to say is that the dragon forest has eroded to the king\'s capital, and you can\'t live there until you rebuild it."

With that said, what an exchange the fate of the people would have had if they hadn\'t gone through when they met Old Sleighsta.

I can\'t believe that was two years ago.

"Hmm. If the dragon forest is to spread, I\'d be delighted as far as I\'m concerned"

"No, no, we\'re in so much trouble."


Old Sleighsta is the guardian of the Dragon Forest, so there\'s no trouble at all with the King\'s Capital missing and the Dragon Forest spreading.

Everyone panics, not just me, realizing the horrible facts.

"Dear Sleighsta, please forgive me..."

"This just got me in trouble. As princess of the kingdom of armuard, please."

"This just got me in trouble. As a citizen of the kingdom of Armuard, please."

"Dear Sleighsta, please allow me and Ernea to travel alone..."

"Mr. Lyla?


Discussion of punishment is unacceptably behind us, and we all do a favor.

"Hmm, if it\'s for Ernea, I can\'t help it. There\'s nothing wrong with your predisposition, and I\'ll give you special permission. But it is only Ernea. Others are forbidden to enter without permission"

"Good, thank you"

I was the only one allowed.

And then everyone, what doesn\'t, is Old Sleighsta\'s right harshness, right?

No matter how close you get, move the guardianship of the Spirit Tree as your first priority. There are lots of sweet parts against me, but tighten them. [M]

I have to apprentice, too. [M] I\'m going to be a grown man with both sweetness and rigour!

So it runs fast.

I rise with Priscia and Ares off my knees.

"Mr. Elnea, I\'m not done with you."

Luiseine, who responded to my movements as quickly as possible, put her hand on her hips and flew her scolding.

"Hehe, I have something to do. Not if I\'m dating you."

"That\'s a weird tone. I wonder if it broke in the trials."

"That\'s a weird tone. I wonder if Mistral even infected me with something weird."

Everyone bewildered by my sudden movements.

With them on my ass, I walk out.

"I ran away."

"" "Ha!

Luiseine and the twin princesses return to me with an extra word from Niemia.

Yeah, it\'s Niemia. What do you say?

"Ernea, wait!

"I won\'t let you get away with it!

"I\'m on my way to retribution!

"Dear Ernea, please wait -!

The women who noticed my escape and chased me. I rushed out and fled to the back of the woods.


When the training at the roots of the spiritual tree was over and back to the moss square, everyone had already left.

Looking at where Revalia isn\'t, Fiorina and Lehm aren\'t staying tonight, are they?

I had no choice, and the troubled Revaria who takes good care of the dragon is adorable. It makes me wonder if being called a tyrant is a lie.

"Is the training going well?

"Yeah, I guess it\'s hard. But I\'ll try."

"Hmm, it\'s a good heart. But don\'t make it a less-than-contentious achievement that prioritizes your immediate purpose."


I\'m glad I replied well to Old Sleighsta, but I\'m only feeling a little backwards.

It was old Sleighsta who taught me dragon sword dance. I\'ve been trying to dance dragon swords under old Sleighsta. Yet now he practises dragon sword dancing while being coached by the Spirit of the Spirit Tree at the root of the Spirit Tree.

I wondered if I was avenging my previous favors. [M]

"It takes. It\'s a little awkward."

Old Sleighsta laughs when she reads my thoughts.

"You are making a mistake. I will teach you the form of dragon sword dance in my memory. But I\'m not a dragon sword dancer. Even if you teach only my knowledge, which is not a user, you will not be able to perform dragon sword dance. I can\'t tell you what I\'ve been through. Unfortunately, you will have to get what is important from your experience. Seeing the divine music of a witch, incorporating the dance of a princess. And I rejoice in thee who, under the guidance of the old woman of the Spirit Tree, strive to feed them and deliver her dragon sword dance. Show me a beautiful and strong dance over Kensei one day."

"Yes. I\'m so glad you said that. I will try my best to get my own dance!

A little anxiety was relieved, and I was motivated by Russia. Let\'s try again tomorrow, with the intention of sending it to Old Sleighsta.

I\'ll be here tomorrow, and I\'ll be wrapped in a golden light, exchanging goodbye greetings for today.

He was blinded by the dazzling light, and when he recovered, he was already in the Dragon Temple.

I returned to the village of Mistral a long time ago.

"Lady Ernea, please pay attention!

I tried to get out of the Dragon Temple and suddenly Lyla hugged me from behind.

"What\'s wrong!?

Is Louiseine and the others angry that I escaped? Or another crisis!?

"Mr. Lyla, come out!

"I know the soul and the guts to go to the Dragon Temple and hold you alone, Ernea."

"In the Dragon Temple, Elnea, a runaway attempt to keep you all alone won\'t work."

"... Mr. Lyla? Maybe you\'re not the one who\'s bringing the crisis in?

"Ugh. \'Cause I wanted to be alone with Ernea, too."

Lila, who can hold me tight. [M] The trick is so cute, it gives me a hug.

It has a lot more meat on it than we first met, and it\'s nice to hold.

Well, I was skinny enough to say bone and skin at first, and I\'m still as thin as Mistral and Louiseine. But those two don\'t have great plump chest tension. I get the feeling of wanting to sink in between my breasts like this.

"Mist, your sister and Louiseine don\'t have breasts. It feels good."

"Oh, Niemia. What are you talking about outside!


I forgot that there are evil dragons who read people\'s minds.

