Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1704: High above

In their thoughts.

Nobles are aloof and possess supreme authority, so they are only worthy to sacrifice their knees and bow down to the ground.

How can you kill a nobleman?

how come! ?

Killing aristocrats involves many aspects and is very involved.

A nobleman represents a family. If a nobleman is killed, then the family power behind it must be offended.

Even if you escape to the ends of the world, you will die.

Secondly, in terms of law, this is absolutely not allowed, and the state will send someone to deal with it.

Again, nobles are not so easy to kill, especially slaves.

Nobles have healthy bodies, strong physiques, and — powerful magic.

They all have at least elementary-level killing magic, so what do they use to fight them?

Totally impossible.

This is also the direct reason why the slaves didn\'t even think about it.

Zhang Wanlin was thinking about starting a fight later and accidentally hurting these people. Now it seems that death is not a pity! Facing the getting closer and closer to the slave, his expression stunned: Blade of the Wind! The wind howled.

Sand and stone rolling.

The noisy slaves were completely silent.

In an instant, blood splashed all over the world.

Countless heads fell on the ground, presenting the most terrifying scene.

The wind blade is a wind attribute magic. The giant blade made of it is basically difficult to distinguish the appearance. The main sign is the wind.

No one noticed just now, and after a gust of wind blew, several people\'s heads were blown off.

Everyone was frightened.

"This slave...This slave is a mage!!"

"He has powerful magic!"

"How can a slave have such powerful magic?"

The crowd panicked completely and began to flee in all directions.

In their eyes, the child in front of them is no longer a child, but a cursed evil.

Killing so many people just now, he didn\'t even blink his eyes.

The nobles were even more surprised.

How can a slave have magic! ?

Is this a slave?

The entourage firmly protected several nobles.

Master Odder looked surprised: "What kind of magic was that just now?

The wind blade does not seem to be the wind blade. "

If it was a wind blade, it could not be as powerful as it is now, but if it was not a wind blade, what was it?

This magic is unseen and unheard of.

The third young master Odder walked out of the protection circle with excitement on his face: "Isn\'t it interesting that a slave can do magic?"

Even more enjoyable than killing other people! "

As he said, he quickly coalesced the magic elements, and a stream of water condensed around him.

As a nobleman, he still has the confidence to be more than a slave in magic.

After all, it\'s just a slave. No matter what it will be a slave, what reason is there to defeat the nobles?

An Qi was rushed aside by the panicked crowd, and now no one cares about her.

She looked at the boy incredulously. He used magic just now... Is there anything more surprising than this?

"Aren\'t you trying to take An Qi away?

Find her now, take her as far as possible, don\'t get caught. "

Zhang Wanlin said to Lance.

"how about you!?"

Lance asked.

Can\'t make up his mind.

Zhang Wanlin is his master, he doesn\'t want to give up, but An Qi..."Don\'t worry about me.

They can\'t kill me with my strength. "

"That night forest, no, master, take care.

I will come to you. "

Lance went, leaving only Zhang Wanlin standing there.

In fact, Zhang Wanlin\'s state is not as good as he is now. In fact, he was a little dizzy because of mental exhaustion.

Although the blade of the wind just now is a primary magic, it consumes too much.

It seems that it is the same elementary magic, and it has its own different damage and consumption of mental power. Facing these nobles who can magic, instead of releasing small magic, it is better to have a big one! Intermediate magic! Unleashing the Fire Storm technique involves too much scope, and Zhang Wanlin estimates that the entire logging farm may fall into flames, and no one will survive.

What he worried about was whether Lance and the others would survive.

But right now, I can\'t think of so much.

Then use it.

Fire storm! When his thoughts moved, it seemed as if a flame burst out in the depths of his heart.

The **** of flames is coming.

The third young master Audder gathered the water blade, floating behind him, like a weapon made of ice crystals.

But soon a strange phenomenon occurred.

The water blade is evaporating! The steaming hot air appeared on the water blade, and it was turning into steam and getting smaller every second.

what is happening?

At the same time, the three young masters of Odder all felt an overwhelming magical aura, like a sign of wind and rain.

"How can there be such a powerful magical atmosphere?

! "

"Who the **** sent it out?"

"Look at it quickly."

Accompanied by the cry of the second young master Odder, the three young masters all looked at a little boy in front of them.

I saw him standing with his eyes closed, the strong fire element flying around like strips of bright red silk, causing his clothes to swing under the violent wind and heat waves, looking from a distance, like a **** of war with flames.

This...everyone who saw it was dumbfounded.

This slave is not simple! Master Odder took the lead in regaining his senses: "How do you look at this magic is also an intermediate magic, we must quickly leave without forming!"

"But he is just a slave, is he an intermediate magic that can be used?"

Young Master Audder disagrees with this.

"Is it the time for idiots to care about this now?

Go! "

They got on horses one after another and quickly left the logging yard.

Lance finally found An Qi and took her away quickly.

An Qi asked: "Do you care about your companions?"

Lance replied, "I have to send you to a safe place first."

In the chaotic crowd, An Qi saw the stalwart figure of a boy under the blazing flames in the distance, which immediately filled her whole mind.

The so-called gods are probably like this, right?

The air began to heat up, the sparks that appeared out of thin air began to burst, and within the blink of an eye, hundreds of meters in a circle were covered with a golden color of heat flow.

The flame tornado quickly took shape with Zhang Wanlin as the center, sweeping everything around it unscrupulously.

Under the pulling force of the wind, the trees were uprooted, and countless pieces of wood flew to the center of the tornado. For a while, everything was approaching the tornado, and the air was densely packed with debris flying quickly.

The essence of a tornado is a group of burning flames, standing like a fiery giant between the sky and the earth.

Countless things pulled by the wind will turn into fly ash in this flame storm and become part of the flame.

At the same time, the ring of flames spread out from the tornado as the center one after another, and everything they passed was a sea of ​​flames.

In a short period of time, the forest centered on the logging farm was completely reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

Even though they are a hundred meters away, they can still feel the high temperature brought by the gust of wind, baking them on the Odder.

Behind them, there were guards who were pulled away by the wind one after another, flying to the turbulent flame storm.

Needless to say, once inside, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.