We Live in Dragon's Peak

267 The Great Demon King and the Little Devil

"Over there in the royal palace. I want you to land where the weird dragon is flipping."


What is it? The tip Luilara points to.

The Royal Palace, or a painting of the grounds of a building so huge that it might be one city, had a pitch-black wing dragon upside down and ravaged the crowd.

"To the Black Dragon Child."

We draw our faces to Niemia\'s description.

"I want you to rest assured that your temper is very dear. Oh, except. Be careful if you piss me off, I can eat you. Those are His Majesty\'s favorite animals."

Though a child, what kind of demon king makes a black dragon a favorite animal...

Colored means ancient species of dragons.

I don\'t know what it\'s like to meet a new ancient species of dragons here.

Revalia descends while alerting to the Black Dragon child.

Black dragons, too, seemed to notice this one along the way, but he seemed obsessed with something, rolling all over and raging.

Black dragons are about the size of Levaria. Now you say you\'re a child, so I wonder if being a Chenglong makes you super huge, like Mr. Ashel or something.

"Wasn\'t it too late? I was just about to get in."

Oh, my God.

It was the giant demon king himself who was stroking and playing with the black dragon\'s head.

That said, I\'m not a real giant. Same back length as a normal person. Leave out why this demon king is said to be a giant.

An extinct beauty. With the kind of beauty that only appeared in fairy tales and fictional stories, the Demon King had summed up to see a luxurious costume in bright blue.

Leveria, who lands on the ground, keeps her throat ringing on alert. Me, Mistral, and Lyla were nervous and stretched their bodies.

"She\'s beautiful."

"I lost."

You guys, he\'s a demon king...

The twin princesses, who have not seen the Demon King in the case of the West Village, have a swallowing conversation without realizing who the Demon King is.

But that should be it, too.

Unlike the last time, the Titan Demon King was not letting himself kill or be distracted, and, like Luirala, he was just a normal person to look at.

However, it seems that the witch Luiseine noticed the potential horror of her opponent sensitively, her face pale and solidified, and she still looked like she was going to pass out.

"Luiseine, are you okay?

Turn your hand around Luiseine\'s back and come together and get off Revaria\'s back.

I can\'t stand on Revaria\'s back forever more than I know my opponent is the Demon King.

Even though he\'s a demon, he\'s the king who rules a country. You just have to be polite so you don\'t have to be rude.

There was no hostility to them, and we were attracted guests. So I urged everyone down to the ground to just say a minimal greeting.

"Mmm, you\'re a dragon like your grandfather."



Priscia, no!

You should have kept him in custody.

In the situation in front of me it was full of drinks and I forgot about the little devil.

It\'s irrevocable...

Is it possible, Priscia, that I made a spatial jump from the top of Levaria\'s back to the stomach of a black dragon that was flipping upside down, and I jumped right off.

Even the young dragon screams and hesitates.

"Chi, it\'s not... uh... Um..."

I have to make excuses somehow.

I try to move my bright white head somehow and think of an excuse.

Black Dragon looked at Priscia suddenly jumping on her stomach, intrigued.

And the Demon King shifted his gaze from us and watched Priscia.

I have to help.

Luilara put her hand on my shoulder before my consciousness reacted.

"It\'s okay."

What do you mean it\'s okay?

We have to release the dragon qi and help Priscia.

There was a delightful laugh in my ear. [M]

"She\'s an interesting ear elder little girl. Aren\'t you afraid of dragons?

It was the demon king who was sneering and laughing at his throat.

He stopped his hand, which was stroking the head of the black dragon, staring at Priscia with tender eyes.

Is this really that, the demon king whose soul was so terrified that it shrunk up?

No words, just staring.

When the Demon King reached out his hands, Priscia did not hesitate to make a spatial leap to the Demon King\'s chest.

Without being surprised by the instantaneous movement, the Demon King hugs Priscia as she jumps into her chest.

