Vengeance For Jenny

Chapter 9 - Listen to Me 4.1

Chapter Four

"Miss Andrews, I know this isn't the best time but I need to ask you a few questions." My case worker from child services looks up from her clip board frowning as she speaks. I don't miss her disapproving glance to Maliki then to me.

"Mrs. Peterson I already told the cops everything I know." I say firmly trying not to show the exhaustion on my face.

Truth was this morning I was originally supposed to be home for this meeting but because of the pick up last night, then being ordered to be at the office this morning I thought Miranda could handle it. It wasn't the first time she had to do this while I was away. I just never imagined she would do this. I imagine Becca with Miranda worry filled me. A feeling that was foreign when it involved Becca. Knowing Miranda was unstable after long periods though created a worry, I never thought I'd have for that child. Who knows what would happen or even what Miranda was thinking now? Her mentality is the reason I never took jobs that have me gone for long periods at a time.

"Miss Andrews, you are frequently absent during these inspections. Now it is not my job to point the finger however it is concerning that once again you were not present and this tragedy has now taken place, and you appear with a stranger who looks like he belongs in a gang of some sort." She says ignoring my telling her to talk to the police.

I knit my brows together. Was she accusing me? I fold my arms across my ċhėst defensively.

"I might have been missing from a few home visits due to my job to provide for Becca but I would have ȧssumed if there was any concern you would have notified me." I look around I can't believe it. It's as if the place had been ran sacked and mostly what was taken was the baby things and my daughter. I bit my lip tasting the blood. There wasn't a sign of a struggle so much, it looked more like someone left in a hurry. It didn't add up with Miranda's character though.

"Excuse me Mrs. if I may be so bold." Maliki spoke up from behind me stepping to stand beside me. His arm brushed my shoulder was the first time I could tell how firm his arms were.

"Who are you?" She eyed him up and down. I couldn't tell if it was disappointment or curiosity in her eyes as she always wore a poker face.

I almost want to snort at his bullshit lie and sincerity. He didn't know shit. Hell, up until I got that phone call, I didn't know how much she meant to me. I always thought long and I made money to provide for her that's all that mattered. How could I love A child that was conceived out of hate? That's what I thought. Still I didn't believe in abortion and putting her in the system I didn't like the idea of not knowing what happen to her. Still I never knew it would grow into love. His whole statement other than being coworkers was a lie. We didn't even come together, but Mrs. Peterson ate that shit up, taking his hand to shake.

"It is so nice to meet you Mr. Ramé. Miss Andrews is so lucky to have suck a caring friend." She smiles up at him batting her eye lashes I roll my eyes oh god seriously.

"Hopefully we to can get to know each other Mrs. Peterson as we can work together to find Our beloved angel."

Now I am practically gaging. Who the hell was this sweet talker? Some corny player from the eighties.

I walk down the hall leading to Becca's room. My hand tracing down the wall the entire time. Becca's door is wide open. I stand in the middle surveying the area. The some of the clothes that had been in the dresser where now tossed all over the floor. Her favorite purple baby blanket and blue rabbit plush doll where gone. The lamp on the stand busted on the floor. I did find that odd but I guess if she was in a panic, she probably hit it off when grabbing Becca out of the crib. There was question that didn't make sense who gave then a ride because if they walked, they couldn't get far and Miranda didn't have a car or a license.

I hear a pair of footsteps come up behind me. "Are you finally done flirting so we can get to work?" I growl hiding how uncomfortable and insecure I felt at the moment.

"Jealous?" I hear a playful tone.

"As if, I don't have such time to worry about who you're going to sleep with next and personally could care less." I turn to face him.

Becca is almost two, with brown hair with a strawberry tint to it that touches her shoulders now, blue eyes like a doll, loves to giggle and touch peoples face.

I give him a description of her though she's hard to miss with that pale white skin, body of a model and beautiful long hair. As for what We can expect I shake my head.

"I never even expected this, whoever helped her kept well-hidden as well."

"So basically, we have no leads because you don't know your roomie that well?" His words cut deep. Will I ever see my daughter again where had Miranda taken her?

I nod feeling stupid. His hand falls on my head. I instinctively hit it away. "I'm not weak." I hiss lowly.

"Sure thing, little typhoon, I going to make a few calls today you get some rest tomorrow you're going to show me exactly what you got because I've heard the rumors and I not going into the field with someone who can't even shoot a gun without hitting her partner so be ready to prove yourself. Because you're going to get a crash course while we dig up leads." He where's a smug smile on his face looking down at me.

"We don't have time for these games," I say not in the mood to play nice. "Not going to waste my time on trivial things when my daughter slips further from my grasp."

"Shut it!" I jump at his shout. "You have no leads not even sure it was your roommate that took her, as you said this is out of character. Also, if we find her and you have to shoot a weapon in some vicinity as her to keep her safe or hell just shoot to survive and you can't a target or at least the right one you could end up killing your child or dying before you find her. Your useless till you can prove me wrong got it."

I glare at him, fighting back every fiber of my being from punching him, but I knew in a way he was right. Thinking about his rationality. I drop my hands to my side and dig my nails into the skin feeling as if they would bleed. I close my eyes and nod. Becca, wait for mommy I will find you. I feel my heart tear thinking about her cold or hungry scared at where she was and even more fearful that I'm already too late and just like my beloved sister She would be. I fight back the tears as my anxiety builds. I push past Maliki and walk down the hall to my room and slam the door shut.