Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1701: Strong wind

The wind was blowing everywhere.

The flame element visible to the naked eye appeared right around it, showing that the interwoven fire belts entangled with each other and gathered on Zhang Wanlin\'s outstretched palms, bursting into small sparks.

This fireball lit up a small red light in the woods, dispelling the cold and illuminating the darkness.

Lance\'s eyes widened while watching from the tree. This was magic.

Zhang Wanlin actually knows magic! ! ! In the dead of night, most of the goblins in the goblin camp are sleeping, and the busyness of the day makes each of them exhausted.

It\'s late at night, it\'s time to sleep soundly.

In fact, they also have guardian goblins, but don\'t expect them to do anything, unless they lose sleep, they won\'t respect guards and stick to ethics.

Laziness is that goblins always urinate.

So when the fiery red sun almost illuminated the entire camp, there was not a single goblin found in the huge camp.

Since he was going to destroy a camp, Zhang Wanlin thought it would be better to gather more energy, so as to be foolproof.

But one flaw is that it is easy to find.

This move undoubtedly broke the boat.

When the fireball crossed one meter in diameter, the heat around it was not what it used to be.

The vegetation within three meters of nearby evaporates quickly, and then dries up.

Even Lance on the tree can feel this powerful heat wave.

He was horrified now, looking at Zhang Wanlin without blinking his eyes.

At this moment, Zhang Wanlin is holding the sun high, awe-inspiring...like gods descending.

The strong wind pushed the heat wave into the camp, and these sleeping goblins only felt the hot stream of heat on their faces, as if they were in a hot stove.

The sun came out so soon?

Why is it so hot?

It\'s hot.

The goblins woke up from their deep sleep, and at the first glance they opened their eyes and saw a fiery red sun rising at the end of their vision.

This is... the head of the Goblin looked at the sun very ecstatically, and it took him a long time to feel the powerful magical aura contained in it.

This is...this is...magic! ! ! Enemy attack! ! ! Enemy attack! ! ! It called frantically, hoping that the community could evacuate quickly.

But it was too late.

Zhang Wanlin felt that the fireball was almost gathered, and the current situation did not allow him to gather any longer.

He held the big fireball and threw it to the camp under the slope.

This big fireball hit the earth like the fall of the sun.

Where did the goblins have seen such fireballs, shouting for their lives, howling ghosts and wolves, and the camp was in chaos.

As the fireball approached, the camp was illuminated in golden color, and then all golden.

The heat wave burned everything, and the surrounding area began to ignite spontaneously under the high temperature, and the fire was raging.

None of the goblins escaped, all of them were in the sea of ​​fire.

Their skin feels hot and hot, their noses are filled with flames of smoke, and their breath of life is quickly being deprived.

The Goblin Patriarch was chanting a spell and wanted to use magic, but... it was too late, and the fireball was in front of his eyes and became his whole world.

boom! ! ! The fireball finally landed on the ground, exploding a cloud of flames, and rushing straight into the sky.

Just now, the camp where Guiwailanglanghou was completely quiet, there was no sound in this world except the sound of burning flames.

"Ding, kill a goblin and get 250 synthesis points."

"Ding, kill an elite goblin and get 500 synthesis points."

"Ding, kill a Goblin patriarch and get 1000 synthesis points."

... Constant news appeared in Zhang Wanlin\'s mind, but he only admired the magnificent scene he had created-the sea of ​​fire in front of him, which I have to say is spectacular.

Lance on the tree was almost stunned. The big fireball just now directly reduced the entire Goblin camp into a sea of ​​flames.

This is too... too powerful.

It was only now that he finally understood why Zhang Wanlin could be so confident.

He really has confident capital.

He knows magic, so his identity should be great, how can he become a slave here?

Lance walked up to Zhang Wanlin: "Zhang Wanlin, you really made me look at me with admiration."

Zhang Wanlin smiled: "Now you should know that I have the ability to take you out, right?"


Suddenly, Lance fell to his knees, "Zhang Wanlin, you will be my master from now on, and I will serve you all my life."

"What is this nonsense."

Zhang Wanlin quickly helped Lance up: "We are called friends. I am your friend, not your master."

"No, you are my master."

Lance felt that Zhang Wanlin must be someone who knows magic. As for being a slave, there must be a compelling reason.

Since it is a big man, it will not suffer a loss.

"Master, I, Lance, will follow you from now on, sharing life and death together!"

Zhang Wanlin couldn\'t laugh or cry when he saw that there was no law to persuade him.

"Don\'t talk about it for now, since the goblin camp has been destroyed, let\'s go down and see if there is anything valuable.

There should always be something valuable in a camp. "

The two came down the **** and began to rummaged in the camp of flame embers.

I have to say that this fireball is so powerful that it burned almost everything into black ashes.

Zhang Wanlin found copper coins, a few silver coins, and a gold coin from the remains of the corpses.

Then there are the worthless metal decorations.


Suddenly Lance shouted in the distance: "Here is a good thing."

Zhang Wanlin walked over and saw Lance holding a delicate scroll in his hand.

magic! ! This is a one-time magic learning scroll! In order to engage in magic monopoly, those chambers of commerce almost sell this kind of magic scrolls, as long as they learn, the scrolls will be automatically destroyed to prevent others from learning again.

Moreover, individual magic has been forbidden and cannot be passed on to others.

Lance took the magic scroll to Zhang Wanlin, "Master, this magic is worth 10 gold coins. If we sell him, we will have money."

Lance was not a magician, but a poor untouchable. When he got this magic scroll, of course, his first idea was to sell, not to learn.

But for Zhang Wanlin, the first idea is naturally to study, what he lacks now is magic! He opened the scroll, and the magic written on it immediately appeared before his eyes. It was the primary magic: hurricane.

Zhang Wanlin\'s magical talent allows him to activate the learning mechanism as soon as he comes into contact with the existence of magical connections. Don\'t look at him simply, he is already learning.

"The progress of learning hurricane is 10%."

"The progress of learning hurricane is 40%."

"The progress of learning hurricane is 100%.

Congratulations on learning the new magic hurricane. "

"Hurricane, elementary magic wind elemental magic, can control the wind element to form a hurricane, and then create strong wind pressure to block the enemy."

In terms of damage, the hurricane and fireball, which are both primary magic, are simply incomparable.

But what if the two are combined with each other?

Zhang Wanlin killed a total of 41 goblins, 30 ordinary goblins, 10 elite goblins, and 1 goblin chief.

A total of 15,782 synthesis points were obtained.

In theory, there is no elementary magic that cannot be combined.