We Live in Dragon's Peak

268 Black Dragon Double

I don\'t know why.

How did this happen?

I ride Lily\'s back like a child of a black dragon, fleeing the sky.

Like following me and Lily, Revaria, with the Demon King and everyone on board, comes after me. And from behind it, hundreds of black-wing demons were looming.


Lily screaming in swallowing.

When one wings, the sight flows.

That\'s the Dragon Clan of ancient species. Flight speeds are comparable to those of Niemia.

The view under your eyes flows away at an unrecognizable rate.

"If they catch you, they\'ll kill you."

No, no, no. What about that?

The utterly crisis-free scream is nothing of a monkey play.

"Hey. This is how you really break into the kingdom of the demon king in the north?

"Don\'t break in. At least the lilies."


"Lily coarsely looks at the Demon King and runs away with you, Ernea. It happens to be the realm of the Northern Demon King. The Demon Kings are just following it."

It\'s impotent!

What can I do to talk like such a trilogy play!

"But this is definitely not a walk."

"... you are aware of the unreasonable words and actions of the Demon King."

"You can\'t point it out if you notice. They\'re gonna kill me."

Demon King, don\'t be afraid.

Is that what you should call a demon king?

Should I still say Demon Clan?

Or does the reason for attacking another country start with something like this that doesn\'t make sense in the first place?

I don\'t know.

I don\'t know.

Just one thing I can say.

The demon king of giants is incomprehensible!

"Still, Ernea, you\'re a disaster, too."


"\'Cause I can\'t believe a man gets kicked out of Mr. Fei Long for just a reason"

"Oh, when they say that, it\'s irrational, isn\'t it?"

Before the launch. Said the Demon King of the Giants.

"Let\'s just say that Fei Long rides with only women. Take Lily if you want."

I had no choice but to follow the words of the Demon King with Revaria\'s condemned eyes and everyone\'s "Take Me With You" heartfelt cry on my back.

And the Demon King says even more.

"Lily, run for the Northern Devil\'s Capital. We go after them. If Fei Long catches up with you, you\'ll be punished."

"It hurts to punish you."

"Eliminate mercilessly those who stand in the way of your escape."

You mean crush the Border Guard.

"I\'ll allow you a break when you get to the Devil\'s City."

"You\'re going to push Lily all the way up there."

Lily\'s words were silenced and everything was set in motion over the thoughts of the Demon King in this operation.

Nominally, the Demon King and the Black-wing Demon Nation are just chasing the coarse-faced Lily.

It seems that it was only Lily who rambled in the kingdom of Kushalila, the demon king of the north, that means.

"Ah. It\'s the border."

I got on Lily\'s back and started flying for a while. Ahead of heading north, we began to see a robust fort.

Streets stretching north and south so as to sew rugged terrain. Fortresses built with high protective walls and thick rock walls to block it.

As Lily approached over the fort, several demons rose into the sky.

"Refrain. Your Majesty is right."

When the cucumber and lily sounded, the demon clan, who rose to the sky on alert, quickly turned back to the fort.

Maybe the operation has even reached the border fort.

Or you sound cute, too.

"Do kids who are hiding in their nostalgia sound cute too?

Oh. You were noticing Niemia.

Niemia ended up hiding in my nostrils.

If you were sifting and trembling, you\'d lose your chance to go back to Priscia and hide in my nostalgia, wouldn\'t you?

"Nha. Frightening."

"Afraid of Lily?

"I\'m afraid of the Demon King."

"The Demon King isn\'t afraid unless he pisses you off."

"But you still scare me because you don\'t know what you\'re gonna do,"


Neemia, who has been found, has no choice but to show her face.

"It\'s okay. Niemia will be protected by Lily. It\'s your sister."

More sisters!

Not if it\'s comfortable.

If you go through the fortress on the Titan\'s Demon King\'s side, you will finally become the realm of the Northern Demon King Kushalillah.

A robust fortress similar to the fort we have just seen appears on the north side of the rugged land.

Black winged dragon from the south and the red lotus flying dragon following it. And the northern fortress suddenly rushes as a disciplined, flying, black-wing demon clan approaches at high speeds, clearly a military subordinate.