"Best of these, your liver sits down."

A demon king gently stroking Priscia\'s head. Priscia sank her face on her chest without fear and was delighted.

Oh, everyone is sculpted...

Everyone but Priscia was pale and stiff in the face, as if she had been subjected to the magic of petrification.

Luiseine, I\'m passing out standing up.

Mistral and Lyla know who the woman in front of them is. That\'s why I knew Priscia\'s reckless behavior was life-threatening, and it consolidated. Everyone else is simply surprised at Priscia, who stormed without fear by the ancient species of dragon, the Black Dragon.

But as a result.

Priscia\'s innocence, on the contrary, had a good effect on those of us who had made failures that would otherwise have waited only for fear and despair.

The Demon King, approaching with laughter and ease, laughs even more when he sees us stiff.

And when I got to the front of Mistral, I offered Priscia.

Nowhere in the attitude and atmosphere of the Demon King was there any sign of disturbance or demonic horror. Rather, on the contrary, it is only common in the world to love a lovely child, pointing to signs of kindness towards Priscia, which makes it feel like it is given to our companions at all costs.

"A healthy toddler is a pleasant thing to watch. Even if it\'s a dragon or a person."

The Demon King shifts his gaze from Priscia, who looks like he\'s having a good time, to Mistral.

"Welcome, Princess Dragon. Well done."

Luirala stepped forward before Mistral moved. And say.

"His Majesty the Demon King. Forgive me for being late."


When I heard Luirala\'s attitude and words, which I knelt humbly before the Demon King, the faces that finally realized that the woman in front of me was the Demon King were hardened.

"Oh, you know. Why did you call me?"

Mistral receiving Priscia from the Demon King.

Looks like Mistral managed to regain some peace.

As a matter of fact, I\'m still too tense to move, so Mistral\'s normality is comforting.

"Hehe. I thought I\'d give you a gift."

"Is it a gift? Weren\'t you on business about Alta?

"Alta or the neighborhood is finally here. I want to give my life to him."

It must be a gift from the Demon King to Princess Dragon. Mistral leans his neck strangely.

"Explaining is a hassle. Let\'s just say we go fast."

"Duh, where is it?

"It\'s a place of gifts."

"Where would that be?

"That\'s north. It\'s further north of the realm of Kushalilla, the demon king of the north."


Then I raised my voice of surprise.

The Demon King looked at me and laughed and went on to say something outrageous.

"But. I don\'t have clearance to cross his country. So I\'m going illegally. It would be troublesome if they were to peel their fangs off. We decided to destroy the country and pass through."

"Yes, no, no, no, no?

I was still a demon tribe.

I knew it was the Demon King!

Eliminate if it interferes with your actions. Destroy, even if the opponent is the same demon king or country.

It\'s unscrupulous.

General common sense doesn\'t work.

That\'s Mistral, too, has solidified once again into the words of the Demon King.

"Come on, let\'s go. Lily, wake up. Time for a walk. Luilara, tell Charlotte. It works better than this."

"A walk is an absolute lie..."

The black dragon stupidly corrected his posture and spread his big wings black.

Luirala, with all due respect, disappears into the majestic outhouse.

Yeah. Are you sure you want to go now?

Besides, we have a confirmed break-in into the kingdom of Kushalila, the demon king of the north...

"You have a rare flying dragon. All right, I\'ve made up my mind. Let\'s ride this flying dragon this time."

"Hey, Elnea!

Revaria turns her blame to me. [M]

"Be honored. If you don\'t like it, I\'ll kill you."

It\'s a mess, this guy!

Demon King scared.

I don\'t understand demons.

I want to go back to Dragon Peak soon...

At Dragon Peak, I thought it would be better to deal with the disturbances of the Northern Dragon tribe and Alta.

I wonder if everyone who keeps being stiff is this about this situation.

Yeah. You haven\'t been able to follow me, so you\'re staying consolidated.

