We Live in Dragon's Peak

269 Assault! Castle of the Demon King next door

"What\'s going on?

"We\'ve been hacked by dragons!

"... Huh!

Entering near the middle hierarchy of Demon King Castle, Lily swept away the Demon Clan who was on the spot with the breath of darkness.

Only a few lags behind Lily. Revaria also carried the Demon King and everyone on board, breaking through the walls of Demon King\'s Castle and breaking into it.

The walls blow up and debris scatters across the large room.

Apparently, we broke into one of the big halls. The wreckage of the outer wall is scattered across a wide space.

A black carpet is laid on one side of the large hall floor, and the columns and interior walls are sculpted and decorated.

For a moment I wanted to wonder if this is truly the Imperial Royal Castle, for a more luxurious and elegant interior than the royal castle of the people.

"Thank you, Lily"

"I\'m tired"

The demon king of the giant does not hesitate to descend from the back of Revaria.

But the Black-winged Demons are opponents of an approaching defensive army from outside the Castle of the Demon King, and they have not entered the castle.

Could it be that we have to escort the Demon King? I thought the arrow tip.

Signs of his hair swelled from the Demon King, and the darkness of his temper appeared indoors.

"Eh. Um, do I really have to go, too?

"Dear Charlotte, as His Majesty\'s chief, you deserve to take part in the North Lodge."

"Master Charlotte is in charge of home affairs, Luilara. Don\'t force yourself."

"I say so, General. Charlotte is the next strongest man in the world. With this man, you won\'t need an army."

Luirala and horizontal blonde Charlotte emerged from the darkness of temper created by the Demon King. And he was a great demon clan of four arms with blue skin.

"Your Majesty, you\'re right."

And lay flat in front of the demon king.

"It\'s a battle with time from here on out. Charlotte, take control of Demon King Castle. Find the rest of the demon king Kushalila."

"Yes, sir."

"Heh, Your Majesty. For once we are in the name of chasing Lily, how can we make an excuse for repression...?

"I ascended directly to Kushalila to apologize, but I can\'t see him. Tell me you fought back because they attacked you for some reason."

"Ha ha..."

Mr. Charlotte had narrowed down the thread even more as he had troubled the thread, but he seemed unwilling to argue with the Demon King.

And when the three of them get up, they move quickly.

Luilala pulls out her skinny demon sword. The great man of the four arms has a one-handed axe, a long sword, a spear, and a crooked knife in the four hands. Mr. Charlotte didn\'t like it. He said he didn\'t like it, but when he took the whip that was wrapped around his back position, he let it whip him a little.

The three instantly kill the demons who have pushed them into the room they broke into and disappear into the hallway of Demon King\'s Castle.

And screaming and yelling that starts to sound.

The castle of the demon king Kushalillah. Capital of the Demonic Nation bordering northwest Dragon Peak. Are you saying that only three of us will take control of the demons who will guard the castle of the demon king that will be built there?

Maybe Demon King Castle is getting thinner because the main force is marching to Dragon Peak.

The demon king of the giant poked there, maybe in an ambush.

"So what do we do here?

Except for the giant Demon King, we were still on the backs of Levaria and Lily.

"Hmm. Let them work too. Let them deal with Kushalillah the Demon King and the Demon General of the Patron of the King\'s Capital."

Opponents of the Demon King and the Demon General......

Speaking of demon generals, I recall Goldoba, who was in the kingdom of Yortenitos making a leap. Goldba was an immortal and tough opponent, although his individual fighting power did not extend to Mistral.

The same demon general as that Goldba.

Four arms, the minister of the giant Demon King. Great also seems to be a Demon General.

A demon general is an opponent who is incomparably strong or habitual with a lined demon clan. And the Demon King is stronger and more terrifying than those.

We\'re the only ones who want to deal with the Demon King and the Demon General.

We all look at each other, but we shake our heads silently to show our willingness to reject.

Murray. Absolutely not.

No matter how much, the Demon King can\'t.

Even Mistral is making his face pull.

"Pathetic, but if you\'re going to solve the dragon peak commotion, sooner or later, confrontation with Kushalila is inevitable."