The Winged Demons formed several formations and came up for reconnaissance.

On the ground, demonic armies begin to deploy quickly throughout the fortress.

"Come on, let\'s do it"

The swallowing conversation is over.

Lily inflates the immeasurable dragon-like temper of the ancient species and enters a combat posture.

The back of a wide open mouth is stained with darkness.

The calm golden eyes reveal a sharp glow.

A muttering sound of ears echoed across the sky and the earth.

I stood up on Lily\'s back, and Niemia shook her head as she sifted into the sight and fled into her nostalgia again.

The fortress, which until earlier appeared robust forward, was swallowed by a huge black sphere that suddenly appeared. And after an unpleasant noise echoed in his ears that would stir, cleave, and crush him.

When the black sphere disappeared, there was no more robust fortress there. A crumbling foundation, as abandoned for hundreds of years, and rough ground into the ruins of stripping, lose words.

The demonic tribe that was ascending the formation into the sky was also staring at the ruins of the fortress that they had guarded until earlier, as they were stunned by its spectacular sight.

Lily goes north, blind to the surviving demon clan.

Revaria, who follows me from behind, has also followed me silently.

But by the hands of the last black-wing demons who passed, all the demons who were forming a formation were dropped.

I have no words.

The destructive power of Lily\'s dragon art.

The life of the demons who were protecting the fortress.

Cruelty that relentlessly kills survivors as well.

This is war......?

The kingdom of Armuad, where I was born and raised, and the neighboring kingdom of Jortenitos. The two countries have armies for each other. But since the founding of the country, we\'ve never been apart, and we\'ve never been through a war.

In fairy tales and fictional stories, I often read stories depicting war stories and large-scale battles.

But reality. When there was a massive dispute in front of me and I stood in the middle of it.

Whether you are a man or a demon. I\'m stuck with my life being treated lightly.

Or, take care of Lily\'s life. I can\'t say. She\'s just following the demon king of giants. Lily also has no life if she defies the Demon King. Everyone is with me that my life is more important than many other lives.

"Don\'t get me wrong. The Demon King can hit it. I\'ve hit my hand. It\'s bad that Kushalilla refused to do that."

Lily wants to defend that the Titan Demon King isn\'t attacking the North in the mood.

Yeah. I know that.

I\'ve noticed it since Mistral was summoned.

The giant Demon King was trying to establish friendship with the Dragon Nation. That\'s why I\'ve been trying to take Wall the Dragon King as a mediator to solve cases in the west and troubles between the Dragon Nation and the Demon Nation.

But that\'s where I\'ve put the cross spear, Kushalillah, the demon king of the north. He conspired against the Northern Dragon Nation and brought turmoil to Dragon Peak. Then he took the plane and sent his army to the north of Dragon Peak.

As a giant demon king, he was disguised as having been crushed by his inability to suppress the demon king of the north.

So I went out to hard means.

But this is really a commotion that has nothing to do with the Titan Demon King, right?

Only, it\'s the dragon tribes who are making a scene. The shadow of the demon king of the north is hidden behind it, but the demon king of a different giant of the country could have been indifferent if it were true.

But this is how you\'re intervening.

Why not?

For some reason, the Demon King of the Titans seems to have a strong interest in Mistrals. There seems to be a reason there.

Although the relationship between the Titan Demon King and Mistral is unknown.

The Demon King of the Titans took sides with us, or the Dragon Peak and the Dragon Men.

But the Demon King of the Titans also has to have some kind of debt than to raise his hand against the same species. And we can\'t take our eyes off the debt of the giant Demon King more than we\'re getting our help.

What the Titan Demon King is doing is not human resources. Then I guess we should shoulder our responsibilities with the Titan Demon King.


In an instant, many lives lost under your eyes. It will be lost even more, the lives of the demons. You can\'t get your eyes off that.

Why I\'m leading the way with Lily. It may be that the Titan\'s Demon King is showing how many lives will disappear because he couldn\'t contain me, the Dragon Nation, or the uproar of Dragon Peak by his own means alone.

