Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1703: Head down

Although An Qi lowered her head and her face was covered by dirt, Master Odder still saw her shining light.

He approached, then stretched out a hand and wiped An Qi\'s face slightly.

The overseer on the side saw it and hurried over: "Master Odder, you don\'t need to use your hands for such a humble pariah."

Master Odder shook his head: "No, I think this is good."

After he wiped it lightly, under the dirt, the skin was as white as a baby. For An Qi\'s appearance, it seemed that a sunny day had broken through the dark clouds, finally revealing the tip of the iceberg that made people noticeable.

She is a beauty, at least she should be a beauty embryo.

The overseer was stunned, and he couldn\'t think that these slaves that he was accustomed to would have such a beautiful one.

Why haven\'t found it before.

Lance, who was on the side, cried out badly, and An Qi was discovered.

He knew the fate of a beautiful girl once she was discovered by a nobleman.

They will play with her, bully her, if they are lucky, they will survive, but more often they cannot bear the torture, and...too many such cases.

His fist clenched unconsciously.

Zhang Wanlin watched from the side, and he thought, what if the blade of the wind was suddenly released here to behead these nobles?

"That\'s her."

Master Odder gave his entourage an order: "Take her with you when you go back."


Master Aude. "

The entourage led An Qi behind him.

"You can\'t take her away!!!"

Suddenly, a boy\'s voice sounded from the crowd, and the nobleman, the overseer, the boss, and a group of slaves all looked over here.

A boy was standing in front of everyone with his fist clenched, not afraid, it was Lance.

Zhang Wanlin admired Lance\'s courage, but it was too impulsive.

An Qi raised her head in surprise and looked at the brave boy who stood up for herself. She was so stupid.


A pariah dare to come out to resist? "

Master Odder found it very interesting.

The other two young masters of Odder came over, both with a playful look.

"I have never seen a pariah who dares to do this."

"Brother, let\'s start the second step, it would be better to get straight to the subject."

They came here today, in fact, they have a second purpose.

In addition to looking for slaves to go back, it is just to try the taste of hunting.

Master Aude understood him, and said to the lumberyard boss: "Boss, I bought all these slaves, how about?"

"Ah, Master Odder, did you buy them all?

But what do you buy so many slaves for? "

The boss was surprised.

"A few of our brothers recently came out of the forest for a hunting game. That is to release these slaves into the jungle and let them escape freely. If they can really leave, it is their luck. If they can\'t live without dying in our hands. , That is their destiny.

Boss, how about I open the usual double price? "

If it is double the price, the boss can still accept it.

After all, after buying all the slaves, his lumber yard would be paralyzed, and he would definitely not sell at the usual price, and double was just right.

Quandang sold the real lumberyard.

"Yes, then I will give you all the slaves."


Second brother, give him the money. "

Master Odder smiled all over his face.

The second young master Odder took out the prepared gold coins, which were full of money bags, each of which was gold coins.

The boss quickly took it, but couldn\'t count it, so he thanked him.

Based on his business instinct, the money should have exceeded the specified amount.

It is indeed a good deal.

The untouchables standing on the ground were desperate when they heard that they had been sold again and would be brutally hunted.

It was not like this in the past, and all the slaves who fled were almost wiped out.

Even if you escape by chance, you can only go to the depths of the jungle, and that is the more terrifying place. How can a slave be the opponent of a monster?

All in all nine deaths.

"Master Odder, please let us go, we can do anything for you."

"Yes, yes, or you let us go back, we can be a cow and a horse for you."

"As long as you give us a way out."

Before, there was a illusion that the idea of ​​being selected by Master Odder was completely disillusioned, and the slaves all begged and cried.

It stands to reason that on this occasion, as long as there is a little conscience, all will be moved, but none of these nobles have sympathy, but smiles.

Because they never regarded these slaves as adults, but as a pile of rubbish, dispensable.

Some people pointed the finger at Lance.

"If it weren\'t for you, we wouldn\'t die!"

"It\'s all to blame for your prominence and kill everyone."

"You should bear all this."

These untouchables seemed to have changed their faces and surrounded Lance. If they were to die, they must first pull a back! ! That is Lance! This lawless child.

Lance backed timidly.

The crowd is getting closer.

How can he be a child of these adults?

"If you want to kill him, you should ask me first."

Zhang Wanlin stood in front of Lance and was not afraid of dozens of adults who were stronger than him.

"Good boy, you are not afraid of death, are you.

She even shielded him! "

"If you want to die that way, we will fulfill you."

Zhang Wanlin said indifferently: "Regardless of whether he stands up or not, you all have the same result. You will be banished by these nobles and then hunted down.

Your greatest enemy is not this child, but the nobleman behind you. "

"Don\'t you think about it, at the moment of life and death, unite and kill these nobles?

Maybe you can survive this way. "

There are close to 100 slaves in the lumber yard, excluding the old, the weak, the sick, and the young, and more than 50 people are adults.

These fifty-odd people alone are several times the number of the current nobles and these overseers, and it is entirely possible to kill these nobles on the spot.

But when these people died, they didn\'t think of killing the nobles, but thinking of begging for mercy, thinking of killing slaves of the same class.

It\'s really chilling.

These words were heard by the nobles on the side.

The boss first began to worry. If these slaves were reactionary, there would be no way to stop them with just a few supervisors, and maybe they would die here.

No one has said such things in the slavery system for hundreds of years. How come a person suddenly stands up and speaks such rebellious things and incites rebellion.

Still a kid.

"This kid is interesting."

Master Audder praised, "At the moment of life and death, thinking and thinking are clear."


If it were not a slave, there might be a lot to do. "

The second young master Audder responded.

"Then hunt him first later, right?"

Young Master Audder spoke.

An Qi has been quietly standing aside, Lance\'s performance was enough to surprise her, but the boy\'s performance surprised her even more.

He actually said things like killing nobles.

How brave it is.

However, she likes such a boy more in her heart.

"Asshole thing, what are you talking about!?

Dare to say such silly things to the nobles? "

"Kill the nobleman?

Thank you for speaking out. "

"If you are rebellious against the nobleman, then we will kill you instead of the nobleman!!"

The slaves yelled, fighting high.

Some people actually do it to behave in front of the nobles.

Now that a rebellious person finally appears in the team, how can he show his loyalty in front of the nobles?

Maybe the nobles are in a good mood, they will let themselves go.