Waiting for the wind and also waiting for you

Chapter 335

When I got through, I knew, "Lolo." She listened to the man's gentle voice, looked at the mobile phone number, and secretly scolded herself for being stupid.

She didn't say a word. She just hung up.

However, Si Jinheng called back. She hung up all the time and he dialed all the time.

She had to get through, "I'll keep calling." The man over there said simply.

"I'm in an emergency now. Can you stop fighting?" Li qianluo was worried and cried out directly.

Yu wanwan has been fighting with that man, and there are many people around the shopping mall.

"Tell me what's the matter." He can solve it, too.

It doesn't matter! In a hurry, Li qianluo said, "on the third floor of Qianye shopping mall, in the pregnant and infant area, someone is picking things up. My sister-in-law has been fighting with a man. It's urgent. " With these words, she suddenly realized that Si Jin Heng might be better than elder brother.

"I'll be there now." He's in country a, just for her. Therefore, her affairs come first. If she has something to do, he will show up at the first time.

After hanging up the phone, Si Jinheng dials a few more calls and drives to Qianye shopping mall.

Yu wanwan is as good as a man. When Qiao Wushan sees Li zhaoluo calling, she comes to get her cell phone, but she has already hung up.

"Do murderers have any support?" Her loud voice attracted many people's strange eyes on Li qianluo.

Li qianluo thought that Si Jinheng would come over and stabilize his anxious heart. "I'm talking nonsense. Believe it or not, I'll sew your smelly mouth with a needle."

Qiao Wushan looks at Li Youhan's baby in the stroller, and then at her own baby. Whether it's clothes or carts, it's better than her. Jealousy blinds her again.

"What? You're not allowed to say that you killed your fiance's mother? " Then she went to touch Li Yang in the cart.

Li qianluo pulled the cart and let her feel empty. "You are not only poisonous in your mouth, but also in your body and mind. As a child, do you want to screw it?"

Yu wanwan, who was beside him, was obviously at a disadvantage. Before Si Jinheng came, Li qianluo was about to jump up.

At this time, the mall security came first. However, seeing two practitioners fighting, they did not dare to step forward for a moment.

Qiao Wushan looks at Li qianluo anxious appearance, in the heart is very proud.

Li qianluo looked at the milk bottle that filled Li Yang's water in the cart, took it up and threw it at the man.

Did not expect to hit his arm, the man a distraction, Yu late night raised his leg to his face kick.

He staggered and squatted on the ground.

When Jo saw this scene, she gave the baby to the security guard. Then she pulled the baby's stroller.

Li qianluo immediately came over and knocked off her hands, "adult's business, why do you want to touch the child! Is there something wrong with your brain An adult, always want to aim at a child, is really nervous!

Qiao Wushan kicked her in the calf, and Li qianluo rubbed her calf in pain.

Then Qiao Wushan slapped him, and Li qianluo slapped him.

Instant anger rose to the extreme, he, the stinking man of Si Jin Heng did not dare to beat her. I was slapped by this woman today!

Looking around, there are all kinds of baby products on the counter not far away. Wanwan just beat the man up and came over.

She gave the baby to wanwan, went to the counter, took a can with milk powder, and came over.

Don't hesitate to hit Qiao Wushan's head, pain Qiao Wushan almost didn't faint.

When the security guard saw that the two practitioners stopped fighting, he handed over Qiao Wushan's children to others and came to hold Li qianluo.

The next time Li qianluo was ready to go up, he was held by the security guard“ Let go of me

The security guard was startled by her fierce momentum and unconsciously released her hand.

Li qianluo, holding the milk powder can, walks over and smashes it on Qiao Wushan's head.

The security guard is afraid of something, so he comes over and holds Li qianluo.

"Let go of me, don't pull me!"

"Let her go!" A cold voice came from behind the crowd.

We look along the voice, a cold man in a white shirt, followed by many people, domineering to this side.

People immediately get out of the way. Si Jinheng sees Li qianluo holding the milk powder can stopped by the security guard and kicks two people away.Handsome action, immediately circle a lot of powder.

Li qianluo threw away the milk powder in his hand and was stopped by the man in his arms. He looked at her carefully.

Find her face has been beaten traces, eyes cold to Li shallow Luo are startled.

Then let her turn around, white pants, there are traces, it is estimated that it was also beaten.

"Who did it?" He will not let this man go.

Qiao Wushan knew Si Jinheng. She covered the lump on her head and was ready to run. Stopped by the bodyguard brought by Si Jinheng.

Li qianluo points to Qiao Wushan, who is also in a mess behind him. Si Jinheng winks at the bodyguard.

Two bodyguards immediately control Qiao Wushan, and then Li qianluo points to the tattooed man who just stands up.

Two more bodyguards and he were also in control, so scared that the man almost peed in his pants.

Si Jin Heng rubbed Li qianluo's red and swollen cheek and looked at her fondly, "what do you want to do with them?"

Everyone looked at Li qianluo, who was taken care of by a man, and envied him.

With so many people, Jin Heng made such an intimate gesture. Li qianluo was a little embarrassed and took off his hand.

But he held it in his big hand.

She had to pull him to Yu wanwan's front, "sister-in-law, are you ok?" Yu wanwan shakes her head. She's OK. She just got a kick.

After all, Si Jinheng is a public figure. It's not good for him to deal with some things here. "Take them away first. She has a child." She glanced at the crowd, but the child was gone.

Qiao Wushan also thought of her child, but after looking for it again and again, there was no one everywhere.

So, the child is lost!

After all, it was a mother, a piece of meat that fell from her body, and Jo immediately broke down and cried, "no, where's my child? Lei Lei She frantically broke away from the control of the bodyguard, which was useless.

Li Zhao Luo looked at her without a trace of sympathy, "in order to bully others, their children casually to others, deserve it!"

Qiao Wushan's voice calling for the children reverberates in the shopping mall. Si Jinheng blocks Li qianluo's shoulder and leaves the shopping mall.

Before getting on the bus, Si Jinheng dialed a phone and said, "take them to Xiaoyi hall!"

Hang up the phone, Li qianluo did not get on the car, "my car in the parking lot." He'll just get in the car himself.

He stretched out his hand to her. She looked at him suspiciously. Si Jinheng took her bag, opened it and found the key to the car.