Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1698: Loss of human rights

The slave owner next to him lit a flame on his finger with the "flame technique", then lit the cigarette, and baba started smoking.

Another slave owner saw it and walked over: "Unexpectedly, you can also order flames. Help me also order one."

The slave owner used the flame technique again: "It\'s just basic magic, not even the elementary school, and it\'s usually for this.

Others are of little use. "

"Then how much did you pay for it?"

"This one, one gold coin."

"The price has increased again!?

This group of businessmen is too cruel. "

"Magic is like that.

If you want to be high-end, you have to pay more.

no way. "

The two chatted like this.

Zhang Wanlin and the thin child in front of them passed by them carrying the wood, and he noticed the flame technique.

This is magic.

At the same time, such a message appeared in his mind.

"Learn flame technique 10%."

"Learning flame technique 70%."

"Learning flame technique 100%.

Congratulations on obtaining the basic fire element magic: flame spell. "

Zhang Wanlin\'s mind immediately had all the information about the flame technique, including how to generate it, how to release it, and so on.

Magic talent is too strong.

While he was distracted, the thin child in front reminded: "Zhang Wanlin, what are you doing in a daze?

hurry up. "

They can\'t be the slightest negligence, if they are slow, they will be ruthlessly beaten by the slave owner.

Zhang Wanlin speeded up immediately.

The exhaustion of the whole body was immediately wiped out by the magic in his mind.

Can a pariah learn magic?

That is something that I can\'t even think of.

Let alone whether there is that wisdom or not, even money and wealth will not be supported. In addition, it is even more unlikely in terms of identity.

The minimum required status for learning magic is a small-capital city dweller. This is the basic consensus.

During the lunch break at noon, Zhang Wanlin studied in a corner of a deserted place.

Flame technique! ! A small flame lit up on his finger, exuding warmth like a candle.

This magic does not constitute any substantive power, at most for viewing or facilitating life.

Zhang Wanlin only has one magic, I don\'t know if it can be synthesized.

He tried to drag the magic of flame technique into the first synthesis frame, and succeeded.

I tried to drag the flame technique into the second synthesis frame, but it was still successful.

This means that two of the same magic can also be combined.

His heart immediately became excited.

Two flame techniques do not know what can be combined.

"Flame + Flame requires 30 synthesis points, do you want to synthesize?"


"The miniature fireball technique was successfully synthesized.

Miniature Fireball: Elementary fire elemental magic, which uses the power of fire element to converge slightly to form a very small-scale damage magic. "

A brand new magic was born in Zhang Wanlin\'s mind, but he didn\'t expect it to be a primary magic.

He immediately cast it and saw a palm-sized fireball conceived in his palm, constantly tumbling and spinning.

He threw the fireball out and smashed it on the opposite stone wall, leaving a black mark of burning immediately.

The power is okay.

There are still 70 synthesis points, I don\'t know if it can be further synthesized.

Zhang Wanlin immediately started to operate.

"Micro-fireball + micro-fireball synthesis point requires 120 points, do you want to synthesize?"

This is too much.


"Miniature fireball + flame speed requires 60 synthesis points, do you want to synthesize?"

Well, this is not bad, synthetic.

"The fireball technique was successfully synthesized.

Fireball: Elementary elemental magic, converges with the power of fire elements to form small-scale damage magic. "

Zhang Wanlin once again gathered magic in his palm, and a fireball slightly larger than his palm emerged, like a small sun.

He smashed it out with a bang, and the stone wall in front of him showed a large pile of black burning stains.


Xx mental exhaustion has used up all synthesis points. If you want to synthesize again, you need to defeat the enemy to get the synthesis points.

Judging from the power of this fireball technique, it\'s okay to deal with ordinary people, but I don\'t know if it\'s okay to deal with monsters.

Zhang Wanlin thought, beating people is definitely not good, if someone finds out that he can magic, it would be bad.

Moreover, with so many slave owners here, he is weak and impossible to fight.

Still find a monster in the woods to practice hands.

It\'s best to be the most elementary monster.

Monsters often appear in the woods on the edge of this city. The most common ones are goblins and slimes. The two are not terrible. If a big guy like a troll appears, the entire logging farm will be paralyzed.

Bounty hunters often pass by here just to hunt monsters.

This profession is good because it is respected and can get high rewards, but correspondingly, it is very dangerous.

Because this often requires entering the forest hinterland and confronting dangerous monsters.

There are news of bounty hunters\' deaths every day, and many of the untouchables now come from bounty hunters.

They lack arms and legs, so they can only come here.

When working in the afternoon, a team of three bounty hunters riding horses passed by the logging yard.

They were two women and one man, with bright armor, and exceptionally majestic under the heavy beast clothing.

The untouchables were all envious when they saw it.

"This is the bounty hunter, I really envy you."

"Looking at this equipment, the strength should not be small."

"I really want to be a bounty hunter, too, just..." The slave owner waved his whip: "If you envy you, do it, what else are you here for?"

The untouchables have no voice.

Zhang Wanlin looked at the backs of the three bounty hunters for a long time, no matter what angle he started from, he had to leave the logging yard in front of him to become a bounty hunter.

First, you can earn rewards, and second, you can gain synthesis points while defeating monsters.

Although he is weak now, with the experience of the genius boxing champion in the past life, it is not difficult to exercise, as long as the nutrition can keep up.

In addition, his experience in the ring can also make him better survive in the perilous woods.

A woman headed by the bounty hunter looked back and happened to meet Zhang Wanlin\'s gaze, one high above the other, the other looking up, as if from different time and space colliding with each other.

"What are you looking at, kid!!"

The slave owner drew a whip on Zhang Wanlin\'s back.

Zhang Wanlin immediately endured the severe pain and began to work.

He vowed to slaughter this slave owner! ! "Erica, what are you looking at?"

Owen asked behind him, he is the only male in the team, and he is the one who attracts firepower in the battle.

"I\'m looking at that little boy, and I feel he is special."

Erica answered.

"What\'s special about a pariah is just a slave to others, not worthy of sympathy."

Lilian, another companion, also agreed: "I think too.

These people are just untouchables, other people\'s private property, you can see it today, maybe you won\'t see it tomorrow. "

Erica did not answer. She thought in her heart that the untouchable system is unreasonable in this world. Why is it that some people can be born high, and some people will be lowly untouchables?

Loss of human rights?

But she was also a first-order civilian, and it was not her turn to speak.