I know...

I also know I\'m helpless and suddenly relative and not the kind of person I can beat.

I got into Kushalila\'s castle in the form of a swing by the giant demon king, but all of a sudden I can\'t think of a way to fight him.

As we looked at each other as to what to do, the disaster came from beyond.

"O demon king of giants. What outrage is this?

It was a demonic man who appeared alone in a large hall scattered with rubble.

On the spider-like head, six blue glowing eyes. The two arms stretching out of the cat-backed shoulder are thin and long, holding a two-handed sickle with a curved blade like that held by Reaper.

The intricate text wears an embroidered black coat and exudes a sense of killing.

"Just fine. You\'re the demon general guarding the king\'s capital. Give me my life."

"Kuku...... haha. Get down to the military gate. You\'re not saying you can help if you beg for your life. A merciless demon king."

"Say stupid. Do you need a family that specializes in betrayal like you?"

The Titan\'s Demon King expresses his displeasure at the creepy Demon General, as he sees even in the dirty.

"Kuha. Know what our clan does? I can\'t keep this alive. For the sorrow of my family and His Majesty\'s ambitions."

A demon general with a two-handed sickle against the demon king in his outpouring of hostility. But the Titan Demon King laughs with his nose without moving and looks back at us.

"Look, it\'s prey. If you can\'t defeat this level, you can\'t stop Kushalira."

You\'re just gonna let us do it.

We\'re not going to be sidelined, either, but we weren\'t even ready.

But we have to do it.

Whether you are a senior demon tribe, or a demon general, you have to be prepared in situations where you have to fight.

When I got off Lily\'s back, everyone came off Revalia\'s back silently, too.

"The dragons kick the demons outside"

"Guru. You command me, demon king!

"If you don\'t want me to kill you, on this occasion you must obey orders, tyrant."

"I\'m going. Well!

Lily urges Revalia to get out of the room and rise to the sky.

Returning to the sky with disapproval, too, Revaria rumbled out as if it were glorious.

"Kuku...... haha. Are you willing to push my opponent against the dust of the people and the little dragon girl?

"As my opponent, you are powerless. If I could have swept away the people, I\'d have killed them as a reward."

"Kuha. It\'s a demonic, arrogant word."

to do it, and a demon general who distorts his spider-like face and laughs.

With the swelling temper and killing, we also move into a state of war.

I set up a white sword and a wooden sword of a spirit tree to free the power of dragon treasure balls.

Luiseine, who sets up a sword and plays a eulogy, and Lyla, who sets up a two-handed stick of a spirit tree.

A twin princess holding one hand together and squeezing the treasure ball of a spirit tree with the other.

And all of a sudden, Priscia and Niemia enter Mr. Ares\' arms as he appears as an adult.

Mistral pulls out a one-handed stick without being dragonized.

"Well, let me show you. Mistral and his people."

The Titan\'s Demon King lowered to the corner of the big room and raised his lip horn with confusion.

"Kuku...... Ha. It was licked. Did you think you\'d be late for my people and dragon people!

General Demon\'s body sinks.

No. I\'m trying to blend into the darkness at my feet.

I won\'t let you!

A spatial leap takes us into the midst of a demon general in an instant. And swallow the white sword low.


The unintentionally struck demon general takes it in haste with both sickles. A hard sound sounds.

The blow of the White Sword was taken, but the movement of the Demon General, who was about to blend into the shadows, stopped. You can\'t activate it more than you don\'t know what kind of ability it is.

Pair it with the wooden knife of the spirit tree and slash it in a row.

Play a two-handed sickle and claw your torso. But the blow of the white sword could not cleave the coat. A white sword is pushed back into a hard response and a rebellious force.

"Mr. Ernea, please step back!

Match Luiseine\'s words and retreat once.

Louiseine\'s unleashed magic strikes the Demon General, as he swaps with me.

Five arrows of light struck the demon general.

But I\'m still inhibited by the coat of law and the Demon General is intact.

"Kuku. I don\'t even have to prevent it."

and shortly after I showed some room.

A ball of light rolled in rainbow at the foot of the Demon General.


I\'ll do my best to tie the line and get back to everyone.

