Vengeance For Jenny

Chapter 5 - A Welcome Home 2.2

She turns slightly toward the direction of the terminal gates I notice the glare from the corner of her eye as she gives me a quick glance then refocuses in her search. I quirk a smile at a thought. It's not like Dodger couldn't have found out when I was returning as he would have gotten a notice for when money was spent on the company card and he could have checked what it was spend on and called about it from there digging would have gotten my landing time. He had an uncanny ability to get even the most sėnsɨtɨvė info out of people if he wanted it. Clicking my tongue, I walk forward. I watch her body tense before I even tap her shoulder. She spins around as if ready to pounce.

"What?" She barks her arms folded in front of her ċhėst her body defensive as she narrows her eyes a scowl on the almost cutie face that its funny to see her trying to be scary.

"If you don't mind me asking. If you were sent here to pick someone up where is your sign with their name? Her eyes widen as in surprise by my question I notice a slight flush of embarrassment.

"I forgot it, not that it has anything to do with someone like you." Her tone is practically a hiss but when she looks down at her feet, I can't help but chuckle a little.

It makes me want to teach this naïve little girl a lesson for nipping at everyone. Before I left the Feng clan, I would have just ignored her, acted like I always did be a professional offering her help despite her attitude and walked away as to not embarrass Ren or the Feng name but I wasn't there and I have changed. I have fun now. I feel a small smile creep across my face. I look around see a board tossed in the trash.

"Wait here." I say commandingly, I don't miss the hiss of her excuse me in response but I don't stop and explain I was already walking over to retrieve the discarded board. I quickly snatch it and hold it up to show her what I was doing. Her eyes go wide in surprise. I smile bigger as I stroll back over to her.

"Don't suppose you got a pen on you either?"

I ask her knowing the answer but still I figured give her the benefit of the doubt. She didn't disappoint as she shook her head. I quirked my mouth to the side. Fact was I didn't have one either, I look around again when a pretty little flight stewardess comes up and wraps her arms around my left bicep pressing her brėȧsts against it. I look down and notice her flutter her eye lashes at me the shyness more or less gone and instead staking her territory.

"Are you ready to go?" She asks little breathlessly that was so obvious anyone would notice. I smile down.

"Just about, by chance do you have a pen?"

I smirk down at her. Then look back at the spit fired little pixie who looks as if she is suċkɨnġ on a lemon. As if holding back to say something foul or nasty at me. I look back down noticing the stewardess releasing my arm a little. Her small hand in her beige pleather purse dangling around her arm as she rummaged around and then made a joyful cry as if to say she found it. And pulled out a black ink pen and help it up smiling at me. I smiled back at her taking it.

"Thank you darling." I drawl out the last word more annunciated.

Looking back at the pixie I smile waiting for the punchline that I knew was coming.

"I'll write the name that way we get the pen back." I watch her suddenly glare again. I smile more.

"Name?" I say again an amused tone in my voice.

I chuckle "not my pen need to make sure it gets back to the owner besides you don't tell me you don't get a name board and your stuck here not knowing if you miss your mystery guest or not for all you know all this arguing you could have already." I stare more intently into her eyes and she breathes out and sighs after few seconds and I know I have won.


"Maliki." There it was, I stifle a chuckle the bastard had sent this brat for me. Well she was going to learn a lesson for acting like a bitch toward strangers.

"How do you spell it?" She runs her hand through her hair, her head down she was thinking about it.

"M.a.l.i.c.k.i." I write it on the board not correcting her spelling, and hand it to her.

Ready I say looking down now at the stewardess who has waited patiently and is smiling back at me. I almost wonder if she had a shot at the bar for some liquid courage with her change in demeanor but personally didn't care enough to investigate. In the morning she'd be gone. I wrap my arm around her waist turning her toward the exit.

"Good luck!" I call over my shoulder arm raised in a wave. I knew I would see her again no point in saying goodbye.

I escort the small cute woman in my arms out of the airport, across the pickup and over to the parking to a beat-up pickup. Personally I don't know why Dodger had her come to get me why he went through the trouble of finding out when I was returning when he knows I generally drive myself but whatever he was thinking he sent the wrong person as a welcoming committee and she was going to learn a life lesson. I laugh softly closing the door behind the woman I didn't even know the name of as I imagined the short fiery pixie getting madder and madder, as she waited holding that stupid sign and no one ever shows well I mean technically I did show but she won't know it. I laugh again before climbing in thinking of the beat red face. Anna's face flashes before my eyes thinking of the similarities. I shake my head fuċk me I curse myself pulling open my door and climb behind the wheel. I put her and Anna out of my mind peeling out of the airport getting as much distance as possible for tonight. I had one objective now and that was getting this woman in my bed. Feeling her nȧkėd flesh against mine, and satisfying myself.