"Mr. Elnea, come out!

"We\'ll feel better than Lyla."

"We\'ll have twice as much fun than Lyla."

Cancer, and the sound of tapping the dragon temple sounds.

Mr. Louiseine is furious!

But the entrance to the Dragon Temple is rigidly closed with doors, walls, floors and ceilings in the application of Lila\'s Dragon Art, the Hidden Dragon Art anywhere, and no one can break in.

"When this happens, it\'s the final weapon in! Be prepared."

I\'m afraid of Louiseine\'s voice.

Forgetting the sweet, blissful feeling earlier, me and Lyla were hugging each other and trembling.

"Mnh-mnh-mnh, Priscia is the final weapon!

Then Priscia appeared in a spatial leap, pounding in front of me and Lyla. And hug us and jump into space again. That\'s all, and the resistance is vain. Me and Lyla go outside the Dragon Temple.


Lyla screaming at Louiseine in front of her.

Priscia was flattered by the twin princesses for stopping us from standing.

Innocence is sometimes horrible.

Not if you think so.

I notice a shadow approaching me and Lyla in horror at Louiseine\'s anger.

"Do it"

The approaching shadow, which echoed and responded to the merciless words of Luiseine, was a water dragon living in a fountain around the Dragon Temple.

The water dragon frightens me and Lila.


"Ha ha."

And drag it.

Yes, to the fountain.

Resisting is no match for the Dragon Clan. Me and Lyla were pulled into the fountain by resistance.

Me and Lyla\'s screams disappear into the water as they blister and fall into a fountain where big and small cracked ice floats.


It sinks into extremely cold cold water and becomes rigid all over its body. It hurts through the cold. My senses are paralyzed through the pain. Not just the senses, but the whole body is going to be paralyzed.

And I\'m gonna die!

When I panicked, the water dragon let me go in the water.

Move your frozen hands and feet desperately to the surface.


I try to breathe as much as I want, but my chest doesn\'t breathe air like it\'s tightened. Still, I manage to get my face out of the water and breathe.

"Please help..."

Lyla, who showed her face near me, seemed to suffer a lot. [M]

Maybe Lyla can\'t swim?

"La, mr. Lyla!

You thought Louiseine had done too much, too, reaching out on the shore and trying to rescue Lyla.

I approached Lila\'s side that was about to sink and hugged her.

"Wow, Lyla. Don\'t hug me so hard because I\'m fine."

Now I\'m about to drown in Lila\'s chest, which I\'ve been so desperately embracing.

When the two of us were shabby and rampant, our feet accidentally reached the ground. I thought the water dragon was pushing us up under the water. So I managed to help, and Lila and I made it across the shore.

When I go up from the fountain, I realize that for some reason the land is colder. Whenever the wind blew, Lyla and I shook up trying to get back together.

"Sorry. Too much"

Smile to Louiseine, who shows honest reflection, never mind. I meant to smile, but I don\'t know if I could have smiled because my face was frozen.

Lila\'s lips hugging each other are purple. His face is also bloody and blue-white. I guess I\'m in a similar situation.

"Louiseine doesn\'t care. I\'m sorry about Lila."

"Louiseine doesn\'t care. Ernea, it\'s your fault."

"Yes, you don\'t have to worry about it. It\'s like tomorrow\'s prep practice."

It was Mistral who uttered the next of the twin princesses\' words.

The mistral that comes this way from the end of the long house looks like he\'s been rejuvenated.

"Tomorrow\'s prep practice?

As I shuddered and listened back, Mistral nodded laughing at this one.

"That\'s right. Tomorrow morning, the men of the village are going to do a water line here. Just think of it as a prep exercise."

"Yeah, I don\'t like being in the water in these cold weather."

"Hehe, give up. You are already part of a fine village, so there are no exceptions."

"Oh, no, don\'t do it tomorrow."

I hugged Lyla and screamed unmanly. [M]

The next day.

As Mistral heralded, the men\'s water line was executed with the sunrise.

Water, rituals?

No, no, this won\'t be the same!

Women throw drunk men into the fountain even on the second day of the year, corrupted by drinking and singing from before the new year.

With the sunrise, the screams of the men echoed the dragon peak.

Even though I was not drunk, Mistral was thrown off to the end of the Dragon Temple without question.

When I swimmed back in trembling, Louiseine thrust me down.

The twin princesses also threw me away and begged Priscia and Niemia to go into the water as well.

Lyla approached me feeling sorry for me, so I pulled her into the water by calling her a runaway. Then Lyla drowned and I got mad.

I was the only one who walked into a cold fountain many times, shaking cold to the core, and Zan, who gave me steam from his body, took me to the flames of the square laughing.

"You\'re all amazing. Aren\'t you cold?

If you look, the men hitting the bonfire remain wet.

If I were you, I\'d just like to jump in the bath in a hurry.

"What are you talking about? It\'s okay because it\'s cold."

So Zan stirred up the cup he had received from a nearby man at once.

You don\'t have to look inside to find out. The nose has a strong aroma of sake.

"Kuha. If you\'re gonna blow the cold, this is it."

That said, the warrior\'s uncle, who came next to me, takes a sip of alcohol poured into the cup.

Men drink alcohol before the fire.

And I get drunk in the morning.

After all, you\'re still drunk today!

What is a water line, and I feel like going in.

I was the only one who didn\'t warm up with alcohol, and I was given a bath at Mistral\'s house. [M]