Mistral also hurries to develop the dragon air junction.

And a big explosion to wake up.

The Spirit Tree\'s treasure-style ultra-destructive dragon is activated without the help of the twin princesses.

Shortly after blinking hard and hard, the treasure balls of the dragon quenching spiritual tree caused a huge explosion.

A dazzling flash surrounds the Demon King\'s Castle, swallowed by unbearable vibrations and blasts.

The treasure balls we all received from Mr. Ashel in our possession sparkled and protected us from the great explosion of despair.

It\'s too non-discriminatory!

I couldn\'t have prevented it by myself or the Mistral kingdom!

The indiscriminate destruction dragon technique of the twin princesses mercilessly destroyed the Demon King\'s Castle. Even a bright white vision can tell that.

The walls and ceilings were blown up without a trace, and of course the floor was erased.

We fall downward with the slightest floor at our feet that we have lost support.

As it falls, the roar passes and the dazzling flash fades.

Having landed safely in the junction that was unfolding towards all directions and with the protection of Mr. Ashel, we drew our faces to the unusual Castle of the Demon King.

Blowing up the upper half of Demon King\'s Castle, a huge building, the sky stretches over its head.

Over the sky, Lily and Levaria were rampaging around endlessly, ravaging the demonic air defense forces.

However, there was a large number of demons on their side, and Revaria was roaring harshly at the demons who appeared to fill the sky, defeated or defeated.

We had landed a little further down than the middle.

The surface is still far below. Ground troops had begun to gather throughout the capital on the site of the Demon King\'s Castle, visible from the end of the disappeared outer wall.

And all around us, there was no sign of a demon general.

Knocked him out?

That can\'t be right.

I don\'t expect a Demon General to die to this extent that neither the blow of the White Sword nor the spell worked.

Again carefully, look around.

Speaking of which, what about the giant demon king?

There was no such thing as a giant demon king in the place where we fell.

If you look closely, the demon king of the giant was floating over our heads.

I\'ve never seen a wingless float in the sky.

Could it be that the place where the giant demon king floats was the middle great hall where we originally stood?

The giant demon king was still floating in the air, asking about the sky, the surface, and how we were.

But I still don\'t think I\'m willing to put my hands on it.

He is putting his arms together in front of his chest and showing him how to stand still.

Leave the giant demon king alone for now.

Switch to perimeter alert.

There must be a demon general lurking somewhere.

"Kuck. Terrible power. In the Minutes of the People."

Then, from the shadow of the debris wreckage, a lukewarm demon general appeared.

Apparently, he has the ability to lurk in the shadows.

The demon general who emerged from the shadows, naturally or as expected, appeared intact.

And an army of demons appearing straw from the lower floors.

The anomalous. A ghost or a beast. Diverse men appear and lay down their weapons.

People don\'t have the ability to discriminate between races, but I intuited that the other person was a disastrous being, a demon, just by looking at it.

"You deal with people and dragons. I will go after the demon king of the giant. Kukuku... If you defeat the Demon King and take the seat of the Spirit, I am also the Demon King..."

They don\'t see us in General Demon\'s six eyes. But I can\'t throw a round at the giant demon king saying yes, can I?

Does Mistral have the same idea, step forward?

"Uffi, Nina. Bomb the demons that are starting to gather on the surface. Ernea, Louiseine and Lyla took the demonic opponents who appeared. I will deal with the demon general."

Mistral\'s dragon air spread like a clear deep lake. and converge all at once into the body.

My eyes shine bright and my pupils crack vertically like dragons. Three scales rise in the cheekbone area, and silver scales appear close to the same gold on the back of the hand. The nails of the hands gripping the pitch-black two-handed stick stretch sharply.

And a beautiful and graceful dragon\'s wing grew from his back, and he shook his buckwheat.

I can\'t keep my feet together either.

When the dragon qi is inflated to its limit, it emits dragon qi so dark that it is visualized from all over the body.

"Princess Dragon Mistral, come"

"Elnea the Dragon King, let me relate!

The demon army set up at the signs of me and Mistral, and the demon general slowly lowered his gaze from the giant demon king to us.