"I\'ve been thinking too much."



I\'m not sure what the giant demon king thinks. I mean, the words and actions are unscrupulous and incomprehensible.

Is it true that such horrible signs of souls shrinking, as they did when they met in the western village? I don\'t even know if the serene atmosphere is what it is, like I showed it earlier in the Devil\'s Capital.

I don\'t know the nature or thoughts of the Demon King. But let\'s be careful not to get it wrong.

What just happened. What\'s going to happen. That one end of the responsibility for the lives lost in all of this lies with us.

"Okay. Ernea, I\'m motivated by your determination and readiness. I\'ll be there at once."

No, no. Don\'t kill intentionally and unnecessarily.

I read my mind. When Lily rang cute, she accelerated.

northward along the streets extending from the south.

Flying through the sky at high speeds, a demonic clan of defensive forces appears every passing city or city of a certain size. Lily ravages it in an instant and goes all the way to the Devil\'s Capital.

For the people, the demons are horrible even when it comes to lower classes.

Last year. When I met a junior demon ambush at a ruin near Wangdu. Even the brave and resolute kingdom knights were struggling with little ghosts. That was like saving Listeners because they were there.

The difference between the races is so clear between the devil and man.

The demon tribe. Plus, Lily is trained and kicks the Demon Army specialized in combat like a wooden end.

Demons stronger and scarier than people. Dragon tribe with more fighting power than that. And even more superior species of the Dragon tribe that even the Dragon tribe fears.

Ahead of Lily the Black Dragon, there was no obstacle enough to inhibit her from going.

Lily dares to fly at low altitude and bury the demons and defensemen that come under attack.

The Revaria and Black-winged Demons who follow them from the rear kick the retrieval.

Our march, which became a complete ambush, instantly and sharply invades Kushalillah\'s realm.

And I\'m fine.

A huge city emerges ahead.

The castle of the Demon King, heavily guarded by high walls, rises in the heart of the city.

Many demons, who will be the defensive forces of the Wang capital, will be dressed in matching armor and will expand in front of us as we fly in.

The scenery swayed loosely as it wrapped the Devil\'s Capital.

"It\'s amazing. I was bound in an instant. The military is expanding fast."

Unlike me, who is nervous after spitting, Lily looks at the defense without looking very concerned.

"Come on, one more breath. Let\'s destroy it."

Bhasari, and Lily, feathered their wings heavily, penetrating toward the Devil\'s Metropolitan Guard, which unfolded in the sky and on earth.

Magic rain emitted simultaneously.

When Lily gives a sharp growl, the magic disappears. Conversely, the pitch-black rays emanating from Lily\'s mouth sweep away the demonic tribe that unfolded in the sky.

"Penetrate -"

Lily enters the empty hole without hesitation. When Lily wings, the dragon\'s temper rumbles and the pitch-black darkness spreads all around her.


Screams spread to the demons.

The demon clan, touched by a pitch-black mist, falls to the ground as it melts its body.

The magic released from the earth disappears sucked into the fog of darkness.

The fog of darkness spreads instantly, swallowing the demonic armies on the ground as well.

The scream spread to the ground.

"Get rid of it."

Lily makes a sharp swirl and shakes her fat, long tail. Then the junction, which would have inhibited the intrusion, broke and blew away, both dry sounds like ceramics.

How unobtrusive!

In front of the ancient species Lily, everything was miscellaneous.

Having broken the line, Lily breaks into the sky over the Devil\'s Capital.

Demons flee on earth.

An army deployed inside the Devil\'s Capital approached Lily.

A demon tribe that has erected long spears and soared from the blind spot of the building. But the magic released from the fog of darkness shoots through the Demons.

It was the Black-wing Demons who appeared to dive in the fog of darkness.

Leveria avoids fog and breaks into the Devil\'s Capital from far above. And with the breath of fire, he burns down the armies of the demons.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

He screamed, and Lily winged. And flew all at once in pursuit of the Imperial Castle.

"Wow, I\'m gonna bump into you!

The walls of the castle of the Demon King that in an instant looms in front of you.

Lily stormed the walls without hesitation.