Urban God-level Selection System

Chapter 1697: Untouchables

With a bang, Zhang Wanlin came to a strange place again.

He crossed again and didn\'t know where he was.

The Kalfa continent at night was shrouded in a dim silver light.

In a lumber yard, a pariah camp.

Zhang Wanlin couldn\'t imagine that he would have crossed.

He was originally a boxer in the boxing world. After five years of his debut, he is known as a genius boxer. In terms of skills, strength, speed, and explosiveness, no one can match him, a boxing talent that is hard to come out in a century.

Defending the world championship in the ring for many years, and has never failed.

Just yesterday in a boxing championship, he won again. Exhausted, he went home and fell asleep. He didn\'t even think he would come to this strange place as soon as he woke up.

More than that, he became a 15-year-old child, covered with dirt, ragged, and scrawny.

He is a standard inferior pariah. How despised are the pariahs, once said by nobles that even if they step on their shadows, they will defile themselves.

There are many untouchables like him, most of them come from villages destroyed by monsters. The villagers are displaced and become untouchables.

Some went into the city to make a living by begging, while some went to the periphery of the city, endured the oppression and exploitation of slave owners, and made a living by quarrying and logging wood.

In this world, in this country, villages are built and destroyed every day, and the untouchables are very mobile.

Today this untouchable is dead, and tomorrow there will be more untouchables to make up for it.

This world is like this, human lives are completely worthless, and humble lives are even less worthless.

Now this time is the time to rest in the evening, and the work during the day makes the entire untouchable camp asleep, and the snoring sounds one after another.

Even the watchman held his weapon and closed his eyes.

They are very dangerous if they are on the outskirts of the city and deep in the hinterland of the forest.

Some monsters or demons often come out in the forest, and no matter how bad they are, they are lower species like goblins and trolls.

Each is dangerous, each is fatal.

But what about it, their lives are worthless, perhaps even more worthless than wood.

Zhang Wanlin thought about all this in his mind, and realized that a comeback is not an ordinary difficulty.

If this body can be as strong as in the previous life, it may be able to make a world of space, but it is so weak and weak, so that he really does not have any confidence.

Moreover, the knowledge of the world is still limited. After all, what kind of comprehensive knowledge of the outside world can a child in a 15-year-old village have?

"Ding! Get the universal synthesis system."

"Get the novice gift package."

An electronic sound rang in Zhang Wanlin\'s mind. Zhang Wanlin couldn\'t believe the electronic virtual picture in front of him, which was presented to him like playing a game.

Sure enough, this should be the treatment that traversers should have.

Let\'s analyze and analyze what is the use of this in the end.

Synthetic system, as the name suggests, is to combine two things into a new, more powerful thing.

Can synthesize everything.

This means that wood, water, flames, etc. can all be synthesized.

In addition, you can also synthesize spells like magic to form new spells.

In short, anything you want can be synthesized.

However, it is not possible to synthesize infinitely. Each synthesis requires synthesis points. The higher the level of the synthesized item, the higher the synthesis points.

The synthesis points need to be obtained by defeating the enemy, and the stronger the enemy, the higher the points obtained.

Currently Zhang Wanlin’s synthesis points are 0.

Now let\'s see what the novice gift pack is.

Open the novice package.

His mind moved.

"Ding, the newbie package opened successfully."

"Randomly get 100 synthetic points."

"Randomly obtained talent: one magic talent."

Magic talent, as long as you see any behavior or thing associated with the magic, you can learn the magic, and the learning speed depends on the associated things and behaviors and its own difficulty.

This is not difficult to understand.

For example, if you see a magic book with a series of magic, you can learn them quickly.

By analogy, seeing someone else cast magic is also an act related to magic, and you can also learn.

This is a talent for bugs.

Zhang Wanlin sighed.

Magic is the only measure of power in this world.

The monsters are powerful and unscrupulously invaded because of magic, rushing to kill people.

Because of magic, the country has launched a defensive project and a power struggle.

It can be said that magic is the core of this world.

With magic, you can become a nobleman, you can become a minister, even a king.

But magic is not something everyone can learn.

Not to mention that the complexity of magic is not acceptable to ordinary people, just to talk about its monopoly mechanism, so that ordinary people lose the opportunity to learn.

Magic is divided into basic, elementary, intermediate, advanced, ultimate, taboo, and there is also a legendary antiquity.

Basic to intermediate magic is more popular in the market, but it needs to be purchased at a high price. Often the price of a magic is enough for a lifelong wealth of a pariah. The price is extremely unreasonable, but the number of people who buy it every year is still endless.

Intermediate to high-level magic is completely monopolized by individual families. Magic depends on the characteristics of the family. For example, the storm family masters the high-level and final-level magic of the storm series.

The Thunder family masters the high and ultimate magic of the Thunder series.

Ordinary people who want to learn and use magic above advanced level must join a certain family or be authorized, otherwise they will be forcibly dealt with as crimes of endangering the country.

As for the ultimate magic, it is the magic that the king and the pope can only master.

The taboo magic above this covers diversity, but has a common feature, which is huge damage and very evil.

Practicing this kind of magic is not allowed, only cultists use it.

The last ancient magic is something that ordinary mortals can\'t touch. It belongs to the unique magic of ancient creatures, such as dragons, giants, elves, and so on.

Under these backgrounds, Zhang Wanlin\'s magic talent is even more precious.

Basically, as long as he sees it, he can learn any magic, using the synthesis system to generate new and more powerful magic.

Isn\'t this just a counterattack road?

I\'m excited to think about it.

However, he is now in the lumber yard, all of them are untouchables, and rarely come into contact with people who know magic, so he still has to find a way to leave this place.

This night just passed.

The next day it was still dark, and the slave owner waved his whip to make these untouchables get up and work.

The job is very simple, which is to cut down the trees in front of them, then cut them, and then put them on the carriage and transport them to the city one by one.

Zhang Wanlin’s job was to lift the wood onto the carriage.

Regardless of the simplicity, the cut wood is at least two meters wide and can\'t be carried by a single person.

Under this weight, only Zhang Wanlin and another child who was thinner than him were really tired to lift the wood into the car.

They are making money with their lives.