"Ma, demon king. Just a moment."

"I don\'t mind."

The Demon King laughs joyfully at how ridiculous we are.

Me and the resurrected Mistral will split up and solve everyone\'s petrification.

It was the twin princess who played it right away. Exactly.

However, he stuck to me like he was frightened, so I couldn\'t move.

"Dear Yufi, Dear Nina. My eyes won\'t be fooled. That\'s how you\'re going to occupy Ernea."

"No, I\'m afraid of the Demon King."

"No, the Demon King is terrified."

The two of you, sifting and shaking your head like Priscia, hugging me even harder.

Both arms sink into the deep valley of your chest. But I can\'t afford to enjoy the feel of your breasts.

"Weigh yourselves, ladies."

While Mistral cares about the Devil King\'s gaze, he blames the three of them.

"I want to escape reality."

"I want to turn away from reality."

"I don\'t know. I haven\'t seen anything..."

As usual, I thought.

You still can\'t be normal in front of a demon king, can you?

A race that abuses people. Being that presides over merciless destruction and fear.

Everyone knows about people.

Even if he was not dealing directly with the kingdom of the devil tribe, the horrors of the devil tribe were told in fairytales and many stories, shaking people up.

And there is a demon king in front of us, the one who can unite that horrible demon clan.

No matter how much you hide your nature, it\'s more impossible not to be scared.

You three were trying to divert attention from unrealistic situations by acting as normal as possible.

"Yufi, Nina? Was it the name of the first and second princesses of the land of the East?

How does the Demon King know...

I tremble at the breadth of my sight.

"Well, I don\'t care about that. Don\'t worry about me. Allow yourself to behave as usual. than that."

So the Demon King looked amused at Luiseine as he stood and passed out.

"Dragon\'s eye. She\'s a daughter with something rare. And you\'re a witch. I think I just said" Witch of the Shizuku Dragon. "

"Oh, let me see."

The black dragon intrigued his eyes and peered into Luiseine\'s eyes.

"Be careful. Apart from witches, blonde daughters there are the ability to rule. It\'s easy for you to rule."

"Wow. I\'m scared."

Black Dragon stares seriously at Lyla this time.

They see through everything.

I don\'t know if they just saw it and nursed it, or if they looked it up in advance and knew it, but we\'re on the palm of the Demon King.

"Those who are here will be inside Princess Dragon. I have an old promise. I won\'t let them, and I won\'t let anyone else."

I guess it\'s an old promise. I saw Mistral, but she didn\'t know either, and she looked at me and tilted her neck.

"It\'s not funny if you keep being constricted. Act like you normally do. Or I\'ll kill you."

... say you won\'t get your hands on it, or you say you will kill it.

I knew I didn\'t understand.

Apparently, my stomach was starting to ache from the feeling that there was a ripple in the demonic kingdom.

There, several men reveal themselves from the palace.

"Heh, Your Majesty. Are you sure you\'re going to attack now?

Beautiful woman with strange blonde hair stretched beside her. An atmosphere that looks soothing with threads. Your chest is like a twin princess, a woman who shivers when she sieves every time she walks.

"Your Majesty. I brought you"

Behind the blonde beauty was a great man who seemed to be twice her height. I have a third eye on my forehead, and four arms grow from my shoulders. A big man with a creepy, demonic vibe because he sees blue skin. And it was a distorted long sword that I humbly offered to the Demon King with those two hands.

Creepy twisted, distorted black long sword. Full picture that\'s going to inhale all of the light. A number of treasure balls stuck in sheaths and shavings were also dark.

"Thank you"

The Demon King receives that distorted long sword without creation.

"I, the black-winger, am ready."

And the winged demons, united with black armor and swords, who withheld further behind the mighty, lay down humbly.

"Then let\'s go destroy it"

For the first time at this time, the demon king of the giant had a terrible grin like a demon and declared so.