Waiting for the wind and also waiting for you

Chapter 336

Call a bodyguard, pointing to Yu wanwan and his mother and son, "send them back to the Li family." After giving the car key to the bodyguard, he stopped Li qianluo and got into the car.

Li qianluo had to wave to Wan Wan, "you go back first, I'll go back later."

Yu wanwan takes a look at Si Jin Heng. It should be OK for shallow Luo to be with him. He nodded and pushed the child to Li qianluo's car.

On the way back, Yu wanwan dials Li Youhan and tells him what happened just now.

Make sure the mother and son are OK, Li Youhan immediately runs to drive, and then dials his sister's phone.

"Big brother." Richangelo is on the line.

Li you and Han lisuo got on the bus and said, "give the mobile phone to Si Jin Heng."

Although Li qianluo is puzzled, she still gives her mobile phone to the man who is holding her next to her.

"Brother Li." Si Jin Heng politely called Li Youhan. Later, this is also his elder brother's.

"I'll go where you take them now." He won't let go of the bullies.

Si Jin Heng reports the address of Xiaoyi hall, and Li Youhan drives there immediately.

Li qianluo took his mobile phone and tried to pull his hand out of his big palm. Instead of letting go, Si Jin Heng kisses her beaten cheek.

"Does it still hurt?" He's going to make that woman lose a hand.

Her face slightly red shook her head, this smelly man took advantage of her again, "go away, no pain!" She gave him a push, then turned out of the window and stopped looking at him.

Si Jin Heng looked at her shy face, itching, let her turn to face himself, kiss her red lips.


Now, Si Jinheng is kissing when he doesn't agree

And the driver in front, he won't let her go!

Li qianluo pinched his waist, felt her protest, and reluctantly let her go.

Man ruffian appearance, let Li qianluo ring the alarm for himself, don't be confused by his masculinity!

Xiaoyi Hall

Si Jinheng has ordered people to get towels and ice, and he himself applies them to Li qianluo.

Think of before, in the manor Moya Wei also hit her, eyes across a trace of anger, hurt her one he will not let go.

Moxiao came in to watch the scene and worried about his nephew.

When his sister died, he almost found someone to kill Li qianluo.

Later, he told him that it was not the woman who killed him. He was frightened and quickly withdrew the people who were lying in ambush with her.

If it wasn't for the Li family, they would have been able to protect her so well.

Silent sitting beside Si Jin Heng, he gave a dry cough.

Si Jin Heng looked back at Mu Xiao and said to Li qianluo, "this is my uncle."

Uncle, what's her name.

"Hello, uncle It looks a little older than dad. This is the best one.

Si Jin Heng was not satisfied, "call uncle! Close. "

Li shallow Luo stares at him one eye, say impolitely, "I just don't want to be close with you." However, I think of the elders next to me, and I'm embarrassed to smile at muxiao.

Looking at the big nephew eat shriveled, muxiao heartily laugh, "big nephew, come on! There are not many girls with such courage Dare to face can be scared to death of Si Jin Heng, so interesting!

"Uncle, I think so, too!" Si Jin Heng dotes on the little woman in front of him. He will catch her.

Li qianluo was embarrassed to wring the man's arm and glared at him.

Jo and the tattooed man were brought in and pushed to the ground.

Qiao Wushan, whose eyes were red because of her children's crying, looked at the two rows of bodyguards in black standing, regretting.

The tattooed man next to him was scared to pee when he saw muxiao. This is the famous Xiaoye on the road!

"Xiao Ye, spare your life..." immediately knelt on the ground and begged.

Li shallow Luo curiously looking at nearby Si Jin Heng uncle, again think he what origin, what underground force boss?

"What about this woman?" Si Jinheng is asking her.

Li shallow Luo thinks of that slap in the face, "hit her pig head face." Let her have a taste of being slapped.

Muxiao winked at the bodyguard. A strong man pulled up Qiao Wushan, who was scared to retreat, and slapped him.Qiao Wushan wailed, and half of her face swelled up quickly.

Another slap followed by another, accompanied by Qiao Wushan's scream, soon turned into a pig's face.

Li Youhan was also brought in, Qiao Wushan saw him, as if saw the straw, immediately climbed over crying.

"Brother Youhan, I know I'm wrong. Please help me Li Youhan doesn't even look at her and walks towards her sister.

Qiao Wushan squatted on the ground, knowing Li Youhan's attitude, he would not care about her.

Here, Li Youhan comes over and gives his sister a complicated look at the man with ice. They nod to each other. Then he looked at his sister, "shallow, how's it going?"

"Big brother, your ex girlfriend, my face is swollen!" Li qianluo was afraid that Li Youhan had pity on Qiao Wushan and immediately began to complain.

"No, no, she hit me first." Qiao Wushan's face is swollen and she can't say clearly.

Li qianluo took off the ice palm of Si Jinheng, stepped on high heels and came to her, "why should I hit you?"

Qiao Wushan continued to say what she had heard, "you are a murderer. You killed Mr. Sze's mother with a weapon. Am I wrong?"

Li shallow Luo sneers, straight looking at Si Jin Heng, "Si Zong, but you ruined all my reputation, how to compensate?" Now everyone thinks that she is a murderer, and her reputation is ruined by this guy!

Si Jin Heng took the ice in his hand and laughed, stunned everyone, even the moxiao was surprised.

Only heard the man's low voice rang out, "how to compensate me to you?" Kill two birds with one stone, that's good!


Si Jin Heng's words made people lose their chin.

Li qianluo is shy and angry. This smelly man teases her in front of so many people!

"I don't want you. Tell me if I'm a murderer!"

Her direct refusal made everyone confused. Is this woman stupid! Don't you want such a good man?

Si Jin Heng's face was cold. He didn't even look at Qiao Wushan. He ordered directly, "pull out her tongue, so as not to talk nonsense in the future!"

Li shallow Luo inconceivable looking at Si Jin Heng, as for so ruthless? Will he be charged with intentional wounding?

"Wait a minute, sijinheng, she is very miserable now, and she has lost her child. Just drive her out of country A."

Although she is not a very good person, she feels that this is not good for sijinheng.

"Shallow Luo, your heart is too soft, have you ever thought that if Si Jin Heng doesn't arrive today, you and Wan Wan will still have a promising end?" Li Youhan looks at his sister. He also understands that she is a woman after all. Her heart is not as hard as a man's.