Waiting for the wind and also waiting for you

Chapter 337

Qiao Wushan looked at Li Youhan in disbelief. Then she knew that she had no place in his heart.

"Don't pull out my tongue. I'm wrong. I'll never talk nonsense again!" She was so frightened that she begged to sijinheng.

When the Mu owl saw this scene, she sneered at it, it was a stupid woman. Now who has the final say, she can't see it!

"Big brother said, Lolo, come here and teach her a lesson." He waved to Li qianluo. Li qianluo took a look at Qiao Wushan and thought about the situation just now. The elder brother said the same thing.

Then he went back to Si Jinheng, took ice from his hand and put it on himself.

Si Jin Heng sideways to block her sight, winks at the bodyguard and makes another gesture.

He took the ice in Li qianluo's hand and gently applied it to her. His body blocked all her sight.

Li qianluo only heard Qiao Wushan's cry, which turned into a scream, and then a clear... Fracture sound? She extended her head curiously, and Si Jinheng tilted his body again, never letting her see the bloody scene.

Li qianluo anxiously wants to get rid of Si Jinheng. Muxiao immediately asks the bodyguard to take Qiao Wushan out.

When Li qianluo could see it, there was only a pool of blood and the tattooed man who was about to pass out.

"Brother Li, you can deal with the rest of the man!"

Li Youhan nodded and didn't shirk. This man was the one who was going to beat his wife just now.

"Then pick out the tendons in his hands and legs."

Li qianluo wants to look over her head again. Si Jinheng blocks her sight again. "Si Jinheng, are you bothered? If you don't let me see, what do you want me to do?" She was in a hurry and yelled at Si Jin Heng.

Looking at muxiao, he wanted to laugh again. Sure enough, one thing fell down, and Si Jinheng was also dropped one day.

But Si Jin Heng, the client, didn't feel humiliated at all. He still coaxed her, "it's too bloody. You'd better not see it." He also regretted bringing her here.

Li qianluo sat back on the stool dissatisfied, listening to the wailing of the tattooed man, worried.

I'm full of imagination about the painting style of being picked, but I think I'll leave a lot of blood, OK! She's not looking!

The ice on my face.

However, the smell of blood was so strong that she felt uncomfortable.

Then look at the man in front of her, looking at her face.

People were pulled out, and immediately someone came to clean up the mess in the hall.

Si Jin Heng suddenly said, "Luo Luo is going to treat this evening. After all, my uncle is very busy." He was also very busy, so he wanted to get her as soon as possible.

Li qianluo looks at the man who laughs unkindly. How can he feel like he's putting a trap on her again?

She looked at the elder next to her, nodded and said to muxiao, "uncle, if you don't dislike me, I'll invite you to dinner tonight."

Muxiao did not have a deep look at his nephew, "well, it's a great honor to let Miss Li invite her to dinner!"

So it was settled, and then Li qianluo suddenly added, "Si Jinheng, you are not allowed to go! My elder brother and I just invite my uncle. "

Muxiao originally wanted to speak for his nephew. Sijin Heng took a quick step and shook his head. "I won't go, for fear that you will be bullied again." Take off the ice on her face, the trace on her face is much better. If you put on light makeup, you can't see it at all.

"Don't worry. With a big brother like my uncle, I'll be able to gain prestige. Who dares?" Rub the ice cold half of the face, as if a lot better.

Mu Xiao smell speech hearty smile, "wench, you don't know, I have today, ah Heng this boy, helped a lot." It took Si Jinheng a lot of effort to get out of the underworld.

For this, he is very grateful to his nephew.

Li qianluo turned his lips. Isn't it a meal? I'm afraid he won't be able to eat himself.

"OK, I'll book a room and give my uncle the address later." She's not the only one who grinds and makes up her mind.

After leaving Xiaoyi hall, Li qianluo took the initiative to walk next to elder brother's car, while Si Jinheng held her, "I'll take you to see the private room of the hotel. Elder brother Li, you go back first and take your sister-in-law with you."

Li Youhan took a look at the two labouring people. He was too lazy to care about them, so he nodded and left.

Li qianluo watched her brother's military car leave, but she was only controlled by this man.

"Si Jin Heng, what's good in the private room? Do you mean it?" She looked at the man walking in front of her and couldn't break free.Si Jin Heng admitted generously, "not bad! Know me well! It's worth the reward She was taken a kiss when she was unprepared.


Li shallow Luo gas in his arm mercilessly twisted, "you this smelly rascal, in broad daylight, eat my bean curd!" How can this man be so hateful!

Si Jin Heng didn't mind. He put her in the back seat of the car. Now it's still early for dinner. He told the driver, "just look for a cinema."

Smell speech, Li shallow Luo surprised looking at the man beside, Si Jin Heng unexpectedly will take her to see a movie?

"Who brainwashed you?" This is definitely not something that Jin Heng will take the initiative to do.

Big palm wrapped small hand, "yes, quite understand me, but you just go with me!" In fact, this is what Bo Yiyang told him. Dating to see a movie is a must for lovers.

"I'm not going. Why should I go to the cinema with you? Have you asked my opinion?" She stubbornly refused him, don't think he did this, she can forgive him!

"Don't ask, it's happy to be with someone you love, even if you stare at each other." She loved him, and he was sure of that. Maybe it's just that I'm too hurt to get close to him

He will make up for all this and let himself be her lifelong dependence.

Why is this man so narcissistic and arrogant!

"Mr. Si, you're really wrong. I'm sorry. I've already moved my heart." She really wanted to take her heart away from him.

Empathy? The man smell speech pick eyebrow, don't flurried at all, "you want to move to He Lian Yu Tuo's body?" His tone is so light that people can't hear his emotion.

Richardson summoned up the courage to reply, "yes, he is my fiance. Of course I will love him." She'll try to do it.

The man's smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, "Li qianluo, I'm afraid you'll be sad if I don't kill him, but it doesn't mean I let him go. If because of you, he will have nothing, do you have the heart? " He looked straight into her eyes. Did she really think he couldn't do it?

The cool and clear eyes burst with anger, as if to eat him.

"Even if he has nothing, I will be with him!" She said it with a gnash of teeth.