Vengeance For Jenny

Chapter 7 - Not Your Partner 3.1

Chapter 3

"Keep glaring at me like that darling and I am going to think you actually want a piece of me too." I say though they could be taken to ways I lower my voice in a lower sėxy vibrato deep tone as to nearly sing the sentence in seduction at her as I glare back at her.

Honestly after I left her at the airport, she's all I could think about. It was the first night in my life I didn't imagine mȧkɨnġ ŀȯvė to Anna but yet to the fiery red head who I wanted at that moment on passion once I got the stewardess to my place all I could see was her lashing out at me and my need to tame her as I roughly grabbed hold of her. Pinning her against the wall. My free hand slipping under that that top and squeezing the hell out of her perky brėȧsts even if I didn't know what they looked like I imagined it all. She cries out to stop even try to squirm from my grip but I wrap my arm around her waist pulling her close to feel my full hard on as I press my body against her. I whisper in her ear gently cooing at her my dėsɨrė to have her. To feel her relax a little as I scoop her up wrapping her thɨġhs around my waist as I walk to the bed and toss her down on it. Looking down at her. The half-scared cat the other half a fiery panther ready to strike at you.

I never knew one woman could affect my subconscious so much from such a short meeting. However pretending to have sėx with her made it the best sėx I had ever had and When I woke though I knew I looked tired my house was a mess with booze bottles that I had yet to clean and I had a woman asleep in my bed I was eager to come in to the office for the first time ever. I just didn't expect to find the woman of my sėx fantasy asleep at her desk so defenseless.

I had decided to just sit there and watch her though not sure why but watching her makes me feel like my old self again. Calm and at peace, well at least while she's asleep. It was still weird though to be calm and at peace though the old me would have been frustrated as hell at the mess on her desk. However; I just folded my arms across my ċhėst leaning back in my chair let foot up resting over the top of my right thɨġh. It didn't take long to watch her stir; she must have sensed my eyes on her. She looked up at me groggily. When her eyes focused the color on her face noticeably drained as she jumped up in her seat. I watched her scramble to close her computer and gather the files on her desk like a child that just got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the severity of her reaction which would have been way to late if I had been an intruder snooping around. Just as I start to lecture her playfully Dodger walks in and I can't help but groan at his timing. Also, more so add him letting the cat out of the bag the second he sees us and calls my name. Her eyes go from shock, to daggers of death in three point two seconds. I stand and walk around the wooded desk chair to face Dodger.

"Hey Dick, thanks for such a pleasant welcome yesterday." I hear the little pixie he called Jenny cough as if choking on air. I look over my shoulder her eyes almost pleading for me not to tell him everything that happened between us. I smirk back mischievous.

Dodger laughs "Well I figured it was better that you know what you're dealing with first hand before you had to fake pleasantries. Though leaving her standing there, that's pretty low even for the black cat." Dodger smirks my way crossing his massive arms over his ċhėst.

"What the hell do you mean you wanted him to know what he was getting into? You sound like you're expecting us to spend a lot of time together." This fiery tempered pixie Jenny cuts in, standing up her chair scrapes across the floor, her hands slamming on the desk so loud the noise echo's in the office.

"I do." Dodgers face became serious stating this fact flatly.

"Do not tell me you called me back in a rush to babysit this hot-tempered brat." I growled annoyed.

"Who asked you too? Tell him Dodger, he's mistaken." The girl barked interrupting again.

"It's not a mistake in a sense. I brought him back here to be your partner."

"I don't do partners there nothing but a nuisance and get in my way." I growl and glare at Dodger. What the hell was he thinking. He knows I work alone.

"I couldn't agree more I don't need someone useless getting in my way. I have my own objective." The hot fired pixie shoots off. I swear this girl doesn't know when to shut it or when to stop talking.

I turn glaring down at her words did she seriously just call me useless. "Excuse me, coming from someone who is so useless they couldn't even pick someone up from the airport properly who is the one that's truly useless." I taunt back.

She looked as if she wanted to jump over the desk and claw the hell at me.

"Little girl, only those who are worthy have the joy of pinning me to the mat."

"Oh god, are you always such a pig? I meant sparing. Also; if your so much better than me. Why didn't you just act like a grown up and tell me you were the one that I had been waiting for?" She went from poking to shoving my left shoulder she was on edge standing in front of me but I almost wanted to laugh. She was short and hardly looked intimidating, and it was cute as hell seeing her purse her lips together in anger trying to look scary.

"Someone is perverted, I meant you didn't have the skills to take me down little typhoon, also you spelled my name wrong. I ȧssumed it was a different person you were looking for. Maybe next time you should be prepared and fully research your mission and target."


I was so pissed at this bastards' words. He had no idea the circumstances involved with last night, yet he dares judge me. I size him up I was for sure going to kick his ȧss.