We Live in Dragon's Peak

355 Return trip

When the year opens, it seems that the early ones will soon return to their homeland. Those of you who have had a hard year will want to go back as soon as possible.

Perhaps some of his classmates have already returned to the Wang Capital.

I\'m sorry. My parents...

If it had been a year I hated, I would have cried and rushed into my parents\' house the day after the year had dawned.

But fortunately, I was able to have this unprecedented year of fulfillment. There were also many more valued associates, family and daughters.

It has become common sense among people living on the flat that Dragon Peak is not an environment where people can live. Indeed, it is definitely a land that even an amazing adventurer would repel, as they say, in a heavenly demonic realm where the dragon clan is truly unrivaled by harsh nature, horrible warcraft and people.

Even I can assure you that if you tell me to live in Lonely Nakanaka Dragon Peak without someone\'s help, I will never be able to do so right now.

But I\'m not alone.

"Mr. Elnea, have you forgotten anything?

"Yeah. I had a souvenir for my mom and dad, and I\'m fine."

"The snowmelt is delayed. Watch out for steep slopes and near rivers."

"Is the road okay?

"Not to deviate from the side roads. The road that connects the settlement to the settlement is reopening, so it should be all right."

Snow is still falling high on Dragon Peak, which has been hit by the once-decade big cold wave, Koa said.

The Traveler Dragon People are beautiful again. I don\'t know what kind of psychology it is, and they set foot in a snowy mountain a few times the length of their backs. And after they had gone so hard, there was a way.

The traveler first extends his legs to the neighbouring settlement. When that creates a path that can pass between the village and the village, this time stretching the road to deep snow mountains and bright white forests. In this way, during the winter, the settlement, which was a dot among the dragon peaks, is connected by a line and extended to hunting and gathering grounds.

The people called Dragon King are the kind of people who represent the Dragon Nation, and I\'m at the end of it. Travelers who left the village first in the spring to resume exchanges were also praised by the Dragon Nation.

"Then I\'ll go. I\'ll see you in King\'s Landing."

As everyone in Mistral\'s village drops me off, I\'m finally walking home.

With the advice of the Dragon tribes, he carried the baggage he had prepared, and embarked on a path that was forcefully made.

"Mm-hmm. He\'ll be back by dinner at night."

"No, no, because you\'re not coming home at night. I\'ll see you in Kingsville in a few days."

I almost fell on a dirty road.

Priscia\'s recent fashion is an imitation of Mistral, which often makes us laugh.

Everyone who was dropping me off laughs at the cuteness of Priscia putting her hands on her hips. Only Priscia didn\'t seem to know very well, she was tilting her little neck.

Zero a laugh at Priscia\'s joke as she slowly pulls out the mood she just put in, and re-carries her shifted back luggage.

In addition to souvenirs for parents, the luggage contains travel essentials. A few days\' worth of water, food, and cold gear ready for still cold nights.

And a bright white day book...

I had to do a year-long report on my travels, and I asked everyone to work with me and try to produce a report.

But hold the brush and put the paper in front of you.

I couldn\'t move my hand because of all the things I couldn\'t write, all the encounters, adventures, and disturbances that you wouldn\'t believe when I wrote them.

And think about my future.

In the end, we didn\'t need a report, we all agreed.

I\'m sure I don\'t live in a human society. [M] I haven\'t decided yet on the part of where to put the foundation of my life, but I don\'t want to be an official or live in aristocracy with the majesty of a twin princess.

I guess I\'ll be living in the Dragon Peak, the Dragon Forest, and the Forbidden Land. In doing so, there is no particular need for evaluation in a human race society.

Then you don\'t have to force yourself to write a report. I settled on that.

Luiseine had to submit it to the Temple as a duty, so I decided to have my year complemented around there.

That\'s why the report and diary remained blank.

When I repossess my backpack, I wave again and walk out again. [M]

The small woods on the north side of the village of Mistral are used by warriors for training and by Priscia, and there is already less snow. I\'m used to seeing the scenery too, so I move on.

Through the woods, there was a flock of dragons who had built nests and lived.

It was solidified in the herd, melting snow at body temperature to resist the winter cold. On the outside of the herd are large adults of the body, and the dragons are protected in the center of the herd.

The dragon\'s head moved his neck and looked at me.


"Yeah, we\'re going home now."

"Don\'t you ever come back?

"I\'ll definitely be back. We have to go home once and for all because of human circumstances."

\'Right. You want me to send it?

"It\'s okay, going down the mountain on your own is part of your training."

"Be careful."

"Thank you for worrying. Then I\'ll go."

He exchanged words lightly with the head of the ground dragon and finally turned his foot to the rugged mountainous area.

Usually on a steep slope of rock skin exfoliation, a place you wouldn\'t normally want to walk through. But now the deep snow had covered all the rock skin and made it look like a sword mountain.

"No, no, because I don\'t want to go through it, even if it\'s covered in snow."

What a mouthful of solitude, we continue down the path of bypassing the snowy sword mountain that spreads in front of us.

Solo is the best way not to be distracted by a solo journey, isn\'t it?

"Knock, knock, knock"

"Oh. Ares, you\'re out"

That\'s right.

I am never completely alone under any circumstances. [M] Ares will never leave the wooden knife where the young tree of the Spirit Tree has changed its appearance and the Spirit of the Spirit Tree possessed by myself.

A year ago. When I entered Dragon Peak, I was still immature and Ares helped me a lot.

But I\'ll do my best to get down the mountain myself.

