Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1700: power

I\'m not talking about this.

What I am talking about is that we escaped by ourselves. "

Zhang Wanlin said.

"Why do you think like that?"

The boy was surprised, "They are all around here. If they are found, they will be killed."

"What if I can take you away?"

"...Zhang Wanlin, we can\'t escape."

Always, the little boy firmly believed that he could not escape. If he could not escape, why did he escape?

The corpses of those untouchables who tried to escape are now unforgettable in his mind.

No wonder he thinks so stubbornly.

It\'s like a small image being tied to a tree stump by a rope. When it grows up, it has the power to break free of the rope, but its mindset is to always think that the rope can\'t break free.

Zhang Wanlin sighed and could only give up.

He thought he would take away at least one person before leaving here.

It seems impossible to bring it.

"Zhang Wanlin."

The little boy called him suddenly.


"If you really have a chance to take me out, I\'m not afraid even if it will die.

My name is Lance. "

"I will take you out."

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Wanlin\'s mouth.

Another night, Zhang Wanlin left the camp again and came to the position where he had only killed the goblins before.

He believed that since this goblin appeared in this position, it should not be far from their lair.

This time, he came for the Goblin Lair.

He needs more synthesis points so that he can synthesize powerful magic faster.

This time Lance followed.

He will follow anyway.

He thought, since he was going to escape, how could he let Zhang Wanlin work alone, he had to help too.

He didn\'t know what Zhang Wanlin would face.

Zhang Wanlin actually didn\'t have much objection to his arrival. One more person has more power, especially like they are still children now, and they need to be united.

"I need to find the goblin community."

Zhang Wanlin said so.

"What are you looking for the goblin group for?"

Lance was surprised.

You know that goblins are the most dangerous monsters nearby. They just come to provoke them. How can you find them instead?

And it\'s still a community.

Can you imagine the reaction of a group of devil who treats children as a delicacy when they see two children?

That\'s terrible.

"Lance, don\'t worry too much, as long as you find the goblin group, you can step back and I will do everything."

Zhang Wanlin\'s expression seemed confident and strategizing.

"Since you are looking for it, then I will take you there.

I dragged the wood here before, and happened to see many goblins in this position.

If the guess is correct, the goblin community is not far ahead. "

Lance said, taking the initiative to lead the way with a torch.

Soon, the two reached a **** with an open area below, where several tents made of trees and leaves were stationed.

Lance put out the fire and hid aside: "That\'s it.

Goblin camp. "

Zhang Wanlin estimated that the scale of this goblin community should be at least dozens. He didn\'t know whether the power of the fireball technique could cover that far.

His plan is to use the fireball technique to kill the goblins at once.

Seeing Zhang Wanlin looking forward in silence, Lance asked in a puzzled manner: "What does our coming here have to do with running away?"

"I want to clear out this goblin community."

Hearing what Zhang Wanlin said, Lance took a deep breath. Did he hear him wrong?

Or dreaming?

Or maybe the person in front of you is mentally abnormal?

You must know that the goblin community is equivalent to an army, and its strength is extremely terrifying. Even the bounty hunters who often haunt here can avoid it. How can anyone want to challenge the entire goblin community with one person\'s power?

Moreover, Zhang Wanlin is still a 15-year-old child, who is not an adult at all, so what does he use to fight with goblins in such a thin group?

Fantastic Nights.

"Zhang Wanlin, let\'s not make a joke, okay?

I have a hard time trusting someone, don\'t you..." "I\'m telling the truth. "

Zhang Wanlin said seriously, "You\'ll know later.

Now can you tell me the specific combat powers of this goblin group? "

When he first came to this world, Zhang Wanlin didn\'t understand these systems very well, and the memory in the original master\'s brain was very small in this respect.

He needs to understand the opponent\'s strength system in order to further estimate the probability of success this time, and then take a plan.

Even if this community cannot be completely destroyed, at least one round must be played.

In order to make Zhang Wanlin give up, Lance said: "Goblins are roughly divided into three types.

The first type is the common goblins, which have average combat effectiveness. We usually see the kind of goblins. "

"The second type is the elite-level goblins. Their strength is to serve as a certain commander in the goblin group, and their individual combat capabilities are very strong.

They can also be distinguished from their appearance. Generally speaking, they are a bit stronger than ordinary goblins. "

"The third type is the patriarch of the goblin group. There can only be one goblin group, and it has deep wisdom.

The wisdom of a goblin patriarch is equivalent to that of an adult, and he is very capable of learning.

The most important thing is that this one is magical and very dangerous. "

Hearing the word magic, Zhang Wanlin\'s expression brightened. Now what he lacks is magic. If he can see the other party casting spells, he can learn.

However, if the opponent casts a spell, then oneself will be able to fall into a dangerous situation.

"Like this community, I have calculated it before. There are at least ten elite goblins, and a bunch of goblins are about 30."

Lance continued: "Zhang Wanlin, don\'t do stupid things. Once they find out, we will be all over."

He thought that this would persuade Zhang Wanlin, but on the contrary, it made Zhang Wanlin more determined.

It must be done.

"Lance, to avoid accidents, you leave here first."

Zhang Wanlin asked.

"Do you really want it?

! "

Lance could not understand him at all.


It must be done. "

"Well, I\'m talking about it, I won\'t stop you if you do stupid things."

Lance left quickly. The relationship between him and Zhang Wanlin was not so good that they could fight to death together. They all had their own goals: to leave the logging yard.

In fact, he didn\'t go far, but climbed on a big tree not far away. From here, he could just see what Zhang Wanlin wanted to do.

He was puzzled, Zhang Wanlin didn\'t look stupid, and it was impossible to come over in the middle of the night and lose his life in vain. Therefore, there must be a reason for him to stand there so confidently.

The location of the **** is just condescending to overlook all the camps of the Goblin Group.

In this case, Zhang Wanlin would give Zhang Wanlin an excellent attacking advantage.

He was still worried before, if he found the camp, how to use the big fireball technique to make a pot, now it is easy to solve.

Now is the time to apply the power of fireball.

Zhang Wanlin\'s thoughts moved: the big fireball technique! !