Vengeance For Jenny

Chapter 6 - A Welcome Home 2.3


Having the name board shoved into my ċhėst was not improving my mood. I glared at the insolent man as he walks away with the skank stewardess that had been draped all over him minutes ago. I didn't miss the reeking stench of booze coming off her. I'd have to be drunk as hell to be even ten feet near a man like him, I don't care how defined his face was with his firm jawline, pointed chin, or how deep and piercing his dark blue eyes are his personality was as shitty as the clothes he wore. I felt bad for that poor woman going home with him, I clutch the board in my hands; squeezing my fingertips against it. should just toss it as it was him who made it but I needed to find this guy. I turn the board and face the terminal gates name displayed and wait.

Growing impatient as people come and go and I stand there like a fool. I look at a big digital clock on the wall lit up with big read letters. I read 4:43 it was already an hour and forty-three minutes since the supposed to be arrival time. I was such an idiot. I should have had a sign sooner. Still if I was sent, he should be expecting a ride he wouldn't leave would he.

I pull out my cell from my back pocket tapping the screen it lights up an image of duel Glocks crossing over each other like an X appears across the lock screen. Slowly I punch in my four-digit pass code. I look around again there was no sign of anyone that would stand out and like Dodger had said. I sigh and take a deep breath if I missed him this was not going to be good that was for sure. I tab the little phone book Icon with the orange man on it. It pops open the contact screen. I scroll down to Dodgers number. Wavering I desperately look around again. I sigh and squeeze my eyes shut my thump taps his name and the phone begins to ring it was early in the morning but he would be up as he would be waiting to hear I had picked up this Maliki as instructed trouble was that would not be the reason for this call.

"It's about damn time, what you fall so head over heels for him that you had a quickie before calling me." I hear a half joking, half annoyed tone; on the other end.

I clear my throat. "The thing is." I pause.

"The thing is", I hear him voice get deeper.

"Are you sure he was on this flight. I mean could he have missed the plane." The phone on the other end is silent.

"You missed him."

"No!" I exclaim hearing the disappointment in his voice. "I mean I didn't see anyone stand out the way you said no one except some jerk that looked like a homeless drunk with a hooker on his arm. I highly doubt that's who I'm looking for". I blurt out my interaction with that ȧss to Dodger who then begins to laugh on the other end.

I didn't get what was so damn funny and I really didn't like how he was laughing on the phone as he asked for details.

"You're right we don't have any homeless men working here. Forget it he's long gone. Go home and meet me in my office in about four point five hours. I groan. Seriously, was there any point in going home to even sleep if I had to get up so early? It would likely take me an hour just to get to sleep.

There was no point trying to argue and ask for more sleep this stubborn man was a brute despite the looks of a charmer. He'd tell me to get over it and stop acting like a child this was the life I chose. I grumble cursing under my breath I was already so tired from lack of sleep over last few years and bullshit I've put up with and then this tonight when I barley had any rest. This suċkėd majorly. If only I hadn't met him, I might have found who I was looking for and Dodger wouldn't be making me suffer more.

"What did you say." I here in growl on the other end of the phone.

"Nothing," I reply sighing. "I will see you in a few hours sir."

"That's better." You can hear his conceited, yet playful tone over the phone.

Taking one last look around I turn on my heals, heading for the exit dropping the jerks sign board in a trash receptacle as I pass by near the exit of the two duel sliding glass doors. I Step out taking a deep breath into the morning air and release it. The morning was going to be hell. Not because of the lack of sleep. Though it does suck as I wasn't asleep when I got the call, I was cleaning up the house after putting Miranda to bed. So, if I don't go home now and try to get at least a few hours of sleep I will have none.

I stare up into the dark sky it was hard to see the stars here but they're their I know it and so was my sister. She is looking down on me, she is waiting for me to finish my promise. I run my hands through my hair suddenly feeling restless. I decided to just go to the office I had a change of clothes I kept in my locker and a tooth brush. The training facility had a shower room I could freshen up there. Working I could go over missions that are requested of us. I checked them religiously waiting for the day I could return and take action on the man who, I choke up unable to finish that thought. I would end him if it was the last thing, I did that was for sure.

I crossing the parking lot I open the door to my pick up listening to the door scream in agony from rust. I climb in and slam it closed knowing full well if I don't it won't shut all the way. I really need a new car. The guy would probably be relieved to know he dodged climbing into this truck. I turn the key in the ignition tapping the gas a little till it starts you. Sliding it into first I start the crawl as I leave the parking lot stopping to pay for the time parked which Dodger better pay for. Then Shifting higher I speed off toward the office.

I don't know when I dozed off but when I open my eyes I blink in shock and horror. The homeless man was sitting in front of my desk smirking at me amused. Papers scattered all around me and my computer screen was even still unlocked anyone could get into its info. I jump up quickly hitting the escape key on my keyboard in panic making the screen close out the files open.

I hear a stifled laugh. "If I worried about that you shouldn't leave it open before you feel asleep on the job. Also make sure you don't claim the hours you slept for." I feel my face turn red from embarrassment and frustration who the hell was he to tell me this.

"Listen here I don't know who you are but."

"Jenny, Maliki, good; seems you too have already got acquainted." Dodgers Cheerful words burn in my ears as I look from him to the man at my desk eyes wide. Then it hits me. Son of a bitch he knew I was looking for him and he left me there standing for him didn't he. I glare at this jerk who's smiling charmingly like he's all business.