Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1699: Buy

At night, the night is concealed, and the surrounding mountains show a gloomy shadow supporting the sky.

Zhang Wanlin finally found a chance to sneak out of the camp logging yard, looking for some creatures who practiced his hands.

With flame technique, he can see the surroundings like a torch.

In the jungle, it was dark all around, and beyond the light of the torch, everyone could not see their fingers.

If a powerful monster rushed out at this time, Zhang Wanlin would have no power to fight back.

He looked around vigilantly, hoping to find a primary monster, at least not to cause any substantial harm.

He is too weak now, there is no doubt that some slight attacks may not be able to withstand.

The whipping received by the day today is still **** even with the clothes open.

After searching for nearly half an hour, I still found nothing.

One of the most obvious reasons is that it is too close to the logging field. Normal monsters will not get too close, and monsters that are too close are very dangerous.

Do you want to search in depth?

Zhang Wanlin thought so.

Due to the prolonged flame technique, his spirit has been exhausted. I am afraid that when he finds the prey, his mental power is no longer enough to support his release of the fireball technique.

He was about to go back home, but saw a pair of faint green eyes in the bushes on the side, like green fireflies flying in the darkness of the jungle.


Zhang Wanlin was startled, and immediately became tense, and his body adjusted to a state of combat readiness.

He only saw a pair of eyes and didn\'t know what monster the other party was.

No matter what the other party is, the other party sees him at the same time as he sees it anyway.

Obviously, both sides regarded each other as hunters\' prey.

A one-meter-high goblin hiding in the bush.

It left the race to find prey in the middle of the night.

It is so hungry that it hasn\'t had a good meal for a few days.

The reason I got here is that I smelled the food.

There is a logging farm nearby that has long been the consensus among monsters, and it is also the easiest place to find food here.

Usually those slave leaders would leave some exhausted corpses to feed them.

It thought it would be the same situation this time, but not the same.

This is a living person.

And it seems to be magical.

Magic is a dangerous signal, and each of them is dangerous.

However, what made the goblins courageous was that this person looked very small, probably still a child among humans.

Moreover, with ragged clothes, messy hair, and skinny, he looked no different from those so-called slaves.

It\'s just a little magic. What\'s so scary?

The goblin licked the corner of his mouth greedily and decided to enjoy the delicacy.

"come out!"

Zhang Wanlin stared at the position in front of him and shouted, deliberately acting fiercely, facing fierce monsters, the only thing he could do was to be more fierce than others.

The green eyes moved, and then a rickety goblin stood out from the bush.

It has green skin, bald head, pointed nose and pointed ears, and it is wrapped in animal fur and grass to make clothes.

The whole looks like an old witch.

Compared with other monsters, goblins have a unique advantage in that they have wisdom and can use tools.

Recently, some bounty hunters have discovered that they will organize an army, emphasize cooperation and so on.

What goblins like most are human beings, especially women and children.

Women can pass on them from generation to generation, and children are their delicacy.

The goblin in front of him had a grinning face, dragging it down from the corner of his mouth, showing a crystal clear silk thread.

very disgusting.

It turned out to be a goblin, and Zhang Wanlin now has a bottom in his heart.

If it is a goblin, then fireball should be able to defeat it.

In my impression, although the goblin is smart, he is not strong, especially his body is weak, just like his current physique.

"I~Yummy~" The goblin slowly approached, "Delicious...hehe..." Zhang Wanlin stepped back slowly, forcing himself to calm down, and his mind moved: fireball! The flame between the palms ignited, forming a fireball.

The goblin was obviously taken aback and felt even more dangerous, but it had already reached this point, how could it give up?

It rushed up, Zhang Yawu claws rushed towards Zhang Wanlin.

Zhang Wanlin smashed the gathered fireball technique on the goblins at the same time.

The moment the two came into contact with each other, Boom! Sparks flew everywhere.

A slight explosion sounded in the quiet jungle.

It\'s like a thunder and lightning just made the surrounding brighter, and then went out.

The charred corpse of the goblin lay quietly on the ground, smoked all over his body, and his wide-eyed eyes couldn\'t squint.

Zhang Wanlin breathed a sigh of relief next to it, looking at the wound on his arm that was torn by his nails. It was too dangerous just now.

If he is a step late, he is probably lying here.

He also didn\'t expect that a fireball technique would be so powerful, that only one would kill the goblins.

In fact, he didn\'t know that fireball can exert at least twice the power after controlling the distance.

"Ding, kill a goblin and get 290 synthesis points."

Zhang Wanlin intends to use these synthesis points to continue to strengthen the fireball technique.

"Fireball + Miniature Fireball requires 150 synthesis points, do you want to synthesize?"

Zhang Wanlin shook his head to see if there is another synthesis path.

"Fireball + Fireball requires 300 synthesis points, do you want to synthesize?"

Adding the remaining 10 synthesis points from the previous synthesis, Zhang Wanlin happens to have 300 synthesis points.

synthesis! "The Great Fireball was successfully synthesized.

Fireball, elementary magic, gather a large number of flame elements in your hands, you can explode astonishing group damage.

In theory, the longer the energy gathering time, the wider the power range. "

How could it still be elementary magic?

Zhang Wanlin wondered, it thought that two elementary magics could generate at least one intermediate magic, but it was still elementary magic.

But it should be okay to look at this power.

It was late that Zhang Wanlin returned to the camp to sleep. The little boy sleeping next to him asked him, "Zhang Wanlin, where have you been?"

"I\'m out for a walk."

Zhang Wanlin answered in a low voice.

"So tired during the day, do you still want to go out for a walk?"

The little boy reminded, "If it\'s discovered by those slave owners, that\'s terrible. It\'s better to go out less."


Zhang Wanlin asked him: "If you can leave here in the future, would you like to leave?"

The little boy paused, as if he had never thought about such a problem, "Those businessmen who come here won\'t look at us."

He was referring to the customers who came to pick slaves to buy.

These guests are nobles, human traffickers, or some common people, as long as you have money, no matter who you are, you can choose untouchables as your slaves here.

Of course the best sellers are women.

Their unique advantage is that they can be used for venting, especially some frustrated people at the bottom have a huge demand. They are eager to find a sense of existence and want to vent their desire to be men. Untouchables have undoubtedly become the best choice.

Correspondingly, the price of female untouchables is also different here.

It is usually twice as much as that of men. Of course, for the elderly, sick and physically handicapped, the corresponding rate will be reduced.

The highest selling price is of course high-value female pariahs.

Generally speaking, this is either hidden by the slave owner himself or dressed up to the nobles. These high-end products can only be sold to the nobles to make the most profit.

The nobles are also willing to buy.