Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1702: Come back quietly

When Zhang Wanlin and Lance came back quietly, the logging yard was full of excitement. Obviously, the sight of the fire just now directly shocked the place.

An overseer looked at the place where there was originally the fire: "I thought there was a big fire in the forest, but now it seems that it should have been extinguished."

"It\'s very likely that bounty hunters are hunting monsters. Otherwise, how could there be some unexplainable fire in the forest?"

"If you really are a bounty hunter, then you should be a powerful magician."

If it is in daylight, these supervisors will probably send someone to check it out, but in the evening, when the monsters are out, it\'s better not to get angry.

Zhang Wanlin and Lance remained silent, appearing low-key among the untouchables.

A pariah is not worthy of magic.

If they knew that all this was caused by an untouchable magic, they would definitely treat Zhang Wanlin as a monster, or kill them directly.

He will not be allowed to live in the world individually.

In the middle of the night, things finally calmed down, and the overseer urged the untouchables to sleep in preparation for tomorrow\'s noble selection.

I heard that tomorrow there will be a group of prominent nobles, and every untouchable present may be selected.

This should be a better thing for untouchables than staying in this place and doing coolies.

Sleeping with Zhang Wanlin, Lance suddenly whispered: "Master, how long can we leave?"

"Don\'t call my master, it will cause unnecessary trouble."

Zhang Wanlin reminded.

"Then... call you Zhang Wanlin?"


"When can we leave?"


"Well, can you bring one more person, I don\'t want her to stay here, and I don\'t want her to be taken away by those nobles."

Zhang Wanlin, who was still studying synthetic magic, glanced at Lance, "Who do you want to take away."

"That\'s a girl, about the same age as us.

You may not have noticed her, but she is really beautiful.

If she is favored by aristocrats or something, it will definitely hurt her.

So I hope you can take her away. "

Lance pleaded, extremely sincere.


what is her name? "


After speaking, Lance fell asleep at ease.

Zhang Wanlin wondered if this kid liked other girls, or else the only one among so many untouchables wanted to help her?

He thought for a while, and once again focused his energy on synthetic magic.

Now there are 15,782 synthesis points. It should be possible to synthesize a high-level magic, right?

Zhang Wanlin chose the big fireball technique and the hurricane technique for synthesis.

A system prompt sounded in my ears: "Big Fireball + Hurricane synthesis requires 1000 synthesis points, is it synthesis?"

synthesis! "Congratulations on obtaining the Hurricane Fire.

Fire Hurricane: Elementary magic, a fusion magic of fire element and wind element.

Under the blessing of the wind element, the flame will have a more violent burning effect, which is several times stronger than the general flame. "

Then combine again! "Hurricane of Fire + Hurricane of Fire requires 10,000 synthesis points. Is it to be synthesized?"

so tall! ?

Zhang Wanlin was surprised secretly. He was thinking of synthesizing high-level magic with these more than 10,000 synthesis points, but now it seems to be a daydream.

With so many synthesis points, it should be possible to synthesize a high-end magic, right?

He thought so.

synthesis! "Congratulations on obtaining the Fire Storm spell.

Fire storm, intermediate magic, mixed magic of fire element and wind element.

Let the flame spread to the entire storm, and the storm is full of flames.

Large-scale destructive magic, reminder, don\'t use it lightly. "

Finally came an intermediate magic.

Zhang Wanlin breathed a sigh of relief, and didn\'t know the power of this magic.

How many synthesis points are needed for two intermediate magic synthesis?

"Firestorm + Firestorm requires 123234 synthesis point, whether to synthesize."

Zhang Wanlin was taken aback, and it reached more than 100,000...Sure enough, high-end magic is different, and the synthesis points are all outrageous.

Now he has 4782 left, and he can also synthesize a small magic.

This time Zhang Wanlin chose hurricane and hurricane.

"Hurricane + hurricane synthesis point requires 400 points, do I need to synthesise?"

synthesis! "Congratulations on obtaining the wind blade technique.

Wind blade technique, elementary, wind elemental magic.

Each wind blade is compressed by the wind to cut the enemy quickly. "

Reunite! "Wind blade + wind blade synthesis shop requires 2000 synthesis points, do you want to synthesize?"


"Congratulations on getting the Blade of the Wind.

Wind Blade, elementary, wind elemental magic.

The wind is compressed into a huge wind blade, and it cuts quickly forward, which is very sharp. "

this is not bad.

Now there are 2382 synthesis points left, Zhang Wanlin does not plan to continue synthesis, the current magic is enough.

On the second day, the workers did not work as usual, but lined up neatly, as if they were being inspected by the leader.

The first is the big boss of the logging farm speaking on stage.

He said: "Everyone, the Odder family will come in a little while. He is a big family that is well-known near and far. This choice will be of great benefit to you and me.

So be sure to perform well. "

Who hasn\'t heard of the Odd family?

Typical business people.

Doing business in ore, wood, silk, etc., the business spreads all over the country.

According to reports, as the head of Odder\'s family, he even mastered high-level magic: Thunder of the Heavens, firmly sitting in the top three positions in the business world.

Many untouchables are looking forward to it, hoping that they can be selected and get out of such a difficult place.

Lance quietly pointed a direction to Zhang Wanlin, and a shaggy girl was standing diagonally opposite.

She has short hair, her face is as dirty as her clothes, and her figure is thin.

Only a pair of bright eyes makes people pay attention.

She does not look like a girl, but like a boy.

As for being beautiful, let alone being beautiful.

Zhang Wanlin said to Lance: "I will let her go with us."

The people of the Odd nobles came quickly.

This is a long line of luxury and luxury.

They are all glamorous, wearing bright red clothes and bright long-tube shoes.

There are 15 people in total.

Three of them are the three sons of the Odder family, and the rest are guards.

"Master Odder is here, our place is really brilliant."

The owner of the lumberyard hurriedly greeted him.

The usually fierce supervisors also showed smiles.

In front of the arrogant nobleman, they lie on the ground like dogs, wishing to lick the soles of other people\'s shoes.

"It\'s getting late, let\'s start."

Master Odder said.

The three young masters of the Odd family passed by these untouchables in turn, looking at each of them.

Take away the satisfied ones, skip the unsatisfied ones.

The young master paused for a long time in front of Zhang Wanlin, then walked away, and then paused again in front of An Qi. This time he seemed to have found the slave he was looking for.