"Hang in there, hang in there"

Ares doesn\'t seem to be willing to over-protect either, enough to walk with me, even if it manifests itself.

Someone will stay by my side. I know that\'s all I can do to help, but Ares has no choice because she\'s special, right?

"Mist, you\'re not special, are you?

"Yeah, Mistral and Louiseine, they\'re all special."

"What about Nha?


Of course it\'s special, trying to say.

I caught Niemia with her face out of her thighs and luggage on her back.

"I wonder why Niemia is here!?

Such an idiot...

Now it was my intention to go ahead with Dragon Peak on my own, but shortly after I left, there were three of us!

I\'m on a top-secret mission.

Neemia, wrapped in muddy long hair that seemed warm even in winter, stared at me with her twinkling eyes shining. I was stopping my leg, trying to figure out what to do with Niemia.

"What\'s a top-secret mission?

"I can\'t tell you."

"Mm-hmm. Who did you get the assignment from?

To my question, Niemia misses her face.

"Mistral, isn\'t it?

Niemia blinks again and again with her pussy.

You don\'t like to hide things, and when you whine in your heart, your long, dripping ears dripped even more.

"So, what kind of top-secret mission is it? If you don\'t tell me, I\'m out of rice."

"Elnea, your brother is mean."

"Ha ha. Come on, it\'s Neemia. Confess to me!

"I\'m a demon king!

Neemia barks, but she can\'t get out of my hand.

"What you confessed was a secret, huh?

Of course, I\'ll keep it a secret.


"Yakuza, yakuza"

"I want potatoes."

"The Lord is evil too."


To Niemia\'s request, I give you the golden potato that Ares removed from the mysterious space.

Put aside Ares\' wonder about the end of the mysterious space or how much potato you later possess.

Nimia, who took the bribe, told me about the confidential mission while he ate the potatoes.

"Elnea, your brother causes problems when you\'re alone. So monitor them and let them know if anything goes wrong."

"Making a problem... I don\'t like it and I\'m making it happen"

I\'m never causing a commotion myself. But you did stick your neck in all sorts of problems this past year.

"All right, my goal this year is a peaceful day -!

I\'m a little late for my New Year\'s ambitions, but I\'ll stick to my goal.


I\'m sure you won\'t achieve it, and my dragon-heart was picking up Niemia\'s heart.

Whatever it is, let\'s move on. The journey has just begun. If I screwed up at first, I\'d be compassionate first.

Ares, hold hands properly, put Neemia over her head after eating the potatoes, and let her walk back.

There is still a snowy mountain on the side with a steep slope. There is still a Mistral village nearby around here or a nest of grounddragon herds, so there is no non-natural danger.

But a little further down the mountain skin, into the woods it finally becomes a dangerous itinerary.

If it is a snowless season, walking for about two days will get you to the next village. You\'ve just left and you\'ve got enough strength, so it\'s one hand to get through the dangerous woods at once without camping at night. But for that, I don\'t have time to stop and relax.

I take the narrow path made by adventurous travellers with a firm foothold.

I wonder how you made your way?

The snow wall is several times taller than its back length, and that scrapes beautifully down the road.

I know I\'ve been snowflaking every day during the winter. Snow weighs like you can\'t imagine from the looks of it, do you? And the snow piles down there are compressed and harder and heavier. It was hard not to get used to just snow off the roof. Getting out of the snow in the square was a physical battle, and it really seemed like training.

Beautiful, beautiful snow is actually a mighty enemy. The travelers who get rid of that white demon and make their way are amazing.

Do you want to proceed as you melt in flames like Zan? Do you fly in the dragon art of wind? Pulse the earth, swallow the snow?

Maybe I\'m scratching the snow in ways I can\'t even imagine, making my way.

Walking, delayed by various imaginations.

I mean, I\'ve gotten stronger with all sorts of experiences, but there\'s still something I don\'t know about this.

So you\'re not going to stick your neck in the commotion yourself if you like.


Niemia was yawning in the sun with my head swallowing.

Ares with a nose song is in a good mood.

It\'s still snowy around, but I feel good about my pre-spring cheerfulness.

I feel like my journey is going to continue smoothly and full of sails.

My hunch hits me a lot, doesn\'t it?

Feels light on the legs and good. Cross the detour and enter the woods as you indulge in the slightly changing snow scenery as you progress.

The path continues in the woods and you can walk without getting lost.

"There\'s a silver wolf of warcraft around here, isn\'t there? We have to be careful. I\'m not your friend.

"Nah Nah Nah"

"I\'m here"

"... Ha!?

The forest is home to a giant werewolf warcraft with silver body hair. He\'s very violent, and even a dragon warrior is like burning a hand. So I had to be careful, and my heart was frustrated in an instant.

You said you were late to notice?

Why didn\'t I notice, I should think...

On top of my head is Niemia, an ancient species of dragon, fighting dragons, right?

Though a child, he\'s a dragon tribe with more potential than that tyrant and the feared Revaria.

A dragon stronger than Revaria is on my head.

Furthermore, Spirit Ares of the Spirit Tree continues to manifest herself, who is getting plenty of spiritual power from Priscia.

That\'s it, no ordinary warcraft or dragon tribe comes close.

Don\'t get involved with the strong, that\'s natural management.

In other words, fools approaching Neemia of the ancient species Dragon Nation and Ares, the Spirit of the Spirit Tree, rarely exist in this Dragon Peak.

Oh, my God...

Danger? Where is it?

"Oh, my intentions!

My temper that it was time to travel to Dragon Peak on my own was shattered and scattered that morning